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Arkenciel Zeno

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkenciel Zeno

  1. Everyone ending their school today and i still gotta wait until june 12th... at least my birthdays coming up in 3 days

  2. 74 sonic shrooms, sonic shrooms, sonic shroooooms
  3. Vinny i challenge you to a race to the moon first one to cry wins

    1. Hexagoen


      ;-; (you never said that it was only vinny :P)

    2. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      i said vinny at the exact start of the phrase.

      Thus it means its only for vinny.

      I did enjoy you cry tho.

  4. 55 Nah sableye really is my fav pokemon next to weavile. I do love using him competitivly too.
  5. Bored. Someone punch me.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      I pity the fool who says my name is Ark

    3. zimvader42


      Zenotropic Arks.

      I don't even know what that is.

    4. AuthorReborn


      Facade Mega-Lopunny. Too Op pls nerf. Halp.

  6. 43 "Screw the rules! I have money!" Seto Kaiba
  7. I send my golurk first regarding the pokemon you have on your team, the team i had before had a max speed golurk so as to fake out any possible tyranitars and one shot them, so if you were a dark type monotyper thats probably why i did that, other than that i try to save golurk
  8. Lenny proceeded to put the haunted cartridge onto the SNES, he booted up the game, but the screen was red, like BLOOD, and than a scary ghost appeared on the screen and said "im going to kill you" than a skeleton came on the screen and suddenly a big, SPOOKY MAN WALKED INTO LENNYS ROOM, AND HE KILLED HIM

  9. Ooooo OOOhhOHOOOOh. OOOohohohHOOOOSpookyOOOHOHoooohooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (epic shredded metal) OoohohohoOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (throws guitar to the skyes while setting it on flames) OoooooooooohSPOOOOPYYYYoooooo OOoooOooDrugsnotinvolvedinthemakingofthiswhatsoeverOOooOOOooh oooOOOOOOooImactuallyseriousbtwimjustboredOOOHOHOHOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (deep old spice man voice) Spooky Thank you and goodnight
  10. Sup mate good to see someone else here. Touch my sableyes ill eat your belongings and your jewelry :feelsgn: And remember
  11. Im serious Pixie touches my sableyes ill eat your belongings. Dont test me :feelsgn:
  12. FACT: ooooooooooooooo

  13. Sonic Boom is the greatest game to ever come out on the wii u right guys right HEH

    1. Maelstrom


      You have been voted off the planet, sir. Goodbye.

    2. Cepheus


      if you mean by "greatest game" the first from below... then yes...

  14. So wait can we post custom shinys we make here o3o? I made a quick shiny sableye resprite: There wasnt much i could do in terms of changing sprite pallete, this one was a fast one so who knows i might make better but i think it looks good, put the sapphire colour on his body the ruby eyes and a green gem on the front with an emerald an amethyst and a ruby in his back. Thinking of adding extra stuff, such as claws of gems or even other accessories to emphasize its diet
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