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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. Who are you and what did you do to Commander
  2. "Oh, a short episode, guess they'll battle Bennett then" Kind of a bummer that nothing interesting happened, they really did just take half the vid to get into the mansion lol Share their feelings about the field so far big time, though I always loved the concept for the mirror arena, but I'd be an awful liar if I said I enjoy the field itself
  3. Oh I'm not from NA either, should've probably mentioned that, aha. I grew up in a rather rural area myself and only moved to a bigger city once I got into uni, so as a teenager when I wanted to do anything related to my hobbies I usually had to try the next biggest cities. It's definitely more impractical than if you're right in the middle of it, but it was worth it. But, say, it does make me wonder: How do you usually try to socialize with people? Like, you've said you've had a lot of bad experiences with people when you were trying to connect. How come? Cuz don't get me wrong, it sucks when you find yourself face-to-face with the wrong kinds of people. That does happen. But even in a smaller town, even in a smaller school/college, the population isn't made up completely of those people, so perhaps it's necessary to change the methods of your approach? I'm mainly asking because you've described yourself as both shy and a bit of a lone wolf. To me that sounded like you're a kind of person who would find it easier to increase the chance that someone will approach you, than to be the person doing the first steps. My suggestions were mostly based around that: clubs and conventions are by default places where you can be reasonably confident that people share your interests, because duh. That's why you're all there. It takes away a lot of anxiety when you know you're in the right place. Making your interests obvious through appearance etc offers an invitation to people to talk to you about them. But if that's not an option (or only rarely an option), you might be forced to be more bold and outgoing, leave your comfort zone a little. Chat up people, find out if they like some of the same stuff as you. And that's where the trying not to generalize comes in, because sometimes you'll find the best conversation partner in the person you least expected it to be. It also does mean, yeah, that sometimes you'll be stuck talking about things you don't care so much about - after all, other people are passionate about their hobbies, too, and hoping to find someone who shares them. It's still good practise, though! It's also worth remembering that people aren't always rude by choice. They may not realize they said something hurtful, or they're a bit clumsy at socializing. Sometimes it's easy to forget that we're not the only ones who feel awkward, and that everyone else isn't a master of conversation^^ (Take me, for example I probably sounded a lot more harsh than I was in my head. (For which I apologize, btw. I try not to be a big meanie, but the lecture tone slips through a lot.))
  4. There's a lot to unpack here, but I'm going to try to address two things first and foremost, to the best of my ability. Let's get the less pleasant one out of the way first: Both of those statements are, as Archeric already pointed out, incredibly superficial. In just one sentence, you have swiftly and negatively dismissed "most women" based on their method of socializing (going out for drinks and partying) and their choice in partners (muscles). You've parroted just about every popular stereotype about women right off the bat, evoking the image of the "dumb promiscuous party girl" that's so terribly ingrained in our society, and I can only encourage you to spare a few critical thoughts on why you view women this way. You're frustrated because you feel like people treat you badly due to your different lifestyle, but right here you're doing the exact same thing you condemn them for. I'm sure you're a friendly person and pleasant to hang out with once one gets to know you. And if you don't enjoy socializing with certain types of people because you don't have enough in common, that's fine. But reducing them to being "shallow" "sheep" because their interests are different and yes, perhaps more common than yours, makes you look self-absorbed and condescending. And I doubt that's what you want to come across as. It's also worth pointing out that this kind of thinking can easily result in shooting your own foot, so to say, once you do meet people who fit your relationship criteria. I certainly would not date a man who generalizes women like this. When guys tell women that they like them because they're "not like other women", it doesn't sound like "wow you're a cool person who i enjoy spending time with". It sounds like "Unlike those other women, you meet my standards". Charming. Everything you've said about other people so far makes you sound like you consider them beneath you, and that's... a very off-putting trait that doesn't make people feel inclined to like you. Don't get me wrong, it sucks when you have uncommon interests and can't find a lot of people who share them, and I understand how frustrating it is to feel lonely because of that. But what you need to understand is that you cannot blame other people for this. Other people aren't at fault for your loneliness just because they have interests that you don't care about. You can either try to introduce people to your interests, as Archeric suggested, or put yourself out there and see if you can find ways to increase your chances at meeting like-minded folks. Less "ugh, if only all these people weren't so mainstream", and more "how can I make it easier to find people like me?" Which brings me to... I know this is gonna sound like a cliché answer at first, but: you're probaby not looking in the right places. Now, hear me out on that one: In the age of the internet, it has become easier than ever before to find people who share your passions. Whether it be directly through online gaming, or gaming communities, or any other type of social media, there are countless platforms at hand on which you are able to talk to like-minded people. It's a super easy way to form friendships, because you're 1. no longer limited to the area you live in, but also because 2. it even make it easier to find people in your area. It even comes with the added bonus of making socializing easier for folks who get a bit anxious when they're trying to approach people IRL. Meeting people online can actually be a wonderful method of developing better social skills by allowing you to take baby steps. Apart from the internet, you can also try to look at clubs in or near your college. Those are generally a really good way to link up with like-minded people offline, and again comes with the bonus of finding people in your area. You can also check for conventions. Maybe you can't afford to go to, say, Comic Con, but maybe that game store in your city is holding occasional events? There is no shortage of people interested in video games, and there is also no shortage of women interested in video games. Gaming is a multi-million dollar industry. It's far from being an obscure niche interest these days. One more thing (that I realize, however, is very money-dependent): Merch can do wonders sometimes. People have started whole conversations with me based on band shirts I've worn or accessories I carry with me. One New Year's Eve I went to the city alone and ended up invited to hang out with a bunch of strangers for the rest of the celebrations because one of them had attended the same metal festival I wore a shirt from. People comment on my eeveelution keychains all the time. I understand being shy, introverted and potentially insecure, but if you really do feel so lonely then you're not doing yourself a favor by telling yourself it's not worth working on your social skills. The best for you isn't always what's easiest.
  5. Dreamt I was being chased by a Giant Enemy Crab™. I have dreams of being hunted down by things very often, but this one was hilarious enough that even my dream self took notice.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      crabber dabber doo

