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Arkenciel Zeno

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkenciel Zeno

  1. Yeah i think i might just reset this thing, it has 10 ivs across the board and 0 in hp Plus who knows ill be resetting this guy so much i might find another shiny.
  2. But. Its IVs are crap and the hidden ability is cursed body. Like i wanna keep it but... its crap. And im doing a ghost monorun i cant afford to get crap pokemon.
  3. Soft resetting and this beaty appeared. Gonna catch it if its not cursed body im resetting. Yolo. EDIT: Its insomnia. Fuck. SHould i catch it. Its rash and its IVs are shit. I hate this.
  4. You know i should go back to play rejuvenation, but what sohuld i concentrate on reborn or reju? Also how did you come up with this sort of "accompany me on my journey" thing? also that minus to attack, ouch.
  5. wait wait wait are you going from episode 1 to 14 or something i dont quite understand this. oh wait im stupid this is rejuvenation
  6. FREAKING GOOORGEOUS Everyone is sneasel now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      since this is a monorun some monos have to get a free starter, or starters depending on type, you only get a shuppet after florinia so it technicly isnt giving me any advantage

    3. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      All I have for my ghost monotype run is a Honedge. I am sooooooo not looking forward to any of the major battles.

    4. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      if i were you i'd give oyurself at least 2 more ghosts, you'll overlevel too much. I didnt give myself honedge cause he can be massivly OP

  8. most beautifull thing to ever happen.
  9. Water pledge can be joined with other pledge moves to create new moves, and i think you can overrid other fields by doing so.
  10. Yo, hope you enjoy your stay here in reborn. Stay out of explosms shed.
  11. I remember why i quit competitive now. Cause hax is allways agaisnt me.

  12. Actually i alraedy got frillish, asked him to put him in alongside the others. If you want i could just send you the save i have and you can put in the egg.
  13. First how dare you. on second note: im very tired.
  14. Yeah um this may be hard because im at flobot with these 3 ghosts (doing ghost monorun): got no held items Gastly lvl 25 levitate night shade confuse ray hipnose curse golett level 25 No Guard rollout magnitude shadow punch iron defence frillish level 25 Cursed Body will-o-wisp bubblebeam recover night shade flobot just seems way too difficult for this right now
  15. Can you get rid of the desert field or something? I just dont think flobots possible in a monoghost.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Etesian


      That field effect can't be changed or broken. We have a page dedicated to everything about Field Effects where you could've checked.

    3. Shamitako


      Well, you can place a new field overtop it, AKA use Castform to make RAINBOWZ like me (doesn't work for monoGhost tho obvs)

    4. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      i cri evrytiem

  16. But wheres mah bae mega sableye ;_;
  17. Science can explain. The game will run like a slideshow on the overworld if you're watching a video with images moving every second (normal lets plays) or watching streams.
  18. Monoghost problems with one of the starters being gastly: grinding gastly to 29 to get shadowball before flobot

  19. Monoghost trying to defeat flobot. Screw her.

    1. Nova


      Maybe flobot is just a ghost in a machine...

    2. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      If i could capture her maybe she'd bore everything to death.

  20. Also seroiusly tho if there isnt a vast ammount of ghost pokemon im gonna be grumpy >:I EDIT: Just checked the pokemon rates. 9 % is ghost with 14 pokemon. FEELS GUD MAN
  21. Im doing a ghost monorun right now, got some ghost starters to start off with and i remembered that i never really found shuppet before, and since this is a monorun i need as much ghosts as possible. So anyone know where he is (i know after flobot, i mean location) and what are the requirements for him to appear?
  22. If you're happy birthday and you know it clap your fingers. If you're happy birthday something something something. Happy day where you came out of another human. Now just 8 days and no one will be partying to mine :feelsgd:
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