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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AngryMidget

  1. Hey, I played to rebron 2 times now and both times i used field effects on him. On my first play through i had NidoQueen Use Sludgewave and on my Second one my Camerupts used lava plume . That way Noel is a pushover The easiest way to aquire sludgewave is as far as i know by catching a muk using a good rod. Good luck
  2. Although not being a Gym Leader , Blake gave me Hell on my first run through the game.
  3. Like I said , The Badge doesnt raise the Cap , but i think that this could be due to the fact that the Badge marks the end of the latest Episode , on the other hand on the trainer card the next badge is marked with 75, so thanks Shing , i guess that answers my question
  4. Hey Guys, ehm... I was wondering whether Terra's Badge is going to raise the LevelCap. It didnt after beating her , but i thought that may be intended to stop people from Grinding in between episodes , and , that its going to be raised with Episode 15. Does any of you have a cluue about that ? Otherwise i had to redesign my team since most of my pokemon are quite close to the cap
  5. Hey , just to throw that out there, I dont think that you should pick simply what you like, if you are interested in a smooth run through the game. If you consider the fact that there a 16 starters , the thought that some are better suited than others comes quite natural, especially, because not every type is equally represented in the game to make every starter equally useful. I finished Episode 14 an hour ago , and I did so using a Todile (Later Feraligatr) , and it was a nightmare. Unless i missed something he only learned one water type move up to level 70 , excluding water gun, which is Aquatail. His coverage is awful as he learns largely normal type moves. The only move that proved to be quite useful was Ice Fang and even that did jackshit against M3GG4 T3RR4's RAAAAAAAAWRCHOMP , despite Sheer Forde If you dont want to be forced to use gimmicky tactics , that i find to be usually quite boring , you should use a starter with good base stats , a nice ability , typing and good coverage. Greninja and Blaziken have both proofed to provide just that . Although for a lack of good TM'S, I would encorage you to pick Blaziken , since that cuts down the power of Greninja a lot . Since you acces to a big variety of Pokemon types in the early stages of the game is quite limited, you should pick a starter that can deal with the early enemies quite well. Without having tried this , Blaziken should do well . Its fighting type and heavy dmg will help you later , too. I mean after all , there is a reason Speedboost Blaziken was banished to the Uber Tier after all . It just wrecks shit . In general fire types seem to be superior in the early stages . And later there is enough to choose from to minimize their weaknesses. Good Luck Mate Greetings Midget
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