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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by KivaUchiha

  1. ok i see it what do i do now?
  2. where can i find the savefiles?
  3. Im on route 2 and i got stuck at the bridge and for some reason i can only save and stupidly i saved there and thought if i could like somehow turn my game off then turn it back on but i couldnt so im stuck there
  4. Ok so im playing 6v for reborn and for some reason i cant move my sprite and i can save and stuff i cant move can someone help me or something?
  5. just destroyed Ghost Keta with Infernape and he didnt listen to me some of the times but he just destroyed them
  6. i have Meditite Murkow Noibat Carvanha
  7. well Ghost Keta is my biggest problem i cant get passed his Hawlucha at a;;
  8. im at the part of fighting ghost Keta for my second bagde
  9. and also im having problems fighting Keta for the first and second and when some of my pokemon reach like Lv31 they dont seem to listen to me and i alrdy got my first badge like i can destroy his other pokemon but its his Hawlucha which is somehow super fast then all my other pokemon which pokemon should i use to beat him the first and second without losing??
  10. OK Um i have a problem with the game im trying to get a shadow pokemon but my i cant even if i go back to the past like theres something blocking me from getting Shadow Froakie and my friend was able to get it on the first try with only to great balls tell me how to fix this or what am i doing wrong?
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