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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. I'm considering re-doing a run with my main save's team after the game is finished, so I can get all the relationship variable points. For E17 I'm just gonna continue the existing file. I do plan on starting an Ice mono with the new episode, though. Was gonna do it sooner, but then SuMo came out and now I really want to use A-Ninetales and A-Sandslash, so I held it back 'til I can get them.
  2. Demolishing Victoria's E16 team with a Klinklang was pretty nice. Type disadvantages stop mattering with Shift Gear + factory field boosts for your attacks.
  3. Hurts like Hell when you see a person you love dearly claim nobody cares about them.

    1. Wolfox


      you gotta resist the urge to hug them so bad

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its a phase that some people need to learn to get the fuck out of.

    3. Alistair


      Guessing it's a cry for attention from someone who feels unhappy/lonely. Be there for them, but don't reward their attitude with excessive attention.

  4. Annnd with that I'm leaving for the airport. Bye Germany, see ya in a month!

    1. Wolfox


      Going away for a month eh? have a good time

    2. HongaarseBeer
    3. Anime


      enjoy your time Ama

  5. Yoooooo, guess what day it is! It's the 18th, and even though the forums don't say a peep about it, I'm gonna go ahead and make the thread: It's @Odybld's birthday! Buddy, I don't even know if you want a thread, but the thing is, you've decided you want me for a friend, and I'm a terribly sappy person, so you're getting one. Direct your complaints at me when I'm miles over the atlantic ocean later <3 It's funny how I got to meet you; we were both still new to this place, and you decided to message me over being and speaking German. If I recall it right, you later told me you thought it was a pretty cringey way of starting a conversation, but hey - seems it worked just fine, didn't it? There were some difficulties for sure, mainly caused by the awful lack of confidence on the part of yours truly, but man you had some dogged determination. And it was absolutely worth it, I'm incredibly thankful you never gave up on me. Where do I begin? You combine your unwavering honesty and heaps of wit to be a genuinely positive influence on the people you care about. Never shy about speaking your mind, whether that be to compliment or to give a gentle slap to the head whenever it's needed. I've rarely met a person who it's so easy to talk to about personal things, just knowing that you will always find a way to word your thoughts without holding back on them, but without being hurtful. I probably don't say this to you often enough, but you're a very good listener, and talking things through with you is a unique experience filled with uplifting words and heaps of interesting anecdotes. You don't give up until you've reached the desired outcome of the conversation, no matter what it takes you to get there. You're smart, you're funny, you're caring, and a most loyal friend. And man, just... knowing you is an adventure. Sometimes it gets downright surreal, because your humor does like to take leaps that my brain can't immediately follow, and then I'm playing catch-up on trying to figure out what's got you so amused. It pays off though - an estimated nine times outta ten it really is hilarious. Sometimes it's elaborate linguistic jokes. Sometimes it's coffee dicks. (Or pancakes. Beautiful, beautiful pancakes.) Also, lots of music. I wish I could express my feelings even just half as well as I'd like to, because there's a lot to be said about you and your brand of quirky liveliness that I just don't seem to have the words for. I just want you to know that you are an amazing friend, and I'm really, really glad you decided I'm worth your time. I still hope I'll get to visit you in the near future! I'm not forgetting your promises of cooking, mkay? Or hugs. 'Cause I'll be damned if I don't get em eventually. Love ya, friend. I hope you have a great birthday <3 (Edit: I'll just let you know I typo'd that as "love ya, fried". Make of that what you will ;3)
  6. Ame confirmed Luna to be 18 years old, so it looks fine to me^^ It's probably her in-game sprite that doesn't look her age; her aesthetic makes it extra easy for her to look younger in those. (And her behavior, too, I guess.) Very pretty piece of art! I reckon there's plenty of Luna fans rejoicing now~
