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About RaymondNotRay

  • Birthday March 7

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  • Location
    Still in Kansas, Toto.
  • Interests
    Building in Minecraft, playing the Piano, arcade games, and writing song lyrics.

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  • Skype

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^

  3. All done with moving into our new house, we have returned.

  4. Hey, check it out. It's already been one year, and certainly one of the longest. May we one day relive the Minecraft days and the Skype calls.
  5. This will B an awesome ride! EDIT: I'll also be applying for leadership. Thanks!
  6. Forum Name: RaymondNotRay Server Name: RaymondNotRay Joined: May 2015 Favorite Type: Flying Least Favorite Type: Fairy PokeNations 1: No Availability: Anytime past 6PM CST into Midnight.
  7. One major problem I see with modern education is that it perpetuates mindlessness. I often observe this within my school. In some of my classes, everything is laid out in front of us; there is little room for interpretation or creativity. We memorize facts, use them on tests, and disregard them afterwards. Opportunities to utilize one’s unique intellect are rarely available. Additionally, resume building is another mindless act I have observed. While I have seen some of my classmates participate in clubs and activities because they are passionate about it, I have seen just as many participate simply because “it will look good on a college resume.” Participation without passion represents a person in a false manner, but it is something our current education system unfortunately rewards. By perpetuating mindlessness within our youth, the education system gradually decreases the need for individual thought. I fear that society’s mindlessness will eventually grow to the point at which nobody has the capacity to think for him/herself. Sometimes I consider fighting for education reform, but society fears change.
  8. I was sitting on my desk in class when one of my classmates took this picture. My friends zoomed in on my face and started using it as a meme; I was quite flattered.
  9. Level up and happy birthday Sparks, I long for the day that you appreciate my memes more. May we continue with further Chuck E. Cheese's and John Cena references.
  10. I can't wait to see Juuzou's Ghost mono fight Alicia's Ghosts, it will sure be a match of the ages.
  11. I'm going to miss seeing a wall of bold text every time challenges were opened. I would like to challenge Olivia! I'll be battling Haley! I'd like to challenge Nick! Ariel, I'll be challenging you! Another round with Poison leader, Venus! Elliot, it's time for another battle! Haley, let's battle! Nonetheless, it's a great change.
  12. Quagsire? I hope it sweeps a lot of people, as some are unaware of its power.
  13. Happy birthday, I hope we can get to know each other more.
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