    2. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      That's just...wow, well at least it was a giant crab with a knife.

  6. Serra's voice is awful, Bennett's works okay enough I guess. I was surprisingly okay with all the whispering, kinda got used to it after a while (and after Mo stopped being loud). "What the fuck is going on in this game" could be the new slogan, really.
  7. ZEL


    Hello, is that the police? Yes? Yeah I'm calling to ask if you can arrest this person. The art they posted looks so nice I'm sure they lifted it from a nearby museum? ...Jokes aside, hi there! That's some great art, I love it! It's not often that I see people drawing Corey, I really like the perspective and the scene in that piece. You did a great job with his expression, too! So, am I even gonna state the obvious? Of course I am. I adore it when people draw ZEL, and this is no exception~ You've done them perfect justice
  8. Sounds good! My Xatu and the spare fossil aren't going anywhere any time soon, so I guess whoever first notices when online is back up can just PM the other ^^ Tell ya what, I'll breed a Natu in the meantime, that way you won't have to
  9. Sounds good~ I'll get online and wait for a request then^^ Edit: Okay, I'm getting errors so uh, rip? Seems a lot of people are getting them, though, so it doesn't look like it's on my end. That said, my offer stands, so I'll be happy to try again as soon as it's possible!
  10. I've got a Xatu and a Helix Fossil I could give ya, don't really need anything special in return so whatever you wanna part from is just fine^^ Just let me know if you're interested and when you're online - username's Ama
  11. I'm neutral on Laura's voice, at least it's somewhat distinguishable. Some of the voice acting has been blending together for me, it's good to hear something different. Guess on Friday we'll get to see em wander around the forest getting lost, eh? That should be fun to watch :] (Here's to hoping they don't decide to read us the entire diary on the lost train, though. Shit's too damn long.)
  12. Do you only have one heart scale in your inventory? The psychologist charges 3 scales as of E18; however, the perk is that he will now let you choose the nature, as opposed to the randomized one you got in previous episodes^^
  13. I wasn't drunk enough to suffer through the first five minutes of this episode. Or the daddy jokes. I feel entitled to financial compensation. Or more vodka. ...I did laugh at "Your father gave this to you? He was always a bitch", though.
  14. You can find them in any of these areas, so it doesn't really matter where you search, but IIRC it's more common on the beach than in the training area. It's still rare compared to the other encounters in either location, so if you want to cut down the time it takes to find one, just save in front of a smashable rock and soft-reset until it gives you the Binacle encounter. That way you won't have to keep running back and forth to regenerate the rocks^^ Depending on how far into the game you are, though, there's a cave accessible with surf close to Apophyll Beach, called Azurine Cave. Binacle is a (non-rocksmash) encounter there, too, and considerably more common.
  15. ZEL

    LF Fossils

    A'ight, I'll send you a request then^^ Sorry for the slight delay, I have an incurable habit of forgetting my password lol Edit: Tells me you're not online, how about I wait and you send to me?
  16. ZEL

