Hello there lovely Pokemon Reborn crew! My name is Mikainox, and I'm a new member here in the Reborn community. Or rather, I'm a new member in terms of having an account. I've been a long-time anon lurker and I've played reborn for a fairly long while, but I've never made an account on this awesome site mainly due to, well, I just didn't think to to be honest.
I'm a male college student who has been a fan of Pokemon for pretty much as long as I can remember and when I found out about Reborn a while ago, I was intrigued and subsequently impressed. The game is awesome, the story is great, the music rocks, and best of all, it's challenging. That last point was wonderful to me since I really haven't had a challenge in the official games since I got to Brock for the first time in Pokemon Yellow. I never was that into the competitive scene since for a long time I just didn't have the ability to go out and join competitions. Especially during the days when link cables were a thing, remember those? Man, good times. My current life goal is to graduate college and just enjoy life. My hobbies are gaming, anime, manga, badminton, and board games. My favorite game series is Pokemon (duh), my favorite anime and manga is One Piece although I will watch and enjoy just about anything, and my favorite board game is Betrayal at the House on the Hill. Don't ask me what my favorite Pokemon is unless you enjoy watching someone fruitlessly agonize over something.
Anyway, I hope this little thread of mine is the beginning of a long and joyful relationship between me and all the Reborn Crew.