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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ZEL

  1. As another addition that just occurred to me: It must at the very least be possible to move PULSE 'mons from one machine to another. When we visit Eve and Lumi's old home in Ametrine, we see the proto-PULSE still standing there. We know it was used to create Magnezone, which we eventually find hooked up to a different machine in E16. And clearly they were hoping to get it moved out of Devon, too, as Eve remarks that it "cannot be moved" under the circumstances - implying it normally should be possible. Since she was able to transfer data for the other PULSEs from one location to another, I'd guess it's sort of like a PC storage system, unless they were just gonna take it with 'em in a Pokéball. But whether a 'mon needs to immediately be hooked up to a machine again or can be safely stored removed from it is another question entirely.
  2. ZEL said nothing about the fate of the first Tangrowth; the closest you get is Eve referring to it as "incapacitated". Taka, however, tells you in Jasper that being put under PULSE influence is hard on a Pokémon's body, and something about how it'd be nice to just set them free. The game leaves it vague, but there's many bits and pieces that imply it destroys the Pokémon. Magnezone certainly seems to have been destroyed completely, though it's hard to tell if that's what happens to all PULSE 'mons, or if it was, in this case, a result of the corruption. Zero also talks about the player wanting to "destroy Magnezone like all the other ones". Taka's comment, combined with the Dex entry for Tangrowth succumbing to poison, makes me assume that PULSE can, but not necessarily does kill the Pokémon - it probably depends on the use it's put to, and the amount of time it's been subjected to the machine. Overall, I'm pretty sure the ones we encountered all perished, but there's possibly a chance it could, in theory, be avoided if the Pokémon is removed fast enough? Though it may also make a difference if it's properly removed from the machine, or defeated in battle, as I'd guess battling makes it use its powers more, thus accelerating the process?
  3. Did your Forretress level up while in the daycare? Pokémon will learn level-up moves in there when they reach the required level (or, at least, that's how it works in the canon games, so I assume it's the same here), and if they already have four moves, the first moveslot will get replaced. Edit: Psst, Rejuv has a subforum here, if you didn't see it already http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/forum/54-pokemon-rejuvenation/
  4. Ayy, there's where the cute Julia art came from c: Welcome to Reborn! Don't worry, there's a lot of us whose first language isn't English, so nobody's gonna bother you about making mistakes or being unsure how to phrase things. After all, learning another language is a pretty rad thing, and should be encouraged, not ridiculed. It's cool to hear you wanna work on a fangame of your own! Quite a few people here have been inspired to try their hands at that, and having the community to give you feedback on how it's coming along can be a huge help. I wish you the best of luck with it~
  5. Gahhh she looks absolutely adorable! You have an interesting style, I really like the colours~ (I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of Julia's super bright colour scheme, even if it undoubtedly fits her, so this is way easier on my eyes :'D) If you'd like to post on it, we have an entire thread for Reborn fanart over on the Reborn City board c: It's not a must, of course, but I know a lot of people check it regularly to see if anyone posted new art.
  6. Oh, I see! Sorry for the confusion, since you said Torchic I assumed you were just getting started. Well, in that case, Tanzan Cove has Weepinbell, Ariados (and Parasect) (and Bellsprout and Paras and... Stantler, apparently?), so you could try training right there. If you can wait until after Noel, though, there are wild Bouffalant on Route 1 that are very easy to access (you can talk directly to them and fight them, and they respawn endlessly). If you can get enough stickers, Floor 4 of the Department store has the Power items, which would make things easier.
  7. What part of the game are you up to? The beginning? If you want to EV train riiight from the beginning, you'll have to try Spinarak or Patrat outside the Grand Hall, or Poochyena in the Alleyways. (Edit: Oh, Ekans as well.) Carnivine and Beedrill can be found as early as Jasper, and both give 2 Atk, but you'll have to put up with all the other 'mons that you may encounter in the same place, and it's not accessible until after you get your 2nd badge.
  8. Am I right in assuming you're asking about what to do after you beat Cain in the Beryl Cemetry and Heather flies away on her Salamence? (Since that's the only moment in the game where I can remember her being at the cemetry.) If so: You'll have to go back to Shelly's gym in the Lapis Ward. Heather can be found talking to Shelly in her private room there.
  9. @Jacket Do you mean at the start of E16 when you round up him, Adrienn and Victoria? He's at the Nightclub in the North Obsidia ward.
  10. I wouldn't actually rule out the possibility of online play related events for Reborn. Ame mentioned a short while ago that all the significant canon character names have been registered for Online Play before the community gained access to it. Wouldn't have been done if the idea of actually using those accounts for something hadn't occurred to the devs. It'd seem like something that's more designed for postgame content, especially if we're talking Pokémon distributions, but I'd be more surprised if we didn't get any online events in the future.
  11. That's a member title, and at least on our forums it's pretty much a purely aesthetic thing. If you don't set a one for yourself, then it'll change based on the number of posts you've made, and is an indicator of your activity as a member. But you can change it by going to your profile and editing it (the field that says "Member Title"), and put anything you want there (and it won't change based on post count any more). Back when we were still on the old forums it was a tiny bit more exclusive, as you had to purchase it with our (now discontinued) site currency, which you could only earn from posting or making donations. So it used to be a bit of a reward for being active on here or supporting Ame. But since the currency system wasn't compatible with the new forums and had to be abandoned, member titles and username changes are among the things that are now free for any member to do. Basically, it's a cosmetic thing just like having an avatar or a signature. Edit: blegh, didn't get notified that you already got an answer, whoops.
  12. ZEL


