Boiiiiii I was confused to get a ping because that's not a regular occurrence with how rarely I say something on the forums. Cheers, Viri, you're a great guy and I hope you know I return the sentiment wholeheartedly. As a matter of fact... now that I'm here:
There's a lot to be said but I'm already someone who tends to ramble a lot, so I'll try to keep things short.
The first names that come to my mind when I look at the topic of this thread are @Ice @Odybld @Lost Lore @Wendel @DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk @Tommy Wiseau @Ironbound
All of you are people that I talk to regularly and sometimes excessively, and you've all come to mean a whole lot to me. If someone asked me who my favourite users on Reborn would be (actually, I'm remembering that more than one person already did ask me this question), you would be the ones I'd name, and I'd find it ridiculously tough to narrow it down even further.
I'm thrilled to know that at least three of you are firmly rooted in my schedule for irl meetups this year (see ya this Saturday, Wendelel!). Always holding out hope for more.
It's really tempting to give each of you a paragraph letting you know exactly what's so great about you, but I'm worried it'll just sound like a hollow repeat of the last time I did that. I like to think I am good enough at sharing my appreciation with you regularly, so hopefully you're not feeling starved of compliments~
Just know that I'm incredibly thankful to have you, and your friendship and support. Talking to you is a blast, and a bright spot on each day.
I also hereby declare each and every one of you cute, and I will take no objections. Just trust me, I'm an expert.
That said, there are a lot more people to be named so let's see who's next in line~ @Eternal Edge @Hukuna the Undying @IntSys @YinYang9705 @TheDW66 @InnocentSerenity @Hycrox @Spineblade @Caradius @Azeria @Sparky
If you're one of these, you probably either suffer from my ridiculously low self-esteem and inability to message you more often because I just DoNotHaveTheGuts and dread the thought of annoying you, oooor you're one of the folks who I mainly chat with on the server. Some of you may even be both! In either case, you're awesome and fun to hang out with and I enjoy our encounters.
Y'all are cool, whether you're someone I talk to every time I'm online, or just whenever there's a topic we share an interest in. It's really quite heartwarming to know that so many of you take the time outta your day to say hi to me and talk to me, and just 'cause we're not necessarily close doesn't mean talking to you isn't an improvement to any day, or that it's meaningless to me.
I don't know if it's odd to mention some of you when I wouldn't consider us extremely close or even necessarily friends, but what all of you have in common is that when I think about what my experience in this community is like, you're on my mind. In a positive way, I mean. That's got to mean something.
But that's not all! There's some more people who deserve to be mentioned!
@Matryoshka and @jasmiinininja ought to be in this post, too. Our interactions mostly happen outside of Reborn nowadays, but I still wouldn't have met ya if it weren't for this place. You're both amazing and I'm proud to call you my friends.
There's also @Jericho , someone who I didn't quite manage to get to know while he was still active. Also I was kind of an ass the last time you tried to talk to me. I'm actually super sorry for that. I was in a very grumpy mood and didn't realize it was you :c Thought someone was trying to troll me, rip. But I've already told you before that I think you were a great auth and seem like a cool person, even if I missed the shot at getting to know you a bit better. Whatever you're doing, I hope you're doing okay.
Since we're on authy appreciation now: @Ikaru and @Zumi aren't people I've had much personal interaction with, but you're a 10/10 nice presence on any chat and I'm not scared of you. Hey now, I'm terrified of people most the time, so that's a genuine compliment! If I weren't so comfortable with bothering Dan a lot then you'd probably be the ones I'd turn to with site issues.
I'm flattered that Ika says my hair is nice and called me smart that one time (for reasons I'm not entirely sure about, but I remember when people are nice to me, mkay?) Zumi's art is A+ and her blog makes my tumblr dash more interesting. Also, this much genuine excitement about flower parades is infectious!
There's probably more people who I could mention because of positive interactions, but I'd be sitting here all day, because a lot of you are cool and it just so happens that we may not have interacted enough for me to feel like I can just tag you in this. I also bet I forgot somebody, because of course I would.