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Everything posted by Vithan

  1. I Never did compare the base stats Between Ampharos with my Manetric. I mostly used my Manetric cause he was the better Electric type pokemon at the time. I will most definitely get Ampharos if his movepool is better. Hmm, I don't really remember having Howl, but I will replace it with my ember attack. It's hard making my Braixen do enough damage cause I feel like his attack stat isn't high enough for his level. Where is the move tutor? I think I found him/her before but I can't remember where at the top of my head. I forgot about the common candy! I will definitely try that for my Braixen.I notice what the Telepathy does, after I looked at his other Abilities, and thought it would be a good key to let me take charge of that battle.I also have Cacnea in my party since I wanted a grass type. I like having a balance team. But then I remember Grass is weak to Bug soon as the battle started. I am ashamed of my Meowstic. He is a better hit than my Braixen. And removing my light screen was an accident. I was hoping he would have a different movepool. So far everything has been psychic types and I was hoping for a dark or ghost type move to show up. Maybe it will later or Meowstic is primary a support role Pokemon. I have been debating on keeping my Meowstic since my Braixen is a Fire/Psychic type. Thank you for all the help, advice and input! I will get to work on reconstruction my team and leveling them up some! (Maybe I will get better once I learn what roles fits better to what pokemon.)
  2. Hello! I am having some Difficulty with Shelly Honestly. My Team Braixen lv: 34 [Ability : Blaze] [Nature: Adamant] - Psyshock - Flame Charge - Ember - Pysbeam Manectric lv:32 [Ability : Lighteningrod] [Nature : Naughty] -Quick Attack -Thunder Fang -Bite -Discharge Noibat lv: 32 [Ability : Telepathy] [Nature : Jolly] -Air Cutter -Roost -Bite -Wing Attack Meowstic lv:32 [Ability: Prankster] [Nature: Impish] -Psyshock -Miracle Eye -Psybeam -Confusion Cacnea lv:28 [Ability : Water Absorb] [Nature: Mild] -Payback -Feint Attack -Absorb -Needle Arm Buizel lv:25 [Ability : Swift Swim] [Nature: Careful] -Water Gun -Pursuit -Swift -Aqua Jet __ In PC __ Kricketot 15 Cleffa 5 Swirlix 10 Litleo 15 Pachirisu 14 Skitty 15 Ekans 23 DuckLett 1 Zigzagoon 15 Spoink 15 Lillipup 15 Happiny 10 Helioptile 20 Mareep 10 Meowth 13 Swadloon 20 Growlithe 20 Vanillite 15 I am willing to grind if needed or go out catching a pokemon that I don't have. Thank you for the help and advice before hand!
  3. Thank you. And I'm ready for the crazy and fun! I'm starting to catch up with the Pokedex... and I'm slightly weirded out and in awe with the new gens so far. Yeah, I always spelled Leviathan wrong when I started out with Final Fantasy when I was... 5 I think. Soo, I ended up making the nickname Vithan. My Mum always made fun of my for it along with my younger brother. Anyways Arkhidon, great song! I've heard you had a nack for giving out great music around the forums.
  4. Well, after about 5 days or so of playing Reborn and signing up for this site 3 days ago I believe. I think I spent enough time lurking and should Introduce myself. X3 I'm Vithan, short for Levithan. Some of you people should know the name from Final Fnatasy. Well, that's where I got it from. Anyways, I've played Pokemon since it first came out and played it for years. Sadly, I stopped playing Diamond and Pearl came out. Since then I was left behind and now trying to catch up. My favorite Pokemon is Absol. Though my types I mostly like are Water, Ice and Dark/Ghost. Honestly, I don't understand much about the whole battle system that I have notice around today. Trainers having certain pokemon due to stats difference, making sure to have a certian nature and certian moves. But, I hope to understand all of this here today. Wow.. I like to ramble, my bad. Anyways, Thank you for Pokemon Reborn and thank you for reading! I can't wait for future talks and for the future episodes of Reborn!
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