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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Peepeepoopoo

  1. Ariados is a really cool looking Pokemon. Too bad its stats are trash.
  2. Protip: if the thread is in the Rejuvenation subforum, then it likely pertains to Rejuvenation, not Reborn.
  3. Fun minigame you can play on the forum; see how many warning points you can get in a single post.
  4. Le gasp!!!! Damn it Jan, why you gotta make me play through the game more than once?
  5. That's hella cute. Too bad I'll never be this thoughtful :')
  6. Peepeepoopoo


    Unless you get banned. :^)
  7. As long as we can both agree that biology is a shit science then we'll get along just fine.
  8. Or you can burn/toxic stall it (and also stall out the hail assuming you've KO'D the Abomasnow already). This will also get her to use all the hyper potions she has.
  9. There is a mechanic in the game that will give you one more chance to catch every shadow Pokemon in the game, but just one. You'll see what I mean once you beat Venam.
  10. Peepeepoopoo


    Hey Kiri, can I smang it?
  11. I hate math :'( rekts me every time. Welcome to the forum though.
  12. Baking makes me feel manly

    1. Garnet.


      i thought this said barking and now im laughing 100% louder than i should be

  13. Have you tried using your Pidgeot to lower Gyarados' attack by 2-4 stages?
  14. Post your team and difficulty mode please.
  15. That's odd. First Makuhita I caught was Thick Fat. Didn't know that one was rarer than the other. I'm sure RNGeesus is just trolling you.
  16. To me Crawli's gym puzzle was the most fun to do. I didn't understand what to do at first but once I understood what the idea of the puzzle was it was pretty easy.
  17. Yes you can. Use surf on Akuwa shore and head east.
  18. I made a thingy.

  19. Move Tutor is not available until you beat Angie and finish all help quests in that town. You're SOL there. I recommend replacing Ursaring with a Thick Fat Hariyama. Hariyama's naturally high HP and attack stat along with good moves such as knockoff and close combat will help you a lot in this gym.
  20. Alright so currently I'm making a custom animated signature for something...special. However when I try to include it in my signature it will not automatically display. When I try to put tags around the URL it says "File type not supported" but I know this forum supports .gif file types because currently I have animated sprites of pokemon in my signature, which happen to be .gif files. Any help on the matter? The signature dimensions are 500 x 100 pixels and size is like 1 kilobyte. Alright so after meddling around a bit I figured out how to do exactly what I wanted to do. Someone please feel free to delete this thread.
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