    Yeah, I did indeed put it in the context of the entire Devon plot, because overall, the battle between Lin and Ame was just a small part of it - though admittedly one with some shock value, sure. I won't deny that if you look just at the battle outside the context, then naturally it's meant to drive the point home that Lin is powerful. Point well made. In which case: As far as my opinion on just the battle without the rest of the Devon plot goes: Criticism has been aimed at how the scene came across like a poorly executed attempt at making Lin seem like a threat. And I agree! In a way. 'Cause I think the real problem here is that the scene was never meant to be overly significant to Lin's build-up as a whole. To me, personally, the reason it failed to leave an impact is because it feels like the scene wasn't originally planned to be there. I just... don't really feel like the inclusion of Ame as a character in this plot has been planned far in advance at all. In fact, Ame used to say repeatedly in the past that she didn't want her character to have a significant role in the game, and that she'd just be the league manager. Just a side role. Yet here we are, having her shown as the Champ, and then die at the hands of the big bad. How? Well, to quote what Ame said on the E16 status thread (emphasis mine): "However, as close to the end as we are with everything having been written out from the start, it's a bit problematic to just start rewriting things now. There are a few things I change here and there if I see a better opportunity of course-- and that may yet happen. It also may not. Who knows?" And I feel like her inclusion in E16's plot must have been one of those short-term changes. It doesn't feel like one of those things that have been planned from the start. If it had been planned a long time ago, then I doubt the scene would have felt as lackluster as it did to many of us, since surely, Ame would have remembered to build up her character a bit more in order to make the scene worthwhile. it feels like it was just pushed in there, and as such, I find it hard to take the scene as something that's really supposed to be significant to the story as a whole. It's clearly there to drive the point home that Lin is powerful, but what Ame said about "opportunities" to change stuff sounds fitting here - it was an opportunity to get rid of the character.
  13. ZEL


    Honestly, I don't think this scene was designed to make us feel sad for Ame or scared of Lin's fighting power. The entire plot at Devon was a demonstration of her power to play us for her own use and entertainment. From luring us there and trapping us, to making us fight each other, to teasing us by making us watch her kill someone and then just walking out of the room without letting us take a shot at her, to allowing us to progress all the way to the PULSE and save her the work of taking out an Admin she no longer had any use for. It wasn't meant to show us that she's scary because she's strong, it's meant to show us that she's scary because she knew exactly what we'd do, and she twisted it all in her favor. The torture we had to endure along the way was just a game to her - if Laura's dialogue from the scene at Tanzan Depths is to be believed, then Lin has always, even as a little child, gotten enjoyment out of being a sadistic bully. The bottom line here is supposed to be that Lin is terrifying for how she's manipulated us. Putting the scene in merely to showcase her strength would have been pointless, since that's already the purpose of seeing her defeat Saphira. Killing Ame served as a neat round-up for the first part of the Devon raid; it just needed to be a character we were familiar with so it'd believably fit into the story. ...Plus, I can't help but feel like Ame kinda just wanted her character out of the way. Pretty sure she didn't assume we'd mourn over the character like we would over one of our long-time companions.
  14. One day I'll manage to successfully log in somewhere on my first try. Not today, though.

