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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. I secretly enjoy finding out what people's voices sound like, it's fun to compare that to how they sound in my head. What do you think is one of your best qualities, and what is something you value most highly in others?
  2. " Aces, Staff and Developers can now once again lock their own content. " Speaking of... Can non-aces get the ability to delete their comments on other people's statuses again at any point, or is that still something that's a privilege for some reason? Pretty sure we could do it on the old forums, and it'd seem aces still can. It's kind of annoying to have to double-comment to correct something. Maybe at least give it an edit function?
  3. Pretty sure it was this one I can remember all of mine, there's not many. I kinda just used Skarmory bc I didn't know what else to use, and it's one of my fave 'mons.
  4. I'ma just let you know that I clicked this thread for the sole purpose of mentioning the Lightbringer series, and I'm delighted to see you put it on your list. It's my absolute fave. An honorable mention goes to Andross as a character because damn if I didn't enjoy every single scene involving this terrible badass asshole. He's an awful person, but my favourite character of the series exactly for how amazing he is at being just that. I'm too lazy to summarize well, but let's try, because I wanna add anyway. The Black Magician trilogy / Traitor Spy trilogy - Trudi Canavan
  5. Hah, you caught me, the only ones I know of are - An NPC called Nyu who lives in the Aventurine Woods, and whose name is used for the PC storage in-game. IIRC Nyu used to host Reborn's PO server back then. - The Mysidia railcave (if it is even still in the game) as a reference to a server of the same name - Amethyst as Ame (duh!) - (no longer in the game) Gravestones in the Beryl cemetery for Ikaru and Ice - ...I'm pretty sure one of the re-battleable grand hall trainers is a cameo as well, but heck if I know whose it was. Actually I'll go ahead and have the audacity to just tag @Ice (Please don't ban me to the couch) because in Kitty's interview he complained about the removal of references like these, so chances are he knows some more \o\
  6. There's still a few people around here who have been there for the online league, so with a bit of luck someone might be able to explain why exactly the game scene plays out like that. I wasn't here back then myself, so I only recognize the name, but don't know anything about the community lore/story that inspired this. There are quite a few references to/cameos of old community members in the game (there were more, too, but some got removed), so this seems to me like another one, and the comment likely is a jab at something that happened back in the days.
  7. Savage was a user who took part in the Reborn League when it still existed. http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20-hall-of-fame/ ^It's not exactly elegantly formatted, but there you go, you can find Savage on the list. Note their quote.
  8. ZEL

    Is this it?

