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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. Nothing cheers me up like when my train gets delayed and then after 40+ minutes of waiting they finally announce it got cancelled. GERMANY!

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  2. Happy Birthday, Zumi! I hope you're having a good one~ Y'know, you're a cool person, and while we don't talk privately, I think you're always great to see around the server. You always liven things up when you participate in the conversations, and you're also doing a wonderful job at the whole auth thing. You can be stern if you must, but that never makes you seem like an unapproachable or rude person. It's also charming to watch you get excited over things you're passionate about c: So yeah, don't have to know you personally to know a great person when I see 'em. I hope you have an amazing birthday! PS: Your art style is lovely. I'm really digging the way you colour things & how you do facial expressions.
  3. If you look at the situation at hand, then Heather didn't show any signs of unusual behavior at the point she was taken. She was upset because she found out her father was a criminal and then he killed himself. I'd have been more concerned if she had been calm and collected. What she could have used is counseling, but even that can't be forced and needs time and patience. It's also worth noting that a psychiatrist wouldn't just grab a patient and put them in therapy right on the first day of their arrival in the institution. Sigmund did not take anywhere close to enough time to properly assess Heather's health and state of mind. He literally just snagged a little girl off the street after her father died, then subjected her to shock therapy without consent. Even if we assume that his methods work in Rebornverse, every patient needs to be judged individually, and no therapy method is a "cure all" that you can just apply to anyone. It's outright stated that Sigmund just uses his shock therapy on everyone in his care, regardless of what condition they may or may not be in. He cannot have and definitely did not take time to figure out if Heather would benefit from it.
  4. Normal/Water for Nick the Labrador~ ...With a number of ground moves, I suppose :') As for the cats... I'd like to joke that Jasper is an Ice type seeing how he is perfectly willing to climb into fridges.
  5. I don't think I can do this, Ody.
  6. Tired? Yes. Headache? Yes. Able to actually fall asleep? Nope! Hey, maybe one future night it'll be different.

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    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well if you need any conversation feel feel to bug me all ya want lel. But ye, hope the headache goes away and you can get some rest, I know the feelin' all too well tbh.

  7. Something I kinda forgot about until something indirectly reminded me: If you put a 'mon with Compound Eyes ability at the head of your party, it'll increase the chance of a wild pokémon holding an item. The Compound Eyes 'mon can be a fainted one, so you would only need to put the Frisk one in second spot.
  8. You can make mining for heart scales easier by just soft-resetting the same glowing rock over and over. Just save in front of a rock, and SR. You also only need a Good Rod for Luvdisc. You get it in a house in Spinel Town. Edit: If you can take a 'mon with Frisk with you, it'll make farming scales from Luvdisc easier, too.
  9. There should be no reason for this 'mon to be shiny-locked, and I have never encountered a shiny-locked 'mon in Reborn before. I did, however, once spend multiple hours resetting for a shiny Eevee, so yeah, it's possible to simply have rotten luck like that.
  10. ZEL


    There's only one thing to say here. Get in the bag Nebby!
  11. Y'know, I wouldn't count on that. If you're around for a bit you start recognizing the regular posters, and if you're a regular poster, people start recognizing you. Same goes for hanging out on the showdown server. So hey, stick around a bit and see what happens. Welcome to the site! Hopefully you won't feel so terribly out of place here as a Pokémon fan.
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