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Twin Judge of Gemini

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    Sitting in the Astronomic Sign
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  1. I used to say that the story's not dead yet... And I'll update it when I have time.... .... That's one month ago.... ..... I'M VERY SORRY! A lot of stuff happen in this one month A new game that I get really into(SRW J), got sick, a vacation which I spend lazing around, and much more I'll try my best to actually make a progress now! You could mark my word!
  2. I'm really ashamed to say that I get off-tracked from writing my story..... So I've been using hola a while ago, and since hola make you use other's comp, I kinda think I got a malware on my comp, which is why I can't touch the forum and stuff But since I've change to dotvpn, I will be able to use my chrome again and post more stories~ ..... Tho, I'm in test season.... And Luck And Logic is coming soon.... Alongside a major update in Buddyfight and Vanguard..... Anyway, for whoever is waiting for Years Before, I am not dead(tho, if you count how much stuff I need to juggle, it will be a godsend) and I will try my best to finish writing the new story
  3. well, guess we got people quitting for not getting Scatach after all :v Well, they're newer, and newer stuff tend to have more stuff Fate's Servant is no exception :v
  4. this is pretty late, but.... MajiKoi got a lot of interesting character, especially with the new sequel/plus side like Majikoi S or Majikoi A, alongside a likeable main character, who isn't your generic VN MC and all, and like he said, funny as hell
  5. I can help as long as you can handle how long I take time to do the stuff(like, I haven't update my story in a month and stuff....), but yeah, that's the gist of it
  6. 1. Any ATLUS game, I've fell in love with SMT, Persona and Etrian Oddysey. They get a really deep story, with nice gameplay and overall good balance of hardness 2. Final Fantasy, have follow it from the first series since I have SNES in my home and loving it 3. Pokemon, need to say more? 4. Card Games, like Yugioh, Vanguard or Buddyfight, I like strategy and player interaction, in which I play IRL as well as online
  7. For people who don't know: GudaGuda Event Get Demon Archer(Nobu) by changing "Honnonji" point for free! New Summon Gate for Sakura Saber(Okita)! You can only farm Honnonji point once a day, and to get more point, you'll need specific Servant, which is EMIYA, Nobu herself, Sakura Cheiba, Medusa, Mephisto, Benkei, Ushi, and "You Never Die Enough" FSN Cu Honnonji point could be used to change into Nobu, QP, Apple, Crystalized Lore, and much more
  8. It has been more than five minutes, and I started to get desperate. Knowing that the Skutank has managed to get out of the confusion and battling Saya, it’s a wonder that I don’t aim my Pokeball to return her back. The same goes to my Beldum squad, for while they are sturdy, every attack they do hurt themselves. Maybe I should just run, I thought to myself, but if I do that I’m sure I’ll have my name in permanent ban-list of this town for being a coward. And that also means I can’t eat the fast food here, which is a really frightening thought. My thought got quickly interrupted by a small grass that stabs itself into the road I am laying at. So they’re finished….. “Saya! Beldums! Return!” I yell while pointing all my Pokeball toward all my Pokemon, returning them. Taking them far from the blast zone that will happen soon “I’ve returned my Pokemon! You’re okay to go now!” and I ran, yelling as loud as I can in hope she will heard me She did, and in her wake the Combee she has start flapping its wings, creating a small Gust which suck the smoke in. of course, our plan’s not just to suck all the smoke as we can easily do that back then. What we’re doing is…. “I’m ready to throw it” the girl said confidently, in her hand a torch made from my ripped mask, wooden stick found in this town, and some oil coating its top, burning with the flame of her Houndour Mozart Seeing me nod at her is everything she needed before throwing the torch into the large concentration of the smoke, where the Pokemon gang is currently at. The result is quite simple, for Skutank’s gas is known to be flammable, and combined with large concentration of them in one place and a burning torch…. An explosion occur, the size on par with Fire Blast of a Charizard, which throw and burn the Pokemon gang away, fainted by the powerful blow. Even the Skutank, the most powerful of them, is easily beaten down by this tactic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good move there” I said to her “Tho, you do use like half of my oil…. I think I’ll need to restock them if I’m going anyway now” indeed she spend half of my oil, which is quite a lot as it’s for one month usage “I’m inexperienced at making these kind of thing, so I apologize if I did it wrong” well, at least she’s polite at that Considering that the Pokemon Gang fiasco is finished, I start walking to the Poke-store “Well, I’m off, see you later” and wave my hand. We might not meet again, but it is nice to know her, even when I don’t have her name. “Wait!” she yelled, suddenly standing in front of me in her quick dash “I need to ask you something first” is that so? “Sure, ask away” I gesture at her to continue, but instead of continuing she took out a small paper “Are you a Trainer by Trainer Name ‘Shirou’?” huh, she know me? “Yes, I am” I nod at her “Then, please take care of me” she said to me, raising her hand into mine “Ame told me that as I am a beginner Trainer I’ll need someone to look out for me” that makes sense, considering the large amount of Death toward young, inexperienced Pokemon Trainer outside the town “And when she said that, she recommend me to search for you and ask if you will be my guardian in my journey here” wait, wha-? “Ame said that you come from Johto by yourself, and have traveled more than four Region before you try this Region, which explain the reason you know how to deal with the Pokemon gang and how Skutank’s gas’ flammable” It’s….. Really awkward. For one, I am being praised for my achievement on my hard works, for all the things I learned from my journey, but on the other hands if I accept to be her guardian out here, I’ll be needed to look out for her. “Will you continue your journey if I don’t accept to be you guardian?” I ask her, where she gives me a nod as an answer that yes, she’ll continue her journey even without any supervising of an experienced Trainer, which is extremely dangerous. That can lead her to her death……….. I can’t be burdened by another death because I refused to do something…… “Then I will do it, shall we go to the Pokemon Center to register me as your guardian here?” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whoa, it takes like, 2 month for me to update this huh :v TBH, I've finished this part around 2 weeks, but TheSilentSerenade, the guy who wanna be my BETA, haven't reply to me over the BETA'ed chapter, and when I check it he last time being active in 28 October Well, so there you go, non-BETA'ed Years Before chapter 5, which means I'm in need of BETA again to proofread and correct my murderous grammar T.T Anyway, seems like there's some awkward story turn there, and I can say that this is not my best writing, but when I consider rewriting it(at least the lower half), UNDERTALE kinda gets into me, so..... Yeah, I'm a lazy ass guy who can't say no for a good game Again, that you for reading this story, and see you next update, which I won't know Sincerely, Twin Judge of Gemini
  9. so my new chapter for Years Before is finished, but my beta didnt reply to me for the beta-ed story(well, i finish it 2 weeks late....), should i post it anyway or should i wait?

  10. consider how David is a free unit after you beat Okeanos, FGO really try its best to redeem the unlimited maintenance work :v Also, more salt since I got Francis in my roll, picture will be send after I finish downloading my stuff
  11. "one week and I will write the next chapter", I said that last 2 week ago :v

  12. well, Ame's working on them actually, for the new Ep, so you don't really need to download anything
  13. weird scale? ya mean Reverse Scale? If you're desperate for that, you can spam Bond Exp 30 AP free quest on sunday, tho the drop rate of it is lackluster
  14. more like Rarity = which is more popular, or more cash-grabbing :v also, I don't touch Halloween even anymore since I have no plan of maxing my CE and I already finish my Eli :v
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