    It doubles as a joke about her in-game character's demise, too.
  9. ZEL


    This is gonna be long, because I suck at not rambling. Another newbie here. I've only joined Reborn in early 2015, so as far as experiencing the history of the site goes, I have nothing to show. I originally came here because of the game. I played it after a friend recommended it to me, and figured hey, what better place to go to talk about it than here. It took me around a month before I decided to sneak onto showdown, but I did get comfortable over there very quickly. While I still do play and like the game, nowadays I'm mostly here for the friends I've made. I have never been a part of a community before that is even remotely chat-based. Coming here and getting used to being on showdown, and the server being considered an essential part of the site experience, was a huge change from what I've been used to. I'm way more used to sites that are centered around their forums. When I first came here, I didn't know much at all about the site's history, whether it be the league concept or the community. I generally am a very nosy person, and especially in the beginning I soaked up every tale you older members told with much interest, because it was so amazing to me to learn that there's an entire online league's worth of history behind this neat game I played. But unfortunately I'm also very, very easily intimidated. It's perhaps one of my bigger weaknesses that I'm constantly scared to ask people questions. So I only ever waited for others to ask "hey, what happened back then" and "tell us about x". As a matter of fact, I just kind of figured you guys would probably be sick of explaining your history to newbs over and over again. I'm fortunate enough to have gotten to know Ice, who I'm more comfortable asking, but y'know. Still feels like I'm being a nuisance. That said: While I can understand that it can be upsetting or annoying to watch newer people not care as much about the history of the community, I can see how it's happening. First, as a note: It's perfectly possible to come here and exist on this site without ever getting involved in the past. You cannot expect every person who joins to be interested in the old community, especially if we're talking about people who really only came here for the game. It's not wrong for someone to just stick to the thing they signed up for. But even for people who do care: Reborn's history can be difficult to access without an old member to pass it on to you. To someone who's been around for it all, that might seem like laziness. "Look up old forum threads", one might say. But first: you've mentioned it yourself, Reborn wasn't always as forum-based as it is now. The quotebook is probably the best substitute for an oldie to talk to, but let's be real: Reading through hundreds of pages of chatlogs? It's not the most engaging medium for people who weren't there for what happened. But that's the primary source you have when your community mostly lives off a chat. Less easy to read up on for newcomers than a forum discussion would be. And second: Even if the site had always been as forum-based, that doesn't mean it's as easy for new people to navigate it as for oldies. I get to experience this firsthand with another site I'm on: This year will mark my 9th anniversary there, and the site was created just four and a half months before I found it. I'm ancient there, and when people want to know about stuff that happened waaaaay back then, I can easily dig up threads or even specific posts for them. I know where to find all the interesting or important parts of the site's history because I've been there. For new people, finding those pieces of history is a much bigger challenge. More irrelevant stuff to wade through, finding the exact location in the forums, not knowing what keywords to search for because our terminology changed a lot... Honestly, having to look for stuff when you don't even know precisely what you're looking for can be annoying. Doesn't help that the site seems to become a little less history-friendly as time goes on. The last site update removed the league archives, with the logs of battles, hall of fame, leader cards, etc. I do know for a fact that users who were interested in the site's history did browse those. I know I did. I remember the other day (or some days ago?) Kitty and some others discussed the idea of sharing stories of the old community with people on here. Kitty was considering it as an idea for her Cat Chat Blogs, and people quickly brought up events that they felt would be fun to tell us newer members about. (And things they were urged to not bring back to light.) If you were to make the site's history accessible like that, by summarizing things that happened, moments of "community lore", into easily readable packages that don't require people to force themselves through only chat logs or forum discussions that constantly reference server things that you can't always make sense of out of context, then I'm sure a lot of us would be interested in reading. If you want new people to learn about the history of your site, then taking a step forward and offering to share it would be a great start. And doing so on the forums, where you can just hand people a link, would spare you many a repetitive convo on the server.
  10. Pretty sure there's also one before you enter Shade's gym?
  11. Similar situation here, hue. I used to take my notebook to school with me to write down ideas for my writing etc, and occasionally just thoughts I had and wanted to preserve. People often tried to get a glance at it, and it bothered me because I used to be rather secretive about my writing. Still am to some extent. So I just started writing in the symbols for the language I've made up for one of my storyverses. Sorta developed a handwriting with those, too, so that's fun, too. My biology teacher passionately hated my handwriting. The first time I wrote a test in her class she stopped me two pages in and demanded I rewrite everything to be more legible. No other teacher ever complained about it, but she seemed to have real trouble reading it.
  12. Ok but the aesthetic is great Plus, heck, if I could write like your example 2), then I wouldn't have to use my own made-up alphabet to stop people from reading along when I use my notebook in public. It'd be awesome!
  13. Me thinks I failed at making the letters big enough halfway through. I tend to just write in neat capital letters for stuff like addresses/filling out forms, though. Makes them more readable. Viri's handwriting would be #goals, but it's such a different style that I'd have to teach myself to write like that, haha.
  14. Confession: I prefer they/them pronouns, but when people use she or xe I never correct them because I’m worried about making them feel bad for not knowing. Thus, half the people here are accidentally using the wrong set on a daily basis. Consider this a polite request or something, I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZEL


      Towards me, yeah, I don't fancy that set. As for other people, to each their own.

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      So what are the pronouns that you'd prefer to use?

    4. ZEL


      I'm not entirely sure I understand what exactly you're asking by "want to use". As the status says, I want to be referred to as they. Other people get to choose their own pronouns for themselves. I was solely talking about myself here because I don't want people to call /me/ she or xe.

