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Peepeepoopoo last won the day on August 2 2015

Peepeepoopoo had the most liked content!


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About Peepeepoopoo

  • Birthday 05/10/2001

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. How long have you had this laptop for? Can you think of anything that happened BEFORE your laptop shit itself that could have damaged it somehow? Have you checked for any malicious software or just useless software running in the background? Try to fix it before replacing it, it's the cheaper alternative. Chances are you can fix your laptop if you spent a few hours on it and save yourself half a grand. If push comes to shove you can always factory reset your laptop and if it isn't a hardware issue that will fix it.
  3. I'm a Rat and surprise surprise, this shit makes no sense. You can't put people into 12 boxes and expect them to behave a certain way based on what box you put them in. Especially when that box is based on what year you were born in.
  4. Quite possibly the best anime this season; Another good one, best "stuck in a video game" anime there is; Surprisingly fun to watch;
  5. Just change your status to "sure wish I could touch tips with ________" Thank me later
  6. If you already did a playthrough then you should know what worked, or at least what didn't work.
  7. TIL you can put YT videos on loop by right clicking on the video. Thanks Gbay.
  8. TFW God Emperor Trump will not be the next president
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