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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. The weather's so nice, gotta go down to the beach after lunch again.
    Latvia is gorgeous and I'm jealous my friend just casually lives like this

  2. whale hi there! whalecome to reborn, nice to meet ya! saving ocean creatures sounds like a very whalesome goal, I hope whaleheartedly that together we can succeed and make the endeavor worthwhale. hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. Hiya, welcome to Reborn! \o I guess my number one advice would be that Reborn is a game that rewards exploration. There's a lot of side quests and events all over the place, and some of the most useful stuff is locked behind 'em. For example, you may find different Pokémon under changing weather conditions - such as a Tynamo in an alleyway during thunderstorms. You'll also probably develop a habit of checking every rock and trash pile for hidden items, because there's lots of them. A lot of traditionally "strong" Pokémon aren't available until later, but Reborn also manages to make some usually overlooked Pokémon more useful. Some of them may be a good type match up for what's ahead of you next. Some get a move or two that comes in handy for the next battle. Some work really well with certain field effects. Disregard nothing just based on how it does in competitive. I've used a Wormadam for five gyms. Twice. Anyway, yeah - hope you enjoy yourself, and maybe we'll see you around!
  4. Off to a week in Latvia! Celebrating my friend's 25th birthday, also time for Eurovision soon :]

  5. Just shook an open bottle. Not my smartest moment today.

  6. Coming home at 7am and going to work two hours later was a great decision I'm not suffering at all

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      what we talking like a Motorcycle like snore? or lawnmower start up snore

    3. ZEL


      sounded kinda like farting tbh

    4. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      there are many kinds ZEL-ora 😛

  7. Off to Paris! See y'all on Thursday~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      I hope you have a nice time in Paris~

    3. ZEL


      @J-Awesome_One I did see this one while sitting in the lobby of the hotel my friend was staying at, so make of that what you will :]

    4. J-Awesome_One


      Omg... It's real! Team Meteor is real! Nooooo! Haha. That is real funny though.

  8. Can't relate, my luck with cofusion hax is usually pretty stellar. As a matter of fact I've had a lot of fun with Taka when Spoink/Grumpig was still on my Psychic mono team :] As frustrating as it is, and annoying as it's gonna be to hear it after you said you don't really believe people who say it, the AI is faced with the exact same odds for hax as the player is. (But certain fields also do affect accuracy or effect chance, so that's something to keep an eye out for as well.) We've all been faced with some shitty luck before, but at the end of the day it really is just that - bad luck. Battles like the TakaZEL double definitely often end up a haxfest, and that's understandably irritating, but the AI ain't cheating at the dice roll. (Pretty sure I'd never have beaten Serra on my bird run if sleep hadn't screwed several of her mons over.) As a side note, PULSE Muk has sky high special defense, I'm not surprised it's giving you trouble in an eevee run.
  9. dropping this post here in case any of it is relevant advice to you i've lived a bit over a year without a fridge and a stove, and I can confirm that rice is a lifesaver tbh, as was my microwave having a fridge, however small, is already a good advantage bc it allows you to store leftovers, so you can buy and prepare stuff in big portions that needs to be kept cold
  10. Depending on the outcome of your battle with Solaris on Pyrous Mountain, the character you team up with for a battle sequence later in the game changes, and -as a result- so does the way the scene plays out. It also affects your relationship variables with various characters - beating Solaris will give you plus points with: Anna, Shade, Cain, Taka, Cal and Victoria (+1 for all except Taka, +3 for him) So far we don't know if and how much it'll change about what happens in the final episode. For the scene that depends on the battle outcome, you may get interesting dialogue/character information out of it, and seeing how you cannot gain any points from losing, and don't lose any points from winning, I'd consider winning the better option. (It's also a popular hypothesis that making decisions that earn you points with Anna and Shade leads to the "true ending" so to say, so unless you're trying to actively earn relationship points with characters that force you to lose points with those two, it may be a good idea to keep a save file where you follow their point distribution. If you wanna know more about the relationship point distribution, feel free to check this thread out. The first post lists them in plot order, so you can read up on the stuff you've already played through without getting spoiled on upcoming events. The second post lists the points by character and does include spoilers, so careful with that one.)
  11. i wuvv u ame this is the best~ pix~

