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Arkenciel Zeno

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkenciel Zeno

  1. Oh i know that the difficulty will ramp up, but taking out 5 pokemon with echoed voice still amazed me cause i didnt expect whismur to live that long. Whereabouts do say we are my friend.
  2. STEP 1: HYPE IT UP WITH THE DESTROYER OF KINGS ECHOED VOICE WHISMUR STEP 2: SPAM THE HELL OUT OF THAT SHIT STEP 3: ONLY PROFIT Seriously tho i cant believe i took 5 pokemon out with echoud voice, i had to stall out electrode unfortunatly with my ivysaur with leech seed and poison powder, he rolled out and by the 3rd time he got a crit and killed me, things were looking dire but i had 3 pokemon just sitting there taking space that came in handy for my shiny spinarak to kill it. Also praise RNG for making the first charge beam she did miss.
  3. Ok ill message you my save file somewhere tomorrow, i gotta keep playing today but tomorrow i have a long gap of time were i wont be playing, thanks for the help! EDIT: I did hear that the save files are saved somewhere, so do i really need to send you save files themselves? Or do you tinker with the save files so you can set my player sprite back to normal instead of just changing the names on the sprites images?
  4. Same thing happened to me on pokemon rejuvenation, i went to the place with the pink trees and bam first encoutner was a shiny drowzee with a sweet coloration. I love Spinarak and Ariados and this coloration makes them that much more adorable o3o only spiders that dont catch my arachnophobia are these little buggers.EDIT: It also has sniper which is a GODSENT for the luck i got
  5. I dont even care if this things not good, if i can work around it with Sucker Punch and availability of sticky web later on im sold. Plus whoever came up with a red and black coloration for the shiny, i salute you sir this is absolutely astonishingly beautifull If you want feel free to post your shinys here if you want
  7. One question: will that change the sprites animations in battle and the cut in when doing gym battles?
  8. Well i just went full stupid mode and decided to change my sprite to the new one. I went from Kuro to Decibel and i IMMEDIATLY REALIZED AFTER SAVING that i actually liked Kuros poses and battling sprite better. And now im stuck as decibel and his kinda weird mouth. Anyone else done this too? BTW i was wondering if amethyst was ever wondering about adding in episode 15 a way so we can revert back to our old sprites, at least for that episode only? And yes i know that its my responsability and im stupid for saving afterwards, but still wondering.
  9. Hey everyone! I was just wondering if i should start EV training right off the bat. I honestly dont know if i should or not because its tedious without any help, but i heard this was extremely difficult and that later on allota people have EV trained mons. What do?
  10. That cult needs to rise up. Weaviles need to take over. The lords of the BL tier.
  11. Oh oh oh... not at all. Im still at the bare beginning, just started yesterday after playing through quite a bit of rejuvenation, altough i intend on focusing on reborn a bit more now. Still tho i hope when im near done that sneasel will become available because a game without weavile/sneasel will just be a little less enjoyable Good to see im not the only Weavile fanatic here, the world needs more weavile. About that server ill go check it out! My teams have been wiped out tho since my computer kinda went to the shadow realm in january so this is a new computer. And yes lets be best friends and kill anything that is 4 times weak to ice and dark. Like garchomp. Thing dies in 2 seconds. :Kappa:
  12. WAIT HE IS!? SWEET! Now i just need to figure out how i update the game which i've probably already been told how to but forgot. Team Meteor seems like a nice bargain. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  13. Hes an annoying ass and i love him all the same <3
  14. Hows everyone doing? Names Zeno, i actually found reborn through rejuvenation, i got into it through shofu playing it after a long hiatus of not watching him and when i came here i also realized reborn (which i had heard was pretty awesome) was the main site, so i decided to try it out! I've allways been into pokemon games and strategy games since day 1 from when i first started gaming. Im 16 and from portugal, and an highly competitive pokemon player, altough i try to avoid the OU tier to some extent. My favourite typing is Ghost and Dark and have gotten to rank 1450 and 1500 with ghost monos on showdown. Favourite pokemon is Weavile (if it wasnt obvious enough) and Sableye. Aside from the games im a rather chill guy, i try my best to not piss off anyone and all around having a good time. Im also very hypochondriac and have an irrational fear of viruses where they obviously aren't (I.E: When downloading Reborn ). Extremely shy too so dont expect personal questions about me . And thats it, i dont know what else to say. If you have any questions let me know and ill try answering them as best i can
  15. Sheers for all the answers! Playing it now.
  16. Well it downloaded, but when i go check on it says it might damage the web surfing on chrome. Honestly it might be nothing but im a really, really fearful person and panic easily, had allot of viruses back in the day and they caused an impact on me. So should i just let it through? any answers?
  17. I just tried downloading reborn out of Mega and chrome said nope to it. So out of the 3 downloads where should i download it from?
  18. Ah well thank you for the information, any idea on how to update your game without losing savefiles?
  19. Im new to pokemon reborn, but i saw that this game has event pokemon. How are you able to get them considering this is (at least i think so) a non online-ish game? I want a vullaby but i saw that its event only... so... what do? Another question: How do you update versions?
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