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About MoneyMadam

  • Birthday August 31

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  • Alias
    Random Blonde Chick
  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere over the rainbow~•°○`☆♡♢
  • Interests
    The rivers will flow with the blood of the non lenny-lievers
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°)​

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  1. Welp this is more important than the daily pun so look what my brother sent me as an "additional" present.....xD

  2. Thanks mom for birthing me today. B)

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. laggless01


      Happy birthday!

      (I was unsure whether this was sarcastic at first, since this date was the first day of school when I was young...)

    3. Fumble



    4. Vinny


      Happy EXTRA BELATED Birthday /o/

      Hey, it's the memes that count right?

  3. Pun of the Day (21) If Apple made a car, would it have Windows? ;V

    1. Anvilicious


      If Apple made a car, would anyone in it survive a crash?

  4. Pun of the Day (20) This girl said she recognized me from a vegetarian club in highschool, but I'd never met herbivore. }:]

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Commander
    3. mde2001


      I love these so much. It shows I'm kid of sad...

    4. MoneyMadam


      @mde2001 yeah I'm kind of "kid of sad" too( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  5. Ok so my sister came over today for a visit and the subject of my birthday present came up. She said she wouldn't mind getting me a game so I figured I might as well tell her that I'd prefer animal crossing new leaf or bravely default. What do you guys think would be a better option? :o

    1. diana


      animal crossing!!

    2. Commander


      It depends. Both are great games. If you like Animal Crossing, pick up New Leaf because it kicks the other ones in the face hard. Bravely Default is a great RPG and has a fun combat system (I love it), but you're not missing out on anything if you skip it. Great game though and I'm hoping the sequel is a step up from it.

  6. Pun of the Day (19) I was reading about Edgar Allan Poe's novel where a ship wrecks and the survivors end up eating the cabin boy. I thought ,"Damn...that's one hull of a problem...I can't believe how much that problem submerged...Well guess whatever floats their boat...oh wait."🚢

    1. MoneyMadam


      Also my bad in advance for the repetition of problem~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. Eternal Edge
    3. mde2001


      Not my favourite but still good.

  7. "There is nothing so annoying as to have two people go right on talking when you're interrupting." -Mark Twain
  8. Pun of the Day (18) Police were called to a daycare where a three year old was resisting a rest. [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°]

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shing


      Well the answer escalated quickly.

    3. Shadow Tack
    4. Godot


      Did you guys hear about the Salt Shaker with the gun? He got arrested for A Salt with a Deadly weapon.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kurotsune


      I don't get the wrinkles in Spiderman's eyes, but other than that, it looks awesome.

    3. Simon
  9. "Plum" of the Day (17) The farmers have to prune the leaves of trees at the beach, which to them, was the pits. But they wouldn't wine about it, they would just flesh out their stories. ( ͡ ͡° ͡° ʖ ͡° ͡°)

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Not sure if I want to clap or hit myself. So bad they're good...

    2. Maelstrom


      2manyeyes5me. Halp.

  10. Pun of the Day (16) The furniture store keeps calling me to come back. But all I wanted was one night stand.╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MoneyMadam


      @Jericho Sadly no, I mean I could just take credit for everything }:D but nah. The thing with puns is that so many have been done before that you can't say who originally made them. In the end I just reference one's that I remember to be funny.

    3. SkyRunner


      That's... bad.

    4. dead account

      dead account

      That was awful.

  11. *satanic laugh* Nah but you is cool Np~ Also nunununuunno you're not stupid in the slightest. xD
  12. Oi this is going to be ALLOT to reply to. xD But just before I begin I just want to say damn, it's bitter sweet to see people with all these issues. I say sweet since I'm finally actually going into communication with people that struggle on a daily basis with disorders. It's bitter because it makes me feel straight up lamentable, just seeing all these people struggle as dumb as it sounds makes me feel teary eyed. Ok ok that's kind of stretching it but Idk how else that could explain my feelings on this tbh. Also heads up, this'll be a long post so I'm going to use a spoiler code for every reply in hopes that it'll shorten everything.
  13. Tumblr must burn *cough* OK THEN~ Well on a more serious note I think I've actually met someone a few years ago that probably had the same thing as you. But damn, speaking from a frequent runner's perspective, I can't imagine how that must feel. :/ But on a more positive level, I think that's real cool how you're still exercising and trying to live your life the best that you can. Also I'm glad to know that you're able to take care of yourself with this and at least you're aware of everything you should know now. Then again after that gym incident(;´Д`)I'm sure it'd have to be an obvious "pointer" of what you needed to find out. Again though it's really ecstatic to see that you seem to be doing well~ Aye, at least you aren't bugged by it. Hopefully things continue to go well~
  14. I didn't think I would, reborn's community is really awesome tbh. Also do it whenever you're comfortable man. *points gun at head* NO YOU'RE GOING TO TELL ME YOUR LIFE STORY RIGHT NOWWWW Heh no, also speaking of your depression and anxiety I can't really say much not knowing about your specific situation but I really hope that you're atleast getting help and trying to get through it.
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