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Everything posted by SilverAngelus

  1. Happy Birthday Senpai! I hope you will have a spectacular day and that you will continue to have as such for the rest of your life the year! 💜 🎂 😸

    1. seki108


      Thank you very much, Sol!

    2. Maqqy


      Happy happy birthday Seki! 🎊 

    3. seki108


      Thank you too, Maqqy!

  2. But would you really want to cook for that long all the time? Sounds tasty, but it's...too slow.
  3. If Madame X wants to beat Melia, then Madame X should just give Melia a math test.

    1. Dreamy


      It's odd that they highlight Melia sucking at maths, and also Maria being a maths supergenius

    2. SilverAngelus


      I'm really sure Melia and Maria have a strong connection somehow, but I don't think Melia = Maria.

    3. Dreamy


      Yea, definitely agree. though it could be some kind of reincarnation thing?

  4. 459 Every time I feel like Alis is lurking and maniacally laughing/waiting for the chance to strike
  5. Given that your sister dorms with 6 other people, I'd say the best bet is to find a better place - one where she doesn't have to cram and live under a food-taking "dorm master," imo. That way, she and that friend could use their money for rent and food and transportation for better use. If that can't happen, is there any public storage they can access nearby? If so, they could store the things they don't need at the moment to free up space. So you say she has a microwave. Here's my tip for that: This is the first time I'm hearing a yonana and I swear it's the sole answer to my finding-a-way-to-eat-ice cream-and-healthy-at-the-same-time conundrum.
  6. Hi Yahen and welcome to Reborn! I also am in college but spend my time playing Pokemon
  7. Forget hooman doctor, I really wanna be a Pokémon Doctor!

    1. Wolfox


      so, Nurse Solviera?

    2. SilverAngelus


      Doctor Solviera 👨‍⚕️

  8. Oof Jan I know you won't let us down, I wish you and the dev team all best. God speed! I am so looking forward to how the tournament will turn out!!!
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