I've had a rather.....interesting dream last night.
What had happened was that a rumor has passed through the media that if you got a text from a certain number, said text shows up in a very specific way. No matter your version of your phone, the screen goes green, red, or blue. No one knows this number at all. If you try looking it up, you will find nothing.
If you get this text in a green color, the media said a green knight appears out of no where and makes you literally fade away from the world.
If you get this text in a red color, the media said a red knight appears out of no where and sets you ablaze. I know, harsh. >_<
If you get this text in a blue color, the media said a blue knight appears out of no where and freezes you till you "crack."
And this was actually happening all around the world, with no rhyme or reason. There was despair everywhere, as everyone was panicking, fearing that they would get one of these texts. The government had no idea what to do about this situation, and had labeled these text attacks as terror attacks.
I got a text from an unrecognized number. Then the screen turned green. And so the green knight appeared out of thin air in front of me. It swished its sword in my direction in an expecting manner and so I faded away. But then, once I saw myself fade away, I faded back right into reality. The knight was absolutely bewildered; nothing of the sort had ever happened in that world before. The knight faded me away many times, but I faded back into reality just as fast every time. The green knight became very agitated.
And that's all in this dream because I woke up. ._.