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Everything posted by enu
You need to water the plant. The key item for that should available in lapis flowershop.
Now this is something I agree with completely. That's why I always play every pkmn game on "set" battle style. Combined with my "no potions" restriction it makes Reborn pretty challenging. (And Reborn Hardcore impossible - but I'll try it again later.) Also it's part of the reason why my favorite official game is Colloseum - there are only double battles. I seriously underestimated one opponent who had a Gyarados and a Rhydon. Tried to kill the Gyarados right away with electricity... that Rhydon had Ligtning Rod. Or that other trainer who only used Electrodes - every turn one used Protect and the other exploded. :-D Some situations just can't happen in singles. I'd like to one day make a Reborn mod that would turn all battles to doubles. It would require a better AI for doubles though. Yeah... This is why I don't play Reju... :-(
Except for Titania - she would probably cut you in half with her Aegislash. The safest choice is probably Shade (if you had the guts to do it) - he would react with just his usual "...". :-D
I've read somewhere that Zorua only appears at night. And that it requires certain weather condition - windy I think?
Yeah I know that stealing from trainers normally doesn't work in Reborn because the item disappears after battle. However it turns out that with Covet + Fling + Recycle you can still keep it. So what items can we steal that are not otherwise obtainable or are obtainable only near the end? (Besides Leftovers of course.)
Actually Jigglypuff is out in my opinion since the characters never mentioned hearing a song (if I remember correctly). Drowzee / Hypno theory is plausible. The grunt probably went and triggered the hypnosis which is why they didn't fall asleep right away. I think even a PULSE-Hypno would not be able to use Hypnosis continuously for several weeks.
In some videos of Reborn I found on youtube the font in the game seem to be much nicer than the four variants I can pick in the game. How can I change the font to something smooth like that? For example:
It should be in Peridot near the train station or near the desert gate. But only when raining.
1) There is none near the reasearch center which I often use as a base for Route 1 puzzles. 2) It only goes from one end to the other, can't go just part of the way to Tanzan Mountain or the Pikachu house. 3) They are not present right away, only after beating Radomus I think.
Actually Route 1 itself (not the woods of course) is fairly easy to navigate on Tauros except of this one place. I love Route 1 and the forest puzzles, just this one place annoys me. I don't question the puzzle difficulity, that's completely fine. What I don't like is that when I want to go for example from the reasearch center to Radomus's castle I take a Tauros near the reaserch center, hop up one ledge, go around a previously moved log and - here comes the annoying part - dismount, move on foot for a bit, find a second Tauros - here the annoying part ends - and ride it all the way to the labyrint. Unlike the rest of the route this isn't a one-time puzzle but an unnecessary obstacle a player needs to go around every single time. Thanks for moving the topic. I'll be more careful in the future.
Technically not really a bug but... is it really intended that it's not possible to navigate Route 1 from one end to the other on a single Tauros (not even using the surrounding woods)? There is only one place that is impossible to pass. It also happens to make part of the Tauros/Heracross/Pinsir puzzle a bit annoying - you need to go to one place on Tauros at least 6 times (I counted), always dismount and return for another one. The closest Tauros is pretty far away in this case though. Or there actually is one really close but it's just behind the "tall grass wall" (the one that makes Route 1 impossible to navigate on one Tauros) so its useless. If it is intended just delete this topic, thanks. :-) Oh talking about Route 1 almost all of the Heracrosses/Pinsirs are level 49 except for one pair near the Tanzan Mountain that is level 55. Not sure if intended.
@IceCreamSandWitch Thanks! I already knew about most of them but I was not aware that beating Garchomp already had some influence on the game. Also I didn't know that Shiny Charm is related to the Blake choice (it makes sense though). It seems that Laura's backstory was the only peace I missed - I always saved all policeman, beaten both Solochomp and Dittoceus and got the Shiny Charm in the end. @Marcello Even looking back I'm not sure those were the best choices. In fact in my opinion both situations look like both choices are equally good and bad at the same time.
