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Darvan Korematsu

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About Darvan Korematsu

  • Birthday 12/27/1997

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    Edge of Tomorrow
  • Interests
    Yugioh, Pokemon Shippings, VGC, Super Smash Bros, GAME ART!!!

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  1. Donald Trump secures Florida in the Republican primaries. Thank God I am not registered under the Republicans.

  2. I'll throw a couple suggestions your way. Leafeon - Knock Off over Double Edge and you're good to go. Or if you're feeling lucky, you can go Baton Pass to pass Swords Dance boosts onto Arcanine or Aerodactyl since they both appreciate it. Sableye: More of a personal preference here, but I'd go 252 / 252 into Defense and HP with an Impish Nature to better wall physical attackers, because tbh Sableye can't really take special hits for jack. Swalot - If you wanna prove a point with a Mon like that, go Muk. It has way better hitting power (although in physical) and fairly comparable coverage. Also a much better Assault Vest abuser than Swalot. Ampharos - Okay. Brave Nature when you got no physical moves to take advantage of? Better to go Bold to maximize your current EV spread for Defense or balance it with Calm, unless you prefer power then go Modest. Other than that, the team looks decent for a first-time competitor.
  3. Luffy's Gear 4 looks the offspring of the Colossal Titan and a yoga ball

  4. Hmm...seems like I'm in one of those self-reflection moments again. Feeling like there's some philosophical mumbo-jumbo I can derive from it. State of my life. State of your lives. State of Reborn. Feel's nice to have a wandering mind sometimes.

  5. ONE day of suspension has you going belly up? Shoot I remember in midde school getting suspended for 2 or 3 days in certain spans of time. First off I would like to ask why you were embarassed about something that was definitely not remotely under your control? It is good at least to know you won't suffer alone, because a man named Billy Joel once sang about how sharing the drink called loneliness was better than drinking alone. For real, most of us (myself for instance) have gone through this phase of our lives if not are currently going through it. People thinking that you're just an ignorant kid who will never amount to anything because you sit on your ass doing something other than what the world expects of you. Remember that only YOU are your worst critic. YOU are the one who can drag yourself through adversity and what the world thinks of you. Just remember, the fact you can get out of bed in the morning and take on the world takes more willpower than many would admit in on itself. If you can do that, then step up your game. Taking life in due stride is part of what living and going through life both are what it's all about. - Darv K.
  6. Y'know I find a sweet difficulty in this entire PSA as a whole particularly to the fact mde says this isn't going to be actually enforced like I am guessing it probably should. The biggest problem I find with this is the whole "11 and 12 year olds accessing our forum" deal, because you'd need to take a moment to actually think. DO these kids even know what we're implying? Odds are they're probably not since most around that age take what they see at face value. Plus most of those who make the jokes are old/mature/intelligent to wrap our head around it because we know what a metaphor is. But man when you flat out state there won't be any warning points given out for these violations I doubt it'll stop them from actually doing it. Like PG-13 is interpreted in many different ways. Friggin Roger Rabbit had all sorts of weird non-PG shit in it yet it got the PG slapped on for obvious PG-13 stuff. I'm sorry but if you get offended by talks of the Dr. Pepper (DP) stuff then please move on. Unless there's direct obvious and blatant disregard for the rule, then ignore it in my opinion. This wasn't really a topic that needed an urgent PSA unless you actually tightened the belt on R7 violation rules.
  7. Now if we say Dobby has the face of a horse it won't be a lie. Looks more like a horse's ass to me.
  8. 6-ish/13. Gothitelle cosplays are kinda meh.
  9. Who needs perfect pivoting when you got pureluck?

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      PP mac uptilts tho

  10. Meh. Slap one up on here at an Eagle Scout ceremony. Fun note, if you look at the right breast pocket, there's a black nametag that's covered up saying "Mr. Swaginator 2000". Yeah I go by too many things it seems. Maybe I'll show another one some other time.
  11. Well if you wanna punish rolling projectile spammers, the easiest way is to close your distance because surprise, they tend to not use projectiles when you're up in their face. Depending on how cheeky or skillful you are, you can outspam the spammer with your own faster/more annoying projectile or just hard read them. Spammers usually have pretty easy to read patterns and if you pick up on it rather quickly, then you can punish what they do. For instance most rollers can be punished by a character who Down-Smashes in a sweeping motion (Little Mac, Mario, King Dedede, Shulk, etc.) or pseudo sweeping motion (Falcon/Ganon, every non-Robin FE char, Cloud, Link, Villager, etc.)
  12. I dunno if I can only write it for just one game alone but I'd like to reserve a spot for evaluating: Magnemite family for mono Steel/Electric runs and in general for Reborn and Rejuv. Metagross family for mono Steel/Psychic runs and in general for Reborn Infernape family for mono Fighting/Fire runs and in general for both Gardevoir family for mono Psychic/Fairy runs and in general for both.
  13. Okay. Wow. You are saying at least 3 different things at once. Do you mean what move do you like spamming a lot, or move that's astoundingly great in general powerwise. Either way: Favorite spam move: Will-o-Wisp Favorite OP move: Scald or Hyper Voice
  14. What can I say? Walking a path of duality fits.

    1. Maelstrom


      duality... or balance?

    2. GotWala


      I much prefer balance, as at least then you'll be stable, albeit rather boring, haha.

  15. Ain't no party like a crazy party

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Because a crazy party don't stop.

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