  15. Since they're just NPCs it may just be for the joke of it. Reborn has several moments of breaking the 4th wall, so I can reasonably expect parts of the game to do just that, especially if they're irrelevant NPCs. Personally I don't like wall-breaking humor unless it involves blasting Sigmund through one but we got some of it. [shrugs] That, or it's an oversight. It happens.
  16. Well, I guess it's not really a "welcome to Reborn", so... how about 'nice to meet you'? c: Good luck with writing your fic. I always like seeing people write down their Reborn stories, it's really cool to see how everyone portrays their protagonists. Also, Ari is my fave of the player characters, so your avi is the cutest, mkay?
  17. I could try to get sleep tonight, or I could finally continue my Normalbird mono. Let's pretend I'll pick the responsible option.

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    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


    3. ZEL



    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


  18. I guess it comes down to how you differentiate between "signature" and "ace". In the game, the ace is the last Pokémon a leader will send out. Or at least they're supposed to. (I think they do now, though, unless it's still not fixed.) A signature 'mon doesn't have to be the same as the ace, as I can believably see a trainer have more than one signature. Shelly is a good example - her ace is Volbeat, but you could argue that Yanmega and Volbeat are both signatures, and that the same goes for things like Tania's Aegislash or Hardy's Gigalith. They're undeniably iconic.
  19. Heya, and welcome to Reborn! Mh, I have Azurill and Budew on my main file, but their IVs are dreadful, so even if you're only playing casually, I bet you can do a heck lot better if you head over to the Online Play board. With how useful Azumarill can be, I'm sure there's bound to be someone out there who bred good ones. Good luck! (That said, you'd be surprised with what kinds of teams you can somehow still beat the game. People here have done all kinds of interesting challenges, and Mono runs are common.) ...In fact, I'd argue that somtimes, beating opponents with a team you consider "shaky" is doubly satisfying! Hopefully you'll enjoy your time here; glad to hear the game itself helped to get you back to gaming~
  20. I love it when people post art here and on tumblr, it means I can like it twice. Love the idea, and it turned out awesome! The soft light really completes the impression for me. Poor Kiki still so tired
  21. Not sure why I bothered trying to sleep. Wasting hours lying in bed with my eyes closed but unable to doze off feels much worse than spending the night up and doing stuff. Don't feel rested either way.

  22. Heya, and welcome to Reborn! Hmm, I remember a whooole while ago in december there was a thread discussing the stuff you mentioned, here, and there appears to be a less outdated discussion here. So if you wanna read up on some of the things other people said, that'd be a good place to start. If you want to contribute, reviving the second thread is an option; it's only been about a week since it got its last post, so it'll be fine. People are almost always glad to jump in on discussion when material presents itself, and considering the content, I'm sure it'll find interest. We also do tend to discuss game things over on our showdown server on occasion, if the topic comes up. (And some of the people there are different ones than the users who are likely to engage in discussion on the forums. We've good a bunch of members who avidly discuss the game on the server, but don't show themselves on the Reborn City board, or vice versa.) Anyway, hopefully you'll enjoy your time here~
  23. Well, if you take a look around, you'll notice that most of the boards here are geared towards discussing hobbies; we've got a whole subsection for gaming, and then a corner for everything from personal life things to TV/Music/RP/Forum games. ^^ Most of the talk about the Reborn game is confined to its own section, and outside of it there's rarely much talk about it, other than brief mentions when it fits the topic (like, for example, on the Pokémon Fanclub, people might include Reborn characters when talking about, say, "Who's your favourite gym leader"). You'll probably also want to avoid reading through discussions on the announcement board, since they naturally involve lots of speculation wherever the game is concerned, and our showdown server, while a great place to hang out on, could also be risky, since the game is frequently discussed in the lobby. But basically, there's lots of opportunities to talk to people about things not related to the game. We've actually got a fair few regulars here who either stopped playing the game, or never even started :')
  24. For a little background: it used to be available in early episodes, and the whole "rare pokemon" thing is a nod towards the Magikarp merchant from the Pokémon canon. However, it turned out that Gyarados was powerful enough to be a huge game breaker, so it had to be axed. So as of now, there's no reward/end for the quest because Magikarp is unreleased. You can already do some of the steps, of course, but you'll be empty-handed until the 'mon is implemented again.
  25. Ahh, I see^^ IIRC Cal appears after Blake escapes from his room. You and Shelly leave the apartment complex, then Cal turns up, gives his dialogue, and suggests you go back to the room and search it for clues (which then lets you find the hidden passage). Or at least that's what my memory tells me about it, so I hope it's not wrong, haha. Sounds fine to me now, though! Hope you didn't mind the nitpick, I do think you did a great job~ Edit: Snagged this screenshot from DerogatoryTrainer's Nuzlocke topic real quick.
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