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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Peepeepoopoo

  1. I don't know if this has been asked yet, but where do I go after beating all the Dexoys? The ones that invade the ship on the shore of the island. Also, is it possible to go back to the mainland (Gearen city, etc) once Nim is taken by Zetta and co. or do I have to get her back? Also if anyone could help me with the Tropius help center quest that would be awesome.
  2. If I had to pick, it would be poison. There are so many poison type fans on this forum but honestly I really REALLY don't like the type. Sure there are lots of cool poison type Pokemon (Roserade, Toxicroak, Scolipede) but I just can't come to like it. Every other type is cool, even normal and the new fairy but poison is just...odd.
  3. I have a thing for the music from Boktai. Nostalgia and all.
  4. That feel when I only play this god forsaken game because it's the only thing that helps me keep in touch with my highshcool friends.
  5. Child of Light, if you haven't played it, is quite a charming game.
  6. Right now I'm playing Morrowind. A bit of Baldur's Gate on the side.
  7. Normal, because there aren't enough normal type gyms out there. The Pokemon I'd use are; Linoone Staraptor Ursaring Snorlax Zangoose (Mega) Lopunny
  8. There are so many Pokemon that I like, it's really really hard to say that I prefer one above the rest. However I will say that the first Pokemon that I really took a shine to was Blaziken.
  9. My first exposure to Pokemon was some old video game. I don't remember the name of it, but you played as Pikachu in a side scrolling platformer type thing. You could also cheat through the game by pressing select I believe. I was pretty young back then and had no idea what I was playing. That was when I was living in Saudi. I moved to Canada and started watching the cartoons. A few years later my parents bought me a gameboy advance and Pokemon Emerald and the rest just followed.
  10. What position you are applying for: I am willing to help with a lot. Coding/scripting or story writing. I could also create promotional materials such as posters. What past experiences do you have: 2 highschool courses in Java, beginner level Python and algorithms and data structures in C (so 3 languages) I also created a partially functional, extremely buggy Yu-Gi-Oh dueling simulator using a program called Greenfoot with two of my friends for a highschool project How old are you: 19 How long have you been a part of Reborn: The forum? I literally just joined. I have played the game for a few months, but I deleted it because I was frustrated with the lag in some areas How active would you be on the game: Up to September I can devote a lot of time (summer vacation) but once school starts I won't be able to do as much. So perhaps 5-8 hours a day until September. After that maybe 10 hours a week? Anything else you feel we should know: I've no experience working with the Reborn source code. However I do have formal education in programming (as stated above) and can learn quickly I feel that I am useless when it comes to graphical assets such as sprites, maps etc. I did create the assets for my dueling sim but none of it was from scratch. All just borrowed work I Frankenstein'd together. I have created posters for school events and I have minimal experience with web design (HTML, CSS). Like a lot of the people on this thread I love the PMD series (especially the first and second game) because of the story. They're very touching and I found myself attached to the pokemon I went on adventures with. I would love to help with this project in any way I can. Examples of any work you might have: Duel Sim code: http://www.mediafire.com/download/16vjb5nxerfblji/Duel_Simulator.rar Some posters I've done: http://www.mediafire.com/view/73fw9yao4fu9c5k/WAV%20Poster%20Final.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/view/9jfp91f3magnphh/RTG%20Toy%20Drive%20Poster%20WIP.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/view/e92g1b77c50p46u/Showcase_Poster_II.pdf
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