  7. Finally someone acknowledges Terra for what she is
  8. Does 'broke the theme for a while' indicate that it is still a little broken, or is the sudden amount of light gray everywhere on purpose? Because the contrast is kinda... very not easy on my eyes, and it makes everything look extra cluttered to me. (Dear Arceus I'm hoping the theme is just still broken. Looking at profiles is an uncomfortable experience right now.) (PS: Well, that whole "won the day" thing is gonna work fabulously with the "we want to stop people farming rep so we limited how much rep you can give" idea you had going on at some point.) >reactions option on posts the wasteland is gonna love this new facet of shitposting. But I guess I like the bit about keeping track of log-ins. I did wonder just yesterday if that "last visited" was me being online on my phone, what with being logged on anonymous at all times otherwise.
  9. Wasn't gonna do this 'cause I feel young and fresh like the morning compared to most of the people who posted here, but then again, if OP joined less than half a year before me, then actually 'why not?' Known as: Ama, mAma, Amamamam, Amachen to Ody and Aam according to Bibs Age: 22 Gender: non-binary (they/them) Birthday: December 2, 1994 Location: NRW, Germany Height: 1.72m Hair Color: blond Eye Color: blue Lives with: alone Pets: none allowed in my apartment, but my sister's three cats are the closest to this Relationship status: @Ice ~ Favourite Food: cauliflower stew Favourite Drink: ...water? Better be carbonated, though. Favourite Color: dark red Favourite kind of Music: most Metal genres, especially Death Favourite Band: Scar Symmetry Favourite Album: Equilibrium - Sagas Favourite Song: Scar Symmetry - Astronomicon Favourite Game: Half-Life 2 Favourite Genre of Game: can't say I have one Favourite Hobbies: writing, and everything to do with worldbuilding and character creation in general Favourite Book: the Lightbringer series as a whole Favourite Movies: there's a fair few movies I liked, but none that left enough of an impact on me to be considered a favourite Favourite Shows: The Last Airbender, maybe also Primeval Community questions: So, who are you?: Some friends are repeatedly trying to expose me as being three birds in a trenchcoat. The official story, however, is that I'm a person who was led to Reborn because I had played the game, but nobody to talk to about how much I liked ZEL it. I originally meant to only poke around the forums a bit, but was drawn to the showdown server very soon. Somehow people there actually paid attention to me, and now I'm stuck here with the rest of you. I'm not all that active around the forums, but you can find me hanging out on our Showdown and Discord. I'm not someone who can list off any notable contributions to this community, but I like to think I'm pulling my weight by being an approachable and friendly face. I'm also apparently the adoptive parent to at least three people here, so there's that. I'm a student from Germany, currently aiming for a Bachelor of Education so that I may teach English and geography. If this is really my calling is something I have doubts about, but what I do know is that I enjoy passing on knowledge, and that people have told me I'm good at speaking in front of crowds. I love to travel, both to meet far-away friends and to appreciate interesting landscapes. Anything you're responsible for? No, and I will not take blame for the AMAs. What can I talk to you about? Fiction! OCs! Your stories, original or fanfiction. I love hearing about people's creations. I enjoy it when people pitch their ideas at me. I like it when I can help people brainstorm stuff. Also, birds. On a less hobby-related note, I also consider myself a good listener for all other purposes. If someone is in need of comfort, or simply an open ear to talk to, I'm here. I may not have the magical ability to solve your problems, and I'm not the person to seek out if what you need is a blunt wake-up slap - but sometimes talking itself takes half the weight off an issue, and for that I'll gladly spare my time. I can promise you that I am a gentle person. Closing statements? Do not hesitate to let people know that you appreciate them. Kind words can go a long way.
  10. I'll write you a decent message when I'm a little more sober but in the meantime have this: Happy birthday, friend <3 Love you, hope you're having a good one!