    LF Fossils

    I have extra Claw & Dome Fossils that I can send you! Online name is Ama, just let me know if you're interested & when you're ready and I'll send you a request. ('fraid I don't have a spare Skull Fossil, though.) Don't need anything special in return, I already have everything I want on this file, so any random mon will do^^
  17. The backstory with Lin is what you get when you team up with Laura, not when she gets kidnapped^^ You fight Sirius at Yureyu and Sigmund downstairs at the mansion to get this split. Laura will then tell you about Orphanage!Lin after she and you get teleported into the Tanzan Depths.
  18. Since the topic came up again a short while ago RIP in EVs indeed
  19. As far as technicalities go, p sure Ame said that Cain chooses to identify as pansexual. (Though indeed, the difference between bi and pan is merely one's personal preference for labels. It really is that simple. A lot of times, attempts to draw some sort of border between the two seem to stem from a need to "justify" the existence of two terms. It's unfortunate, since those attempts tend to end up accidentally creating negative implications towards one side.) I'll be real, if I never have to hear the same recycled reactions to female characters again, I won't shed a tear. It got old pretty fast even without taking their ages into the equation. I'm happy they enjoyed the Wasteland so much. It's definitely one of the coolest settings in the game to me, especially with how much exploring can be done, and seeing them appreciate the locations and lore bits is great. With how excited they always seem to get when they think they're getting out of the city, I feel they'll appreciate Tanzan, Chrysolia and Aventurine once they get there. Though what I really want to find out is what they'll think of Iolia Valley, another one of those locations that I think are just all-around neat.
  20. Yo, Hyc and the rest of the squad succ for getting me involved jk I had fun and would probably be down for another round in a few years as well. Huge shoutout to everyone in Gazers for making this an enjoyable first battling experience for me. I had a great time learning from and talking to you all! Thanks for eleven weeks of supportive team experience and dominating the leaderboard, finals be damned. I couldn't have been put in a better nation, y'all are cool and we rule. Thanks to everyone else as well! Also totes sorry for bailing from discord early, downer atmosphere didn't mix well with some IRL shit that went down last evening lol
  21. I love how you say this at the 8/10 rating for taillow, not the 3/10 you gave poor wingull How could you do this to wingull you'll make lia cry maybe but it's ok I'll put the gun down If only to force you to live with the shame of an existence in which metagross got a low rating Losty commenting on your awful score for the Lotad line in 3...2...1...
  22. I mean, Derogatory did do his Nuzlocke blind and still made it. it's not impossible. Though I'd assume part of why it's more difficult in the case of the penta-op might be because it's a recorded run on YT as a group; while they take time between episodes to grind or catch event 'mons, they're still trying to make the content that viewers get to see as entertaining as possible, and ofc there's also the pressure to keep up with each other. I imagine they don't really get the chance to explore the game completely at their own pace during recording times because there's only so much time they allow themselves to have before needing to hit the same point in the game again.
  23. Yeah it was pretty nice that they ended up changing their mind about her. Honestly their collective "Noooooooooo" when she died was the perfect reaction. I also did actually enjoy their voice acting in the scene that followed, especially between Cal and Victoria.
  24. Sjgdskflzd that was the thing that made me lose my wits last night. I was tired as hell and only stubbornly stayed up because I wanted to watch the ep and out of nowhere he just Can I also just say I'm celebrating Jay picking "no" as his answer? I'm proud of you, Jay, you brave, strong individual, forging your own path.
  25. I always thought the situation at Pyrous was pretty interesting because it was going to reflect badly on Cal no matter what happened. Now this is assuming his goal was to keep working undercover with Meteor. Cuz otherwise he could've just sided with us all along. In the story's actual events, he gets partial blame for killing Medicham and Kiki. Then turns around and opposes meteor. He's cast out by Meteor and the people whose side he was actually on. Worst thing that could've happened. Had everything gone according to Cal's plan -no interruption through Kiki, Victoria, Cain and the MC-... then he'd still have gotten into trouble. Cuz inevitably, the PULSE would have failed, and if the machine didn't work then the blame would fall on Taka and Cal, or ZEL. And it would probably not take Eve very long to figure out that someone has been messing with the PULSE, so really, in the end it would have fallen back on Cal and Taka, since they were in charge of the machine as it was installed. Now, Solaris does distrust Taka, but Cal would've still had to come up with some real good excuses if he planned on getting out of this without being suspected of a) being involved, or b) failing to notice that Taka/someone had sabotaged the PULSE. Had he failed to obey Solaris' orders, he'd have gotten punished - doubly so if Medicham had destroyed the PULSE. Kiki and Victoria might've believed him. But blatantly not doing what Solaris told him would have made him look suspicious at worst, and spineless at best. In either case, there would be consequences. In fact... let's assume he disobeyed Solaris, so Solaris stops Medicham himself. Then the machine turns out not to work. This would be the worst case scenario for Cal right after what really happened. Because in this case chances are much lower that Taka would end up suspected. Cal doesn't wanna stop Kiki + machine broke? It'd make it a lot easier to guess he was actually a traitor and not just scared to hurt his mentor. And ya know what happens to traitors. Even in his best case scenario Cal would still have ended up looking incompetent in the eyes of his superiors. Situation would've sucked for him no matter what, lol.
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