  15. Looks like the two of you have something in common there~ Tempest is a cool guy in my books, even though one of his first interactions with me was to insult my favourite characters. But I'm a forgiving person, of course, and certainly won't remember that forever. ...Stupid jokes aside, though, it's pretty neat to read these threads, there's always those little tidbits that may not be brought up in conversations otherwise. I always enjoy hearing how people found their way here; there's some really curious stories.
  16. Funny thing is, Ice did say that had he created the characters in Gen VI, he might have given Lumi a Sylveon, ultimately giving all three of them friendship/affection-based evolutions. I cannot speak for Ame's interpretations of things because I know that she was given a lot of room to alter things about the characters to suit the narrative she wanted to create, but going with Ice's portrayal, you'd be spot-on with Zero. A big reason he's so antisocial is because in his past experiences, no person but himself would give a damn about him. He's had Eevee/Umbreon from a young age on, and the 'mon was kind of the only company he kept. Pardon me, I have a huge soft spot for him based on out-of-game knowledge.
  17. Not a canon thing due to the game being written by Ame, but I've got a tiny bit of "creator's headcanon" to supply because I remember talking with Ice about the personalities of ZEL's eeveelutions a while ago. (And Skype's search function is awful so of course I can't find it...) He pretty much portrayed Umbreon as a bit of a sassmaster who likes to mess around with Zero, but ultimately the two of them are buddies and do like each other. [23:14:49] Tapu Cocoa: seeing as for Eve and Zero they have friendship evolutions meaning they value their own pokemon IIRC Eve explicitly wanted her Eevee to turn into Espeon, and in her typical manner made sure she did everything right, whereas Zero's Umbreon evolved on its own accord. There was the implication that Zero likes Umbreon much better than any person he met, though given that Zero generally doesn't warm up to people easily, that's also not an achievement :') ...But yeah I can't make claims for how Ame sees it, so if this applies to the game incarnations of the characters is unknown. I just know that Ice isn't gonna post even though he's lurking
  18. Looks like compared to last time Noctowl and Malamar switched ranks, and then Silvally found its way in between the two. I'm actually confused looking at the list I made on the last thread, because of the complete lack of Scolipede? It was an insta-fave of mine ever since BW came out, so I honestly dunno why it's missing. Anyway, fixed that now, so with that and Silvally on the list, Dodrio and Metagross dropped off while Gastrodon stayed.
  19. The emphasis on your bond with your Pokémon definitely has gotten stronger later on in the main series and hasn't been as much in the focus in the early games. While the games obviously always taught the player "hey, nice trainers are better than people who are mean to their 'mons", Gen V onwards really took it to a new level. I've always seen the situation in Reborn as, well, typical for Reborn. People overall seem much more disconnected from nature for the most part, with less awareness about the depth of the world around them. I mean, a lot of the people we meet are pretty darn miserable, and such a state can easily lead you to lose your appreciation of and interest in things. But I do remember the little things, at least: like Shelly's comment about the lonely Kricketune and its owner deciding to give it up for its own welfare, the kid who warns you to take good care of Skitty, the man who gets really upset when he loses his Mareep (still wish I could've given it back), Amaria and Cain helping Oshawott, Adrienn's outrage when xe thinks Gardevoir is mistreated, Corey's Crobat... There's plenty of small (and some big) moments that show people caring and being aware of Pokémon as sentient beings who deserve good treatment. It's just an overall much harsher setting, and one that I think isn't entirely unrealistic. Think of the massive amount of pets that get left behind in every catastrophe; it's well known that for example dogs can and will miss their owners when separated, and for as much as many people treat their pets as part of their family, they are still often left behind when things get dangerous. Even more blatantly, I could rant on for hours about parrots - creatures well known for their high intelligence, some with the cognitive abilities of little children, who can develop trauma and other severe psychological issues when neglected or mistreated. Just look at how often these animals end up in conditions that don't even fulfill the most basic requirements of their care, and how very few people really give them the attention and care they deserve and need to be happy. Or how easily disregarded animals like pigs are. They are pretty darn smart, but sure aren't treated like that. Because we're so used to thinking of them as nothing but a meat source, and also filthy and ugly. Humans often barely manage to see each other as equal, I'm not surprised the majority would struggle to give this recognition to nonhuman beings. And that kind of mindset does fit Reborn. I do think it'd be cool to be shown more of the bonds between major characters and their 'mons, though. We see them out of their Pokéballs a lot, and it'd be pretty nice to see some interaction here and there. Speaking of Meteor, I guess Lumi is the real MVP then.
  20. It's 4:32am and mom just called me to chat with me a bit. Says a lot about our sleep schedules, really.

  21. Gastrodon and Gigalith are my faves, absolutely. I also love Muk and Metagross a lot! The elemental monkeys aren't really to my liking; feels like someone just wanted to have making their shinies out of the way.
  22. I have been saving up money to afford a vacation in the USA later this year, which is something I've been meaning to do for a whole while now. The last time I was in the country, I was so young that all I could say in English was my name and where I'm from. I'm looking forward to returning now, almost two decades later, when I'm able to properly communicate with people, move around on my own, and can really appreciate the places I'll visit. Plus, I'm gonna meet up with awesome people! But that aside, if I had to choose any other place... I have always wanted to go to Kamchatka, Russia. The place has a really interesting geography, especially for its volcanic activity, and I'd just love to spend some time seeing it all for myself. Maybe alone, because occasionally I very much enjoy exploring cool places at my own pace and without needing to worry about my company. We very much enjoy mocking Nazis. Nazis deserve ridicule. We just don't enjoy it when people think jokes about their crimes and victims are cool. Don't worry, though. We're used to people trying to shock us with it, so we usually hide how embarrassed we are for them.
  23. gaurdian and the game is called Order And Chaos. Bibs is just trying to stop you from enjoying the Clowns :c #JUSTICEFORNATU
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