  11. Leave it to me to spill Fanta over my entire McDonald's order. Well, time for soft drink-soaked chicken.

    1. Wolfox


      not sure if I can say anything but GG

  12. Yes hi I'm here \o Leave it to you to remind me how sad I am :c Zero is an incredible character and I have a lot of feelings about his history and character development. Unfortunately, I don't think the game will be touching on it. There are many characters deemed more important, and we have a lot of plot going on as it is. There is no way to squeeze in everything, and ultimately this specific character's story wouldn't add enough to the overall story to justify putting it in this already very long game. I am not a fan of how his arc goes in the game, but it's understandable it was done this way. ...and actually I'm not even sure how much info Ice shared with Ame. Oops. In the light of people pointing out the lack of good or redeemable male characters, he would have made a great example of the latter, though. Though I think that he wouldn't be fulfilling Jess' criteria here either; Zero canonically ultimately goes from jerk to 'jerk with a heart of gold' - he certainly learns some lessons, but he doesn't miraculously turn friendly. (PS I'm on mobile and suffering, excise the dozen edits and possible remaining typos)
  13. I need to visit the gotdang forums more often, I'm missing everyone's birthdays wtf. Happy Birthday, Jeri! There's only so many ways I can rephrase my opinion of you, so I'll cut it short and just say that nothing about it has changed. I still think you're a cool dude who has been a great influence in the community. I can't even figure out in my head right now if it's even still your birthday in your timezone - but I hope you're having or have had a good one! Take care of yourself, I wish you all the best~
  14. My favourites have always been the Route 2 music/Viridian Forest Remix and the (old) Jasper Ward theme. But as of E16, I've also come to really like the new Beryl theme. Quite the surprise, because the old Beryl theme was one the tracks I liked the least. But something about its post-renovation version is really relaxing to me. I sometimes find myself listening to it outside of playing the game now.
  15. Welcome back \o I was sort of there when you briefly hopped back onto showdown a few days (?) ago, and I've actually been here long enough to have gotten a wololoooo from you on my own intro, buuut you still disappeared before I really got a chance to know you, so this is basically a second "hi, nice to meet you" c: (I did change my username, but doubt 'Ama' is gonna ring any bells either, considering.) People always talked of you very positively, and a lot of em seem to have missed your presence, so I'm sure you're a cool person and hope to see ya around~
  16. 3 and 21. I mean, what's not to like about 21? It's. 7 x 3, and has a cross-sum of 3 as well. And if you double it, you get 42. It's a nice-looking number. 333 is neat, too.
  17. Oh man, it's gonna be a blast to see Tyler interact with Fern some more, seeing as they're two shades of arrogance. As for your question: I think if you want to introduce us to the character more, it's best done in the actual writing. If there is something you want to tell us about him, try to show it to us through the story. It's usually more interesting and engaging to get to know characters through the medium. Especially in terms of personality, because what you tell us about that will only hold water if we can find proof of it in the writing. Meaning if, for example, the author says a character is very generous, that character better show themselves consistently generous in the story, or else there's no reason for the reader to believe, let alone care about this information.
  18. Ahh, I see a run with my favourite type and a promise of many birds. I'll be watching this, it looks like it's gonna be interesting! Flying is a really fun type to use, good luck with your endeavor! Swanna is lowkey one of my favourite flying types, and definitely underappreciated. So it's cool to see it have a spot on your team. Julia isn't actually that much of a reason to worry IMO, but I'll be interested to see your protag go up against Serra - both for the type and for the character. Beauty queen versus beauty queen? Outta curiosity: Are you gonna be committed to the characterization, or do you want it to be more of a gimmick without planning for it to be character development-heavy? 'Cause I have a soft spot for runs that try to develop the protag as a character~
    1. HongaarseBeer


      That's a good thing! I'm surprised it wasn't legal in Germany yet

    2. ZEL


      Merkel's party is pretty much solely the reason it took so long. There were attempts before, they just kept being blocked.

    3. HongaarseBeer


      Oh really? I thought Merkel('s party) would be someone that would be fully pro-gay marriage

