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Everything posted by gamerzerek

  1. One of my favorites would have to be shelly just because of the fact that you get to know her more then any other gym leader and you start too care about her and was a fun gym battle. Also I would say shade would probably be a second mainly because of how mysterious he is and that fact that he looks evil but is actually nice.
  2. gamerzerek


    Cain is probably one of my favorite characters I don't see him as a rival to me he's just that friend that is always fun to be around and is cool to hang with but sometimes jokes around when it's least appropriate but thats one of the things that make him so likable.
  3. I am currently about to fight Aya to get my fifth gym badge and one thing I have to say is that Gym leaders in this game are pretty difficult and deserve the title but while i struggled with a few a couple weren't that difficult for me and I've been wondering what was the Hardest/Easiest gym leader for other people Hardest for me so far would have to be Corey his field effect is really annoying and I battled him probalbly ten time before beating him and easiest would have to be Shade since most of my team had moves super effective against ghost types and I had a Scrappy loudred so uproar was able took kill his rotom in 2 hits so I was able to beat him my first try.
  4. My favorite will always be Cydaquil and the main reason was as a kid I always though it was the cutest pokemon ever and to this day I still think it's adorable and if pokemon were real I would definitely have one as a pet. EDIT I accidentally submitted twice and don't know how to delete on phone so just ignore this.
  5. My favorite will always be Cydaquil and the main reason was as a kid I always though it was the cutest pokemon ever and to this day I still think it's adorable and if pokemon were real I would definitely have one as a pet.
  6. The only pokemon that I truely have a problem with is Milotic i remember this thing being the biggest troll when i was a kid i never used electric types and if i had a grass type and i fought someone ( usually the champion) with a milotic i would send out my grass type thinking "this will be easy" next thing i know SURPRISE ice beam and my grass type is dead and I have to waste another pokemon and have it lose health just to kill milotic. And screw Cynthia's Milotic for using ice beam and getting a critical hit on my Torterra with ice beam in my platinum play-through where i was determined to beat the main pokemon games for the first time, thankfully I had a leafeon with that was able to take a hit and kill Cynthia's Milotic. Seriously screw Milotic.
  7. I would be like blue and have no specific type for my gym and my team would be Typlosion Lucario Zoroark Togekiss Hydreigon Victini
  8. I was first introduced to pokemon when I first watched the anime and the first pokemon game I played was crystal and the starter pokemon that I picked was cyndaquil because when i was a kid i thought it was rhe most adorable pokemon ever ( and still do) and i've been playing pokemon to this day.
  9. Definitely my kricketune i got it with technician and once it learned furycutter it was OHKO pokemon and made mega tangrowth more of a joke then anything.
  10. I need help thinking of names for my pokemon reborn team, the only ones I have given names to are my Typlosion, Raticate, and Meowstic Which I named Cyndakill ( a youtuber i watch called his Cyndaquil plushy that so thats where i got that name) Scooter ( again got the name from a youtuber which he would always name his raticate that after his now dead pet rat RIP scooter) and Terra which i named my female meowstic that after Terra from final fantasy 6 the only one i played. Anyway I am looking for some suggestions for a Primeape, Lumineon, Exploud, Kricketune, Noibat (soon to be Noivern), and a Donphan. Thanks in advance .noibat female exploud male lumineon male kricketune female Primeape male and donphan male
  11. My team so far Exploud Lv 41 typlosion lv 41 kricketune lv 41 Raticate lv 41 lumineon lv 42 Noibat lv 42 Primeape lv 42 and Meowstic lv 42 going to start training a phanpy soon and evolve it into a donphan and catch me a zorua and hopefully a croagunk ( i don't know how to catch him since I talk to him and he doesn't respond.
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