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Everything posted by Peepeepoopoo

  1. Unfezant in Corta Forest also yield 2 attack EVs, so including that might be good. I initially thought they would give speed EVs but then I KO'd one and had no speed EVs on my Hariyama. Edit: Why is the EV total 510 instead of 512? Isn't 512 the correct total?
  2. Also, would some of the help quests count as puzzles? I know it's a stretch but if Venam's gym "puzzle" gets mention here then I'd like to argue that some of the help quests deserve to be here as well
  3. I found a ladder (key item) in Wispy Ruins. Does it have any use in this version or do I have to wait? Also if someone could tell me where that cheeky brat Crawli's secret spot is (and also where I can get Narcissa's TM), that would be very appreciated.
  4. Welp I just solo'd them anyway :') Also as some people have pointed out, the time machine is still broken. I went into Jenner's lab and activated the PC but it said "You have already activated an event" and stepping into the machine lead me back to the first and only event you can relive.
  5. Just finished the battle with Angie and I have to say Jan, the ordeal that followed was very very exciting to witness and well done. I know this has been said many times, but kudos to you. Looking forward to seeing what cool new things you put in V6
  6. Hey, you know what this thread needs more of? People stuck in Angie's hell hole. So I was just wondering if it's true that you can get rid of her stupid field with an Eruption. I've got a Camerupt right now with Eruption and I sent it out first against her Abomasnow. I used Eruption. The text was as follows; "The cold weakened the attack. The ice melted (field disappears, graphics change from icy terrain to cave terrain). The ice shattered (graphics go back from cave terrain to ice terrain)." I one-shot the abomasnow which is cool and all but this doesn't seem to remove the field which is super sad. I took down her Walrein with a curse, then she sent out her Froslass and used Cold Truth. It said something along the lines of "The immense cold powered up the attack" indicating that the field was still here. Do I need to use a different move or is it not possible to remove the field? Edit: Welp, I just beat her with a bit of luck and a lot of potions (used up the hyper potions and max potions I had too :'( ) I'll post my team and strategy as it's quite different from the teams that have seen success on this thread so far against Angie. My team (they were all level 53 entering the battle);
  7. Don't know where to put this, but right now I'm up against the ice woman (Angie). I tried to get rid of her field turn 1 by using Eruption but it just came back. When I used eruption turn 1 it said "The harsh cold weakened the attack. The ice melted (field disappears). The ice shattered (field is back)." Can anyone help me out with these mechanics?
  8. Yeah, I got stopped by the girl in front of the town and she told me "you can't escape this town" or something along those lines. I thought to myself "Watch me pleb" and just walked out back to Teila town.
  9. Also milotic or too OP? Jan please Milotic. You added Feebas (shadow Feebas), don't be a tease.
  10. I hope Adam is in version 6. He better be OP after what he said to us about being out of our league.
  11. Swiggity swoogity, I'm coming for that shadow Pokemon booty. The ones that I missed.
  12. My strat was to use Shedinja. All I had to do was take out her Rotom. Rest of her team couldn't touch me. I believe you need to have the appropriate fonts installed.
  13. I think this has been reported somewhere but in the Saki/Venam double battle once you lose and go back to your position Melia (if you said she was the strongest) will not battle with you anymore.
  14. Aaaah this makes sense. The Seel was level 47 and my Mr Mrs Ms.(?) Mime was level 46. Two more things I found; Venum's mom still says "They're playing loud music upstairs" when I go to get the CD and clearly no one is upstairs. The Scolipede outside of Jirukala Cavern have reappeared but I can't interact with them.
  15. Just wondering, there's an NPC in Teila town that says "This village has a pokemon center and a pokemart..." but I can't find either. Is she lying to me? :'(
  16. I'm finding all the bugs today. In Jirukala Cavern, there's a spot that doesn't respect the fact that I used a Super Repel. I was walking around there and used surf in that little stream and ran into a wild pokemon (a Seel) after surfing for a few steps.
  17. I'd have to say anyone with a Hawlucha on their team, especially early on (Keta, Aelita, that girl with the help requests). That thing just outspeeds and destroys my team. Also I agree with everyone saying Marianette. Huge pain in the ass. Glad I had that Toxicroak to bulk up + sucker punch her team to death.
  18. I'd like to put Dusclops up for either A/B rank. The current moveset I run is; Shadow ball Will-o-wisp Confuse ray [i'm wanting to replace this] Curse It's a good tanky pokemon with high D and SpD stat. However it is lacking in all other stats, primarily HP. I don't use him a lot in trainer battles, but for battles where I want to take out a threat. He's useful against physical teams because of the will-o-wisp and if there's ever a pokemon that can take out my win condition. then I send out Dusclops and live a hit, then curse. Best case scenario I can take out two pokemon with Dusclops. Worst case scenario I'll get a curse off and then die. This pokemon on its own can't do much but it can poke holes in the enemy team and make it easier for the rest of your pokemon to clean up. Dusclops has helped me in more than one tough gym/rival battle and definitely deserves a good spot in the rankings. Seeing as Toxicroak is not on the rankings yet, I'd like to nominate it for A/S rank. My current moveset is; Zen headbutt Sucker punch Poison Jab Bulk up One of the strongest pokemon on my active roster in Rejuvenation. I was lucky to catch him from that SEC. Very diverse move pool, incredibly high stats. With a few bulk ups he can sweep teams easily with poison jab/zen headbutt and sucker punch for pokemon he can't outspeed. I've swept 5/6 of the normal type gym leader's team, and half or more of other prominent trainers with two bulk ups. Very useful against Keta as well (the one in Amethyst Grotto). Currently the ability I have on him is Poison Touch but I think Dry Skin would be more powerful on him (I have a Lotad with Rain Dish and taught him Rain Dance from the TM you get). Granted Toxicroak is not the fastest pokemon, nor the bulkiest. Easily dies to psychic type moves.
  19. Master strats at work here. I wonder what happens after you faint her shadow Mewtwo. Sort of related, I took out Madame X's Yveltal with a level 35 ish Duskull from Narcissa's gym. Curse OP. Too bad she had a level 100 Garchomp to follow up (and probably another 4 level 100 dragons).
  20. Damn if I had known this I would've saved before picking my starter up edit: Also unrelated buy any idea why the Oshawott follows you around? It's really cute but doesn't make me want to pick it at all
  21. I don't know if this has been reported or not, but sometimes when I run into a Pokemon center after a battle I get stopped as soon as I enter it by dialogue and my pokemon are healed instantly when the dialogue ends. It's the same dialogue as when you black out, with nurse Joy telling you "We hope you excel". This has happened in multiple pokemon centers and I have not been able to recreate the bug so I don't know what's causing it. It's not gamebreaking (it's actually pretty helpful ) Also, this is not a bug but the map in the pokemon center in Kakori village doesn't show the same map as the map in your CyberNav.
  22. Thanks a lot for this guide! It took me a while to figure out what was going on in Crawli's gym but once you figure out what you're supposed to do then it becomes quite easy. I'd argue that the difficulty level of that puzzle is around medium when compared to something like Narcissa's gym because at least you get a hint in the start. *cough* An item location guide would be appreciated as well *cough*
  23. Like it's been said here, getting a Blaziken would probably be the best choice in terms of starter, since you get an ability capsule VERY early on. Speed boost Blaziken is arguably one of the most useful Pokemon in the game so far apart from Ampharos and, in my opinion, Toxicroak.
  24. Thanks a lot! Guess I should stop to read what the characters are saying once in a while.
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