Thanks. I tried one of my backups where I fought Sirius in Yureyu building and selected the other option in Tanzan cove. Now I know what backstory you we're talking about earlier - indeed it is something that the player apparently can't learn anywhere else. By the way are there some other story branches like this in the game? So far I only know about this and the Aqua / Magma thing (which is afaik pretty much the same either way). Oh and there was some branching later with Blake I think (not very significant if I remember correctly). Anything else?
Laura? Don't you mean Saphira? I don't remember her ever not being there. When does that happen?
Personally I feel this way not just about Chatot but about the confusion condition in general. It makes the battle way too random. Pokemon games would be so much better without it.
About that case in EP15 when you scale the waterfall down and later back up, there is part of the staircase visible. Is that going to be changed to the new Reborn look as well? I mean it probably should as the event occurs near the point of return to Reborn.
Can we expect more move tutors in EP16 / some future episodes? Really need Foul Play for Umbreon and Hyper Voice for Sylveon.
Hey Ame, just found out that Rocky Helmet is also unavailable in the game. (At least I didn't find it in the Item Guide for E15.) EDIT: Oval Charm for breeding would be nice as well.
Egg moves yes, but pre-evolution moves might be an issue - like Outrage for Arcanine. Besides as I've said I'm still far from the move relearner. Anyway good point about the move deleter. I'll probably go with that for now. Thank you! :-)
Hi, I'd like to breed some of my pokemon but I'm concerned that the Daycare couple might overwrite some important move with another on level up. I'm just at the beginning of the current playthrough so I don't have access to move relearner (and it probably would not help with pre-evolution moves anyway). So how can I predict what the daycare lunatics will do to my pokemon? Is it possible to control which move will be overwritten by changing their order? EDIT: Made a typo in the headline. :-( Can someone fix it please? Title edited! ~Ark
I put together what I can think of and gone through some sections of the items guide on this forum. This is the result: - Items limited to the upper levels of Obsidia Dpt Store (though EP16 will unlock a few more floors - we can buy evolution stones there now). - Damage reducing berries are on the 6th floor but Anti-fairy Roseli Berry is missing for whatever reason. Also fairy gem is missing on the 7th floor. - Rare berries such as those with only one tree in the Aventurine Woods maze (they should be available with one more sticker in the Dpt Store though). - An area to grow berries effectively (like a large garden with many berry spots). - Shell Bell is unavailable, Leftovers only available with Pickup ability (lvl 71+). - Flame Orb unavailable, Dragon Fang, Kings Rock only by catching wild pkmn, Electrilizer, Magmarizer available but not actually useable. - Thick Club (should be added to 7th street where similar items can be bought). - Weakness Policy (maybe somewhere on the upper floors in Obsidia). - Dusk & Level balls. Well pretty much everything important is available somewhere in the game now. There ain't really much more to add at this point.
Do the rivals or other trainers also recieve these boosts? I mean it feels wrong for only the player to get them. I'd rather remove them like gen IV+.
Wait THAT is Beryl? Hey Ame can you take Adrienn and come rebuild my hometown as well? You're really good at this. :-) What about the Gothi familly from the library? They didn't get kicked out or anything, ri-right? I feel sorry for the Beryl students. I think they will revolt until you build them a staircase from the wall down to Lapis and another staircase from North Obsidia to Onyx. In fact I will join them.
She could always create a custom mega. Mega-Hydreigon from Insurgence is super scary. Also there was a HydreiGOD in Zeta / Omicron with insane 140 base speed. I still believe that Reborn will be done before gen 8 though. E16 is taking insane amount of time because it contains various updates pretty much everywhere. With any luck Ame should be able to focus more on the new content in future episodes.
Each new episode contains one new gym plus some story content, new sidequests etc. Reborn is sheduled so that the final episode will be EP 19 (one episode will have two gyms, EP 19 will contain the final gym, the league and postgame).