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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Peepeepoopoo

  1. Hello, welcome to the forums. Don't let these guys scare you, this place is completely normal.
  2. Banned for playing in ubers.
  3. Yes there is a shiny stone available. You'll need surf to get it (bring other HMs just in case but I'm sure it's just surf) and you'll need to do a bit of exploring in Amethyst Cave. There's only one though. Your team looks like it's mainly focused on fast/hard hitting (bar Ampharos) so maybe Tangrowth or Slowbro would be a good addition to your team just to soak up hits.
  4. 68 RIP Link and me, Eterna the ninja king.
  5. This isn't the right thread for this. Try here next time. Check the fountains near the north railnet. No nature changer as of yet.
  6. Does this happen every single time? What OS are you running? Have you tried making a new game?
  7. 8/10 what can I say? Looks good.
  8. Can I date Chie? If I can date Chie then I'm in. I've never roleplayed though.
  9. Granted, you now have RAM chips lodged in your brain. I wish I had Ace membership. :'(
  10. Well there is a TM for Bulk Up available (somewhere) but I can't remember where...
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