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About EluriaMendes

  • Birthday 11/23/1992

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  • Interests
    I like puns, uh goats, bug pokemon, disney movies, musicals, homestuck, higurashi no naku koro ni, dragon age, skullgurls, castle crashers, and roleplaying

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    Ask if you want it~

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  1. Someone talk to me. I need advice on how to approach someone who is trying to control my friend.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Sometimes you have to be aggressive with these situations.

      Even if you would rather not have an explosive outcome, it's an unfortunate given in some cases.

      Don't budge, remain a friend, and let the person controlling know you're not going anywhere.

      If your friend chooses them over you, then, they weren't a good friend to begin with.

    3. Sutoratosu



      in this type of situation, you gotta buck up and take the bull by the horns in order to stick up for ya buddy. Because real friends aren't afraid to raise some hell if they need to in order to prevent another friend from being used by someone.

      And like LoB said, if they choose the manipulator over you, the very person trying to stick up for them... then yeah, they obviously weren't worth calling a friend then if they can't even recognize you were on...

    4. Sutoratosu


      their side and trying to stick up for them

  2. Well, there go my plans for new year's.

  3. My new year's resolution is to make a new year's resolution.

  4. Okay, I don't normally ask for this but could I get 200 Reborn Munies so I can get a Sprite from Shia's Shop?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Odybld


      Elly, Shia's queue is closed right now. Stay around, post to farm some rupees, and I'll bump you when it reopens.

    3. EluriaMendes


      Aw dang noooo. Well...Its not like I plan on spending the cash on anything other than one of those sprites (<> u <>) so thanks for that!

    4. Hexagoen


      keep the munnie

  5. It got way too cold, way too fast.

    1. breelompauncher


      it's still 75 here in charlotte

    2. EluriaMendes


      ; - ; wanna trade places my bro?

  6. I think you need a name and moveset for it to take.
  7. I literally didn't realize Christmas was tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, no worries Miss Elly. I totally get it XD. I didn't do it this time but yea my sense of time is garbage.

    3. EluriaMendes


      Yeah. I swore I had like. 3 days left to do presents.

    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      My brother had the same issue. There wasn't as much buildup as normal.

  8. Learning how to do subtle animation is art is so trying.

  9. It's the final countdown~! *dododo dodo doo*

  10. What's a skeleton's favorite body part? THEIR SKELBOWS!! :D

    1. Combat


      I'm smiling and I hate it!

    2. Skeleton
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