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mde2001 last won the day on March 31 2017

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About mde2001

  • Birthday 02/22/2001

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  1. how do i got to the Game.rxdata file

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Here are a few: -Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennesee Williams (technically a play, but still really enjoyable to just read) -The Wheel of Time Series (if you're prepared to read 13 very long books) -Homefire by Kamila Shamsie- A really interesting modern version of Antigone from the perspective of a modern Muslim family. Good luck with finding more books!
  4. Welcome to the team guys! Sorry that I have been in such a busy patch of the year that I haven't been around to help welcome you to our team. It's a super well deserved promotion for all of you! If I ever start being as active as I should be again I can't wait to work with you all!
  5. As of 11 June 2018, we have introduced a lifetime warning point system. If you have read this announcement, there is no new information in this thread. It is here as a reference to ensure people to access all the information they need to about warnings in the site inquires subforum. In the past we've operated under a system in which a user must acquire 10 active warning points to be banned. However, we have decided that this system is outdated as users almost never reach the threshold, which allows bad behavior to continue without any substantial consequences. Under the new system, bans will be assigned once a user has acquired 10 non-etiquette warning points since the creation of their account, whether or not they have expired. Warning points will still expire, and all of our other consequences still operate based on active warning points. In conjunction with this shift, etiquette warnings such as double-posting, necroposting and unnecessary posting no longer have warning points attached to them. These warnings do not count towards the lifetime warning count. Repeat offence versions of the warnings still carry warning points, however these do not contribute to the lifetime warning count. They are only for temporary punishments such as mutes. For a full list of warnings and what category they fit into look here. This new ban system is not applied retrospectively, and no users will be considered for bans based solely on warnings given before 11 June 2018. However, if another non-etiquette warning is acquired, previous points can be taken into consideration when determining whether or not to ban someone. Overall: -Users will be banned once they reach a total of 10 non-etiquette warning points over their time on the forums/discord/server. -This does not apply retrospectively until a user requires another warning point -Non-repeat versions of etiquette warnings now have no warning points attached to them. Repeat versions still have points but do not contribute to the lifetime warning count.
  6. I generally wasn't excited by much in E3 this year, because I'm only really a nintendo person and don't like Smash. The Xenoblade 2 story DLC looked incredible and was definitely the highlight of the nintendo direct for me. That being said, I'm most excited for the Tales of Vesperia remake, as I've been super interested in playing that for a while but have never had a console to play it on.
  7. For server related issues, generally the best way to let us know is by messaging a discord moderator/ admin with screenshots of the offending section. If you're trying to report a forum user whose behaviour has been toxic, just pick one example and feel free to leave links to the others within your post. Its quite intentional that you need to leave a post, as in the end we do need a solid example to warn for. While a warning can be taking more than one post into consideration we still need it to start somewhere. I'm sure there used to be a way to report accounts, but I think we got rid of it. So if the issue is something on the profile, just pick their most recent post and put the fact that you're warning about the profile in the text and we'll keep that in mind.
  8. I've added it in for you! No need for Sayia to get stressed by it when she wakes up! Replace your old file with this one and the EXP share will be in the bag. Game.rxdata
  9. I do understand your point, but there are a couple of reasons why we can't make every move as flashy and amazing. Firstly, flashy moves that go across the screen take longer to animate and drag out the process (which has already been going on for years) even further. Secondly, in order to make movement smooth, we would need to be adding an extra 1-2 seconds to each animation and we've already received some complaints about our animations causing the game to go too slowly, so if we did it for hundreds of moves, the game's pace would be even slower. Finally, we also try to think of a move's power and rarity when animating it. We want to create a clear visual difference between things that are used really regularly that are relatively low power, and things that should be inflicting a lot of damage. This doesn't always correlate with movement across the screen, as for moves like flame charge, it just seemed like the right idea to have it go across as the concept in my head relied on that. Overall, I do really understand your desire for more movement, and in an ideal world we probably would be able to have it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, as the animations project has already been going on for several years, and going through the add movement to every contact move would bloat this process even further.
  10. There's no problem at all with you hosting a contest of some sort, required that it doesn't require people to go and sign up to other websites/ forums or anything like that. We're all in favour of people starting their own initiatives, so the only question is whether people would participate, and the only way to find out about that is by giving it a go. So just try to make sure your contest is fun and something that people might enjoy even if you weren't going to give them anything in return and I'm sure you'll get some people involved!
  11. Welcome back!!! Even if you're probably not here for long. I'm glad to hear life isn't treating you too badly! Unfortunately Arkhi, Rose and Tacos are all mostly gone, but hopefully you'll be able to summon back. For people reading this thread who are too new to recognise Jeri, he was a very important mod man as well all the other stuff he listed (although I suppose that was the arguing with Dan bit). A lot of the policies and rules you know and love were shaped by his work! Enjoy your return!!!
  12. Zephyr is entirely correct that it is now a time based thing. Before the site update, there was a class in between that was time based, and you needed a minimum number of posts as well as said time to become a veteran but we removed that. So once you've been around for a bit longer, you'll receive it automatically.
  13. There generally isn't a lot we can do about lag, and you've tried a lot of the things we'd recommend. In terms of overworld lag, the main thing to do is make sure that as few programs are running as possible, as reborn seems to need a disproportionate amount of power to run with less lag. If battles are really laggy, you might want to try disabling attack animations, which you can do in the game menu under options.
  14. I'm also jumping on the eating too much unhealthy food bandwagon.
  15. Once the full game is released it'll be completely open to mods, so there will almost certainly be a reborn easier mode, for people who mostly want to enjoy the story! I completely understand the frustration of getting stuck on certain fights though. There were times when I felt like giving up might be easier! If you're really into the story you could try looking for a let's play, but those do come with the side effect of somewhat annoying commentary in most cases, which might detract from the experience.
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