So... Guess this is way overdue.
But since i might post some things in the future this should be done first!
Hey folks, I somehow stumbled upon Reborn while episode 13 was the newest one and was overwhelmd.
A disaster right at the start, with lightning and a night so dark, you had to look twice since you didn't know the map... Nice start!
Due to the fact that i'm a casual gamer who only experienced Gen 1 & 2 active in my native language, (german)
I probably got some more obstacles in my path than expected BTW... my name is Julian
But ever since that time I'm playing from time to time and just love the game so far.
The reason the forum account does exist for a while already was the nice file for multiple safe-files back in episode 14.
(Might should have done this introduction back then)
Some of you might know me from your Minecraft-server
In case you want to know more... Ask directly
So... where are my cookies? And finally... I'll try to save some of my remaining sanity!