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About Eso98

  • Birthday January 2

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  • Location
    Rainbow Road
  • Interests
    Anything can be interesting as long as it has my full attention.

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  1. *waiting for new episode* Just chillin, just waiting, soooooonnnnnn

  2. I wonder is there a forum that talks about the characters or quotes them? I've been searching but haven't found anything. Then again I'm an awful searcher

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Like a character quotebook? Sounds interesting, but let's be honest, about half of them would be Cain.

    2. Eso98


      I would accept that ;) Cain's quotes are pretty good haha.

  3. How did you do it??? O>O Ralts, I've been trying to find that pokemon forever to get Gardevoir and here I hear someone got it
  4. Sail or Jaw fossil which one would be better O.o asgard I can't decide!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eso98


      Wait, Bird Jesus how can I not think of that, stupid me

    3. Odybld
    4. Eso98


      Thanks! :3

  5. Eso98


    *^* I made this card for a friend, do you think he would like it?
  6. That awesome moment when you get Photoshop and you know you can now go back to FB and take Trainer Card requests :3

  7. Eso98


    Hello unknown person who has joined this very community to play this wondrous game filled with treasure!!!
  8. Ads....ads everywhere...Ads are stalkers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eso98


      ehh tried that lol right now I think my laptop may have a virus oh wellll

    3. Lamona


      Remove malicious extensions, uninstall unknown programs from control panel.

    4. Eso98


      true true i could do that thanks! (starts now for realsieeeeeeeeeee) i forgot about the extensions.

  9. @Hypa (don't know if you'll see this buttt) I'll live or maybe I can join them!!! Or maybe they can join my forces or maybe (I can be the best, the very best, like no one ever was)
  10. Thanks, still reading and looking around forums to make sure I don't dun mess up why not And Mumpelfink glad I made you smile, Lilo & Stitch so far is the best Disney movie I love watching
  11. So since I'm now looking around the forums more well saw this, peaked my interest so HIEZZ everyone this is a super duper late hello from myself who officially declares myself a Dark Lord!! (mwuhaha good evil laughter? no? welp I tried) :3 Especially now since I'm absolutely bored and finally finished episode 15 ;-; (asgard oh well might as well train and look around the place since it's full of treasure) but either way hello everyone!
  12. How to defeat Terra's garchomp?? O>O

  13. What the heck is wrong with the crazy tauros around route 1 near the Grand Gate? O>O

    1. RodrigoMob


      it's a quick trip, for the end of route 1, near radomus gym

    2. Eso98


      Whelp that's really helpful then, thanks wild Tauros for causing a small concussion at times as well

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