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Arkenciel Zeno

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Everything posted by Arkenciel Zeno

  1. My best monotype experiences are ghost. Both competitivly and outside of competitive. After playing with ghosts for aroudn 3 years now i understand them better than most people and know exactly how to work with them, so any other monotype i make will allways be less enjoyable than ghost monos. (i dont mean they arent enjoyable, just less enjoyable). Also who else tried to do ghost monoruns? I never see much people doing them.
  2. I finally remembered what my competitive ghost team was! Now i just need to remember how to predict since i havent played competitive in like 4 months...

  3. I have huge respect for what you're doing, so one question: The hell are you gonna get past flobot?
  4. Meh honestly im using a frillish mainly, i think ill have gastly as a back up or something, i still need to find a way to get through flobot like that tho.
  5. I can see you like memes. We're going to get along just fine. :feelsgd:
  6. Finally got someone to hack me in my ghost starters! Now i can start this monorun.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      Let's spook it on.

    3. zimvader42


      Ghost starters huh? You mean, Phantump Litwick and Jellicent? Grass fire and water with a ghost type lol.

    4. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      I decided to take out Phantump and litwick from that list since you can already get them in game (not sure about litwick but whatever), i got at least 2 or 3 ghost pokemon like golett since its so stupid hard to find a physical ghost and maybe litwick or jellicent.

  7. Oh i know i know, but see i need at least 2 pokemon to actually do something on the early gyms and even if he doesnt have sp atks until than i can handle it, those are some of the only pokemon that are worth hacking in as starters since they arent available anywhere else. Actually i might put a frillish in there aswell, honestly having 3 pokemon from the start can seem OP but by the time i were to reach the first ghost i'd already have a full team so really idc
  8. I need someone able to hack me in a couple pokemon for my ghost mono run

  9. Yo how ya doin! Hope ya stay here for a while, and remember, ill one day be thhe true weavile king and usurp vinny and nothing you can do will stop me.
  10. If you're thinking of Arkenciel from showdown, no, that is not me, i thought about this name randomly whilst choosing from a variety of other random names to couple with Zeno, and arkenciel randomly came to my mind. Unless you're actually thinking of my the ghost monotyper Zeno_magatama, in case yes thats me.
  11. Starting a ghost monorun to commemorate the day i got into competitive plays through monotype

    1. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      Been using ghost monos for a good 3 years now.

  12. This is my new save file for the mono run Since i need 2 starter mons cause shuppet is a long way, i'd love a timid gastly and an adamant golett, just so i can actually damage normal types too... Oh yeah gastly has levitate and golett has no guard Game.rxdata
  13. Im perfectly ok with that honestly. But... who would hack me that in tho. I'd need like 2 if i'd need to wait 2 gyms.
  14. By far Echoed Voice Whismur/loudred in early game. This thing is an ABSOLUTE, BEAST. It completely destroyed 5 of hte first gyms pokemons, and on flobot all i needed to do with intimidate the craddily enough so that its hits were worthless, than used loudreds screech and completely took out its stockpiles defenses. This thing is a BEAST for the early game as far as im concerned.
  15. So im thinking of starting a ghost monorun sometime. I know its hard cause you dont get a ghost until like after corey but whatever. Any recommendations? Im willing to use at least 2 pokemon that arent ghosts considering how scarce they are.
  16. Im bored ASF. Someone give me something to do, anything.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NameNotFound


      Awww ok then :/

    3. iowayshay


      buy the dog first so the dog can help with the pi thing.

  17. Im the Sneasel Lord now. Ill usurp vinny someday. Someday.

  18. If i lose (which i wont probably most likely will) can i be the sneasel guy. Im bored.
  19. Vinny can i be the sneasel dude. I wanna not feel like a non sneasel/weavile member.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zimvader42


      @Vinny: There's a bad guy and a swampert guy? o.o

    3. Vinny


      @Zim: Jericho is the bad guy. Look for his ama (Even though i don't agree with it)

      And i always called DerpySimon the swampert guy :]

    4. zimvader42


      Oh I see... I never really saw Jericho as the bad guy, to me he's like some sort of Clint Eastwood or something lol

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