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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Peepeepoopoo

  1. The only candy I like is chocolate.
  2. I've tried moving in a wheel chair. It's so much fun.
  3. TFW you take your flute out of its case after 2 years and it's lost its shine, but you give it a quick clean and put it together and try it out and it still sounds great. And then you start talking to it for a good 15 minutes before you put it back in its case.
  4. Then plug your phone into your computer and transfer it to your phone. I don't know what file format your phone likes but the BGM in Rejuvenation is .mp3 format. Converting it is quite straightforward as well.
  5. You already have it though. Go to your Rejuvenation folder. Then to the Audio folder. Then to the BGM folder.
  6. I just got my first warning point whooo

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Peepeepoopoo


      No "pointless post that was borderline trolling" <3

    3. Courtesy


      wut 4 dub'ol p8st1ng?

    4. Vinny


      ?tsop elbuod, rof tahw

  7. Banned for not having an avatar or signature after 500+ posts.
  8. Granted but now you have to do things 42 times instead of only once (if you want to open a jar of peanut butter, you have to open/close it 42 times before using it, etc.). I wish I had some chocolate to eat.
  9. What if Vinny really isn't the Weavile president?
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