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  1. Hm.. yeah that would be copying. It'll be amazing if they'll create a new one instead
  2. Maybe this can be used once the city went back to normal
  3. As in exactly like that? I also tried using the gif images for pokes but it doesn't quite match with the reborn bg so I didn't use it and the movements aren't that smooth compared to Zeta though dunno why.
  4. Actually it's a UI mod for Zeta/Omicron haven't actually tried Insurgence
  5. Episode 15

    1. Solarance


      Above the Member Info.

  6. I am also playing other Pokemon games running the same engine as reborn (I won't be mentioning its name though) and upon finishing Episode 15 (which I finished in 2 hours, too short for me actually though). I thought of playing with a few of its background. But first things first. I'm really sorry Amethyst if you don't like this. Now, here are the changes I made. Please note that the images I used were of another version and I just tried if it would work and luckily it did. Credits belongs to the sources of the images. PS: I don't do IV/EV Training and I personally like the Bag since it is like a break from all the dark texture of almost everything in the game though (my personal opinion only) Now that you reached this part. I need your violent reaction. What can you say about the changes I made?
  7. Anyone got an individual 2D flat image of the badges in higher quality? Can you give me a copy? Thanks!
  8. I'm not stuck just lost. I already activated the obsidia switch. Dunno where to go next. Can't attach photos. Spartan on Windows10TP doesn't allow photo uploads yet.
  9. I'm currently trying to learn RMXP. If I can offer any help I would gladly be willing to help. I'm a newbie though but a fast learner
  10. the link on the download part on the main page is still 14.1.1
  11. Don't forget to save

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