  19. I think I've always used Worm til around Corey, and then I'd usually have enough other choices to pick from. Might've used one 'til Shelly, but it's definitely an early game 'mon, yeah. Which I think is perfectly okay, it does its job there. It learns Hidden Power via level-up, so you could get one with HP Ground if you wished. (Even if admittedly, Worm-S' SpA is nothing to write home about.) Julia's 'mons are easy enough to knock out, though. STAB Bug Bite ain't that bad. The main advantage of having a ground type against her is immunity.
  20. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (And yes I've used it. Beat Julia with this and a Grotle in my Ground mono. Used Worm-T in my Steel run.)
  21. Yoo, you're the person with that cute Taka art I saw on tumblr a whole while ago! And a lovely redraw of the end credits pic of Silvally and Gladion. Tbh I should have made the connection between your usernames. I really like your art style! Just saying but if you ever want to draw more of those "draw [group of characters] in this pose" things, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one who would greatly enjoy seeing them. The ones you posted are gold. Also, your player character's hairstyle is very much my cup of tea. Flawless! And the last drawing gives me way too many feelings, so let's pretend I'm not having them and move on, shhh~ PS Taka's owner saw the first Taka art you posted and thinks it looks very nice, but he doesn't have a tumblr to like stuff with and I'm betting he'll be too shy to post here, so I'll pass the compliment on in case my persuasion attempts fail again c:
  22. Oh man, is it time for another birthday? It is most definitely time for another birthday! So it'd be lovely if you all could stop by for a moment and help to celebate it~ Our very own Lost Lore* Is getting a little older today, and I'd say that despite her own implications to the contrary, this is worth your time and attention. (*also known under a variety of Kappa related names) Now what's so great about her, besides everything? ...No, really, I'd say that, but I don't think I can get away with such lazy writing, or want to for that matter. So as tempting as it is to just say 'everything', we're gonna be more specific here. I think Bibs put it just right when he said that without Lost, our showdown chat would be a lot less lively, and a lot less fun. She is one of those people here on Reborn who put a lot of work into keeping things going when it's inevitably time again to revive a ded chat. Lost is a notable presence on the server whenever she's there, and in fact it's really obvious when she's not there - it always feels like something's missing. As a person with quick wit and quirky humor she always manages to find a way to create conversations, and has a way of endearing herself to others. I can say with honesty that she is one of the friends here that I value most highly, and I'll always greatly appreciate her supportive and caring qualities, and her uncanny ability to cheer me up no matter what. Lost is a real joy to be around, what with her boundless enthusiasm for her interests and hobbies. It's proving difficult for me every time to put my exact feelings into words, but I really am happy to call such an exceptional and unique person my friend. And I know you haven't been feeling particularly enthusiastic about your birthday, or life in general lately, so I want you to know that we're here for you if you need us, and that you mean a lot to many of us. It's still your special day, and the least I'd like to give you today is a genuine wish for things to lighten up in the near future. You're an amazing person, Lost. Happy Birthday to you <3
  23. Boiiiiii I was confused to get a ping because that's not a regular occurrence with how rarely I say something on the forums. Cheers, Viri, you're a great guy and I hope you know I return the sentiment wholeheartedly. As a matter of fact... now that I'm here: There's a lot to be said but I'm already someone who tends to ramble a lot, so I'll try to keep things short. The first names that come to my mind when I look at the topic of this thread are @Ice @Odybld @Lost Lore @Wendel @DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk @Tommy Wiseau @Ironbound All of you are people that I talk to regularly and sometimes excessively, and you've all come to mean a whole lot to me. If someone asked me who my favourite users on Reborn would be (actually, I'm remembering that more than one person already did ask me this question), you would be the ones I'd name, and I'd find it ridiculously tough to narrow it down even further. I'm thrilled to know that at least three of you are firmly rooted in my schedule for irl meetups this year (see ya this Saturday, Wendelel!). Always holding out hope for more. It's really tempting to give each of you a paragraph letting you know exactly what's so great about you, but I'm worried it'll just sound like a hollow repeat of the last time I did that. I like to think I am good enough at sharing my appreciation with you regularly, so hopefully you're not feeling starved of compliments~ Just know that I'm incredibly thankful to have you, and your friendship and support. Talking to you is a blast, and a bright spot on each day. I also hereby declare each and every one of you cute, and I will take no objections. Just trust me, I'm an expert. That said, there are a lot more people to be named so let's see who's next in line~ @Eternal Edge @Hukuna the Undying @IntSys @YinYang9705 @TheDW66 @InnocentSerenity @Hycrox @Spineblade @Caradius @Azeria @Sparky If you're one of these, you probably either suffer from my ridiculously low self-esteem and inability to message you more often because I just DoNotHaveTheGuts and dread the thought of annoying you, oooor you're one of the folks who I mainly chat with on the server. Some of you may even be both! In either case, you're awesome and fun to hang out with and I enjoy our encounters. Y'all are cool, whether you're someone I talk to every time I'm online, or just whenever there's a topic we share an interest in. It's really quite heartwarming to know that so many of you take the time outta your day to say hi to me and talk to me, and just 'cause we're not necessarily close doesn't mean talking to you isn't an improvement to any day, or that it's meaningless to me. I don't know if it's odd to mention some of you when I wouldn't consider us extremely close or even necessarily friends, but what all of you have in common is that when I think about what my experience in this community is like, you're on my mind. In a positive way, I mean. That's got to mean something. But that's not all! There's some more people who deserve to be mentioned! @Matryoshka and @jasmiinininja ought to be in this post, too. Our interactions mostly happen outside of Reborn nowadays, but I still wouldn't have met ya if it weren't for this place. You're both amazing and I'm proud to call you my friends. There's also @Jericho , someone who I didn't quite manage to get to know while he was still active. Also I was kind of an ass the last time you tried to talk to me. I'm actually super sorry for that. I was in a very grumpy mood and didn't realize it was you :c Thought someone was trying to troll me, rip. But I've already told you before that I think you were a great auth and seem like a cool person, even if I missed the shot at getting to know you a bit better. Whatever you're doing, I hope you're doing okay. Since we're on authy appreciation now: @Ikaru and @Zumi aren't people I've had much personal interaction with, but you're a 10/10 nice presence on any chat and I'm not scared of you. Hey now, I'm terrified of people most the time, so that's a genuine compliment! If I weren't so comfortable with bothering Dan a lot then you'd probably be the ones I'd turn to with site issues. I'm flattered that Ika says my hair is nice and called me smart that one time (for reasons I'm not entirely sure about, but I remember when people are nice to me, mkay?) Zumi's art is A+ and her blog makes my tumblr dash more interesting. Also, this much genuine excitement about flower parades is infectious! There's probably more people who I could mention because of positive interactions, but I'd be sitting here all day, because a lot of you are cool and it just so happens that we may not have interacted enough for me to feel like I can just tag you in this. I also bet I forgot somebody, because of course I would.
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