Granted but society crumbles to dust and all forms of currency are worthless. The new currency of the world is Nukacola bottle caps.
I wish for a massage.
I was trying to say good luck but then I had a stroke. ANYWAY.
That Volta is really cute, do you have an ace yet? Or are you planning on catching an electric type Pokemon later that'll be your ace?
So I didn't write this which means I can't put it in the Creative Writing section. I'll put it here and the mods can decide if it belongs here or somewhere else. This is a pretty old short story and I like it a lot. I just wanted to share it with some of you wonderful Rebornites.
You think you're special enough to deserve a unique intro? LMAO
No but for real my intros are pretty cut and paste as well. If it's an interesting intro thread then I'll add some more to it.
Sex, money, and lots of little fancy chocolates which I guess I could purchase with said money. Then again I can also purchase sex with money.
So just money's fine.