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10 Fledgling

About Howin

  • Birthday September 7

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  1. Hey thanks for sharing this. Was a short but nice read.
  2. Finally got around to catching up in the game after a few years more or less of not playing. Enjoyed everything up to where the game is currently at and quite excited for the future. I appreciate all the effort and time put into this game, it's wild to think I started this game 7 or 8(?) years ago and some of my Pokemon on my main save are dated to that time. Also wild to consider how many hours I've put into this game over the years which probably amounts to somewhere around 500. Thanks for everything! Time sure flies.
  3. As someone who's had Swampert as a favorite to this day... I'd like a redesign on the mega. I was pretty disappointed with it!
  4. I just unintentionally hatched a shiny eevee yesterday in Ultra Moon... Okay! 

    1. Wolfox


      Wow... congratz

  5. Interesting to read this, never seen thoughts on this topic before. I think it's a good place to stand on this subject.
  6. Ahaha, of course it leaked. Bout to start playing it myself, which is surprising cause I had no interest in it as of like a day ago.
  7. Post game is an excellent thing when there's still more potential to be drawn from what you've created. I'm fairly certain what you feel isn't the majority feelings toward this subject. Some of the best parts of a game can be post-game/irrelevant to the story. There's examples of this throughout game history.
  8. So there was a super VIP big boy only forum huh? Makes me want to snoop around in it but I'm sure my curiosity outweighs how interesting it actually is... I think rest in peace
  9. Drifloon was an event, don't know if you could get it otherwise.
  10. It's been updated but hard to figure out what's new without the e16 chart to reference. Anyone have a screenshot? I'm debating whether or not to look at this though cause in a way spoilers kind of suck.
  11. Working out to the Tekken 7 OST is magical


    YEAR OF THE (1)7's HYPE

  12. This sounds legit, I'll have to rejoin!
  13. Is the soundtrack still compressed in this release? If so, do you ever plan in listing an alternative non compressed download? Thanks for everything!
  14. More than happy to support you, nothing wrong with wanting to be paid for doing what you enjoy.
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