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Everything posted by hawkespeon

  1. Sorry did not find the right place, can someone pm me the odd key location (what should I do to get it)?
  2. Can Someone please send me the location of the odd key, what should I do to open the odd house and the Gym statue secret. Thanks for the attention guys.
  3. I lost the first double battle against Zetta and Geren (tag battle with Melia, she sucks by the way) then I went back and Melia does not battle anymore, that means I'm alone against 12 super overleveled Pokemon. Is it the real plan or a bug? I thought it was unfair 9 against 12, but 6 against 12 is crazy.
  4. I did beat Giratina Lv77 by the way, but it means I have to always go for luck.
  5. Hey Hey Hey why are all Zetta and Geren Pokes on lv 58-62, in my game they are 64-66
  6. Love the upgrade but the fight against Zetta and Geren is really unfair (9 against 12) and three pokes are from Melia.
  7. I'm leveling up some pokes so I was searching for more rebattles. Thanks!
  8. In this Beta (version 5) are more than 3 Pokemon Breeder? These 3 I know but we have more? Gearen City Route 2 Ship to Terajuma Island
  9. And Amber's move would be kinda accurate like 70 - 80% beacuse I believe her Field effect will be like that hot cave in Sheridan Village but with burn doing more damage than usual. By the way what name would be Adam's move? -Hey guys looking back to what was already made, there is some thing that could be ... even better, example, I know Marianette (the normal Gym Leader) is hard but her signature move is kinda lame (it's "Work Up" with a different name), and is Fairy Beam another signature move? But back to Multipulse, the change I would propose is that the Increases of SPATK and ATK remains, but it does something like "seismic toss "kind of damage. -Another one would be Valerie, her move is also "weak" compared to the others, about this one I would propose it would work as Whirlpoll (so the move Tidal Wave would still have the same base power it has now but trapping the receiver). -What do you think?
  10. What do you think about some GYM Leaders signature moves: Saki: Magnetic Wave (Power 100, 50% of boosting spatk of the user) Amber: Core Heat (Power 120, Burn Guaranteed) Kreiss: Giant Avalanche (Power 90, doubles power if attacks last)
  11. I'm stuck in the "???" quest from Kristaline town, where should I go to finish or even start it and what should I do?
  12. If I am not mistaken, routes 10 and 11 are the sea ones you'll find Akuwa shore where you should be able to catch a Oshawoot (sorry if I wrote wrong). Have Surf/Rock Smash/Cut
  13. Guys I saw Videos and stuff about beating Angie's team, and one thing came in my mind, her levels in my game are a lot higher (like her weakest pokemon was Abomasnow and it was lv 60 I believe), was it normal? 'Cause i'm seeing videos with her pokes around 56 - 58.
  14. Guys I quit ! I'm not finding the Odd key, can someone pm me about it's location in Narcissa's Gym?
  15. Guys What should I do with the following items? Ladder Center Keys AreTM Blizzard, Sahdow Ball, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt ?
  16. The most annoying for me was Angie my only fire poke was Infernape and flame whell was doing nothing to her (I had to make my pokes overleveled and pray for Close combat not miss to have a tiny chance with her, if my pokes would obey me), and that Cold Truth, what the hell, everytime i survived that shit it froze me. Narcissa, Venam&Saki and Ghost Keta were tough as well!
  17. Hey guys the OLD man that said he was the true Ice Gym Leader, will he be in a real gym or he gave "his" badge?
  18. Jan (and helpers if you have) this game is super cool. I can't explain more than that!! I can't wait for the next beta release!!! Just one opinion (Make Angie easier, like make cold truth less powerful or that does not freeze everytime some poke resist it).
  19. Hey where is the TM from Crawli I searched the secret shore but I can't reach the top left area!!
  20. Guys!!!!! Try giving money to MAMAN in Lost Camp and rescue the children, one of them will sell Evolutionary Stones!!
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