  12. guns with legs guns with legs guns with le

  13. Are you: Tired of looking after your children on a relaxing beach vacation? Sick of the screaming and their affinity for trouble? Desperate to eat at a restaurant not named 'McDonald's' for a change? Craving quality time for yourself again? Call the Meteor Daycare Service! We take your children so you can forget about them. Permanently.
  14. See this is why my headcanon for my player character was that they tried to take a train out of Reborn, rather than arriving there. I think I'd quite enjoy Calcenon or Ametrine City. I much prefer colder temperature ranges, so if there's lots of snow that's perfect. Ametrine is also nicely secluded, not too much going on there we'll discreetly ignore starvation, pulse accidents, child kidnappings and meteor attacks and it's gorgeous up there. +1 for the pretty winter wonderland. Can't think of a more ideal fantasy than living in a small house surrounded by trees in near-eternal snow. But I could also imagine living in Spinel once the after-effects of the Abra incident wear off. It's a very snug little town, I'd love living in a forest village.
  15. But see, here's two things: First, just because people can make up new ways of insulting us doesn't mean we should have to tolerate existing ones. Second, not everyone who uses slurs necessarily realizes the real implications of what they're saying. And that's where you step in and encourage them to think about it a little. Unfortunately words don't always keep their original meanings, and the fact of the matter is that this term can be and is used to insult trans people. The general public isn't anywhere close enough to a point of acceptance of trans people that we are safe from constantly being made the butt end of hurtful jokes. And comparing us to this particular trope is such a joke, and it's not very funny when so many trans women constantly face the very real fear of being accused of deception and trickery. (And no, not just by men, either, as is demonstrated by the existence of trans-exclusionary radical feminists, whose firm opinion is that trans women are men trying to infiltrate women's spaces.) It's cool if your experience so far has been that people manage to draw a respectful boundary and don't apply this word in ways it should not - I'm glad you seem to keep the right company. Unfortunately that experience is far from universal. (Read: God, I wish that were me.)
  16. There are plenty of words you can use as a substitute in any given situation you'd want to use the R-word for. Is your determination to use this specific word really more important than the feelings of people who have had this word used against them in a discriminatory manner? The r-word has a history of being used as a slur, that's the entire reason it came to be used as an insult. People began to use the r-word to insult others for much the same reason they use "gay" as an insult - it's in direct context to the group of people it is applied to. The insult is meant to be the comparison to those people. Just because the word has rooted itself so firmly in people's vocabulary that some of them don't realize how it originated doesn't mean it's suddenly no longer a slur. Not when it is still commonly used as a slur against the very same demographic. Words do oftentimes change meanings over time, but the r-word is still used in the exact same context that made it popular as an insult.
  17. adorable and a mvp and my first ever lv100 pokem- ...you had me in the first half, not gonna lie ;A; I'd say visually it appears to moreso be based on large flightless birds such as ostriches, rheas and emus, but they did take the name from the Dodo. I'd like a 'mon that actually looks like a Dodo some day tbh, they were stupidly cute
  18. Oh hey, it's the island that used to be home to the world's heaviest and only flightless pigeon. And then they slapped the name on a Pokémon that doesn't even look like it. Though I still love the Doduo line deeply don't get me wrong. Welcome to Reborn! \o Incineroar is such a good lad. Used one as the starter in my Dark mono (and in Sun), he puts in really good work. Hope you enjoy your stay while we all wait for E19 :]
  19. 13 years ago I cuddled our dog for the first time, and today I cuddled him for the last time. Rest in peace, friend, you were the best good boy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CrossImpact
    3. Candy


      Rip your doggo 😭 I'm sure he had a happy life by your side 

    4. Abyssreaper99


      RIP to your doggo, I'm sure the good boy had a good life.

  20. ZEL

    happy birthday you're the coolest bf ever thx for existing :]

  21. To be fair, I think that either 1. The actual comment of "That's ZEL" got somewhat lost and the others couldn't think of a Meteor member with a name related to the diary, or 2. They got confused because of the Magnezone bit It's still funny to me and I will have my entertainment dammit Also "WHAT" is really the only reaction appropriate for the PCs butter fingers at this point lmao I'm glad they like Blake, he's honestly the most hilarious antagonist in the game, change my mind
  22. Lumi calls her 'Eve' multiple times in the diary tho, they even sorta paused on it at one point
  23. "That's ZEL!" - "That's what I was thinking about, too, but the letters don't match anyones name..." Yeah, if only Evelynn and Lumina matched any letters in 'ZEL' am I right
  24. I met a cute dog on the train and got to give him a treat. 11/10 nice day

    1. Wolfox


      likes for the puppers

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      wouldnt it be nice if any day was this nice?

  25. [My Heart Will Go On is playing gently in the background] [YOU ARE SAFE IN MY HEART AND MY HEART WILL GO ON rings loudly in your ear as Celine Dion bursts into your room] one true time you held him, i guess
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