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About Rezilia

  • Birthday 06/21/1993

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    The Pokemon World's Digital World's Twilight Zone
  • Interests
    Understanding the correlation between Ancient Human DNA and Pokemon Powers related to Aura and Spacetime Manipulation.

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  1. Pyrrhon chose... DOLPHIN MAGISWORD! Amegoose honks aloud, causing a car to swerve off the road! The dolphin sword dives into the water, but the car crashes into the same place! You barely get away and back to the surface! Nice try, Pyrrhon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peepeepoopoo


      I choose the Tomato Revenge Magisword!(?)

    3. Rezilia


      DarkSpite chose... TOMATO REVENGE MAGISWORD!(?)

      Amegoose attempts to derail nearby traffic by honking...but you fling a tomato into its beak, blocking the sound! You then fire more tomatoes at it repeatedly, dying it completely red!

      Escaped bulls from the nearby rodeo see the red Amegoose and chase it into traffic, where it gets run over.

      Great job, DarkSpite! :D

    4. Odybld


      What the eff's a magisword?

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