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Desolation Dev Blog
Everything posted by enu
Pretty sure I'm dreaming.
I actually went and more or less determined what are the actual mod changes. The good news is that I actually got it up and running on e19. I can get a pokemon out, it follows me, even through map transition, stairs etc. and I can interact with it. And I refactored pokecenters to basically become a non-issue (previous version required manually changing every pokecenter). The bad news is that it's very buggy. For instance it only checks the party leader which is a complete nonsense. Leader can be an egg or fainted in which case it's not eligible to be a follower (I have my unhatched Riolu following me around lol). And I have a whole list of other things to fix and test to get it up to my quality standards. I'm still looking into it when I have some time but it's a very slow process and I'm unsure if I'll ever finish it on my own. I'm a good enough programmer to be confident that I can do it, it's just very time consuming so I keep questioning if it's worth it to attempt it on my own. Perhaps if I had someone helping me? If someone wants to try and help me with this you can DM me here or on Discord.
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I was considering looking into it but the main problem is that the download isn't really just the mod but rather the entire game and even other mods such as the SWM pack. I would need to see the actual changes this mod itself brings in order to do anything with it.
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So I've been trying out Desolation lately, Currently I'm just about to face Aderyn and would like to provide some feedback. First big thanks to the team for making this game! I can see it's quite well done and has a lot of content to explore! Characters So far I find the characters well written with distinct memorable personalities. Can't say I'm too fond of some of them like Connor but he is meant to be like that. I'm curious to find out if he'll be more respectful later in the game. Story Can't say much about the story yet since I'm at the very start of the game but I have a feeling it will be good. Almost as good as Reborn and very likely better Reju for my personal taste. Audio Great tracks so far just as in Reborn. Loving it! Exploration Quite a bit of side content to do which is nice but I have to give my first bit of critique here. The missions for Rangers are very annoying by the fact that you can only have one active at a time. Yet there are 2 missions in Vejyr itself and a third just on the other side of it. It makes sense to not be able to take all the missions at once but having to run to the same place and back several times isn't fun. Pokemon availability Seems good so far. No super powerful mons to be found in early game. Magby and Elekid seem to be very early but that doesn't matter much since their evolutions will likely be held back to a more appropriate point in the game. Lycanroc is maybe too powerful though. Very strong on it's own and effective against first two gyms as well. One thing that doesn't make sense though is how is Scarlett getting her mons that are nowhere to be found? Progression and difficulty Good up to Connor but there I had to grind quite a few levels with no more content to do. First bad spot was Vejyr where I had to run back to Ava after every single trainer since I had weaker mons with me which I wanted to level up and the PC with my two most powerful mons was way too far. I think it was mainly the field effect making this area a struggle. Up until then it was all grass which provides healing every turn and being quite helpful with buffing some moves. On the other hand the field effect in Vejyr gives no healing, provides the wild mons protection from water types and even actively hurts my mons when combusted. The field and lack of PC made it quite a struggle. Afterwards everything was fine. Had to run back from weeping hill two times to heal which was a long way. Now though I'm about to face Aderyn and I'm hopelessly underleveled. Even after doing every piece of side content I could find my mons have average level of 28. I have 2 above 30 but a few which I need for Aderyn only around 25 so 28 is average. With level cap of 35 I assume I'll need a team roughly around lvl 33 to stand a chance. That's... a really long grind. In my opinion the repeatable trainer shouldn't be necessary this early in the game. Having to grind five levels even after doing all side content feels quite bad tbh. And I wasn't running from wild battles either except weeping hill unowns as there was no healing nearby.
Lol I somehow thought that Cass and Caz are the same person. Sorry for my mistake. :-D Thank you very much for the answers! ^^
Hi, I like Reborn a lot and played Reju too although it's not as great as Reborn in my personal opinion. I'm thinking about giving Desolation a try but I can't find the basic information of how far the game actually is in terms of development. Current release 5.1 has 7 gyms... out of how many? Is it planned as a standard 8 gyms game or will there be more? Similarly the episode number 5.1 - is it known how many episodes is the game supposed to have in the end? Ofc I know that even if a planned number is known, it may change as the development goes, I fully respect that. Next what is the current level cap in the game? Basically I just wanna know how much of the planned full game is already implemented. If I should expect a 30% done experience or 80% done experience. Also is Gen 8 planned to be added later? It doesn't matter to me if it isn't planned or if the devs have not decided yet, I think 7 gens is already plenty and don't care much about gen 8. I'm just curious. The last update seems to be nearly year and a half old. Considering Cass's involvement in Reborn development that's ofc perfectly understandable. I'm guessing the development of Desolation will resume after Reborn is finished? Thanks!
It's sad that these assets won't appear in the game... I mean they never got into the 'Pokemon Reborn Assets Storage Warehousetm'.
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
enu replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
I heard that Commander got banned so most likely there won't be any more updates here. -
My little contribution was making the linewrap issues consistent. You see RMXP somehow managed to make it so that most of them only appeared in the real game but not when using the debug mode. Somehow in the compiled game there was an extra space at the end of the string so the length was different. Why? I never found that out but by adding a trim function to a particular place in the code, half of the errors were instantly fixed and the other half appeared consistently in both normal and debug code making it much easier for someone more familiar with RMXP to come and finish it. :-)
Hello. I'm the patron you mentioned. I'm soooo happy that someone finally managed to find the true cause. Thank you! Okay, bye.
Umm... would it be possible to get an 18.2.1 / 18.3 update with this and maybe the difficulty levels? The AI update kinda made me want to replay reborn again but I really like doubles so I kinda don't wanna play it without this.
Where do I go next? [REJUVENATION]
enu replied to Jan's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Guides & Resources
Where do I go next? [REJUVENATION]
enu replied to Jan's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Guides & Resources
I just noticed that Reju v12 is a thing now so I want to play it. Can someone please give me brief recap of what happened in v11 and where am I supposed to go to start v12 story? I totally forgot everything. Thanks! -
I don't mean to judge you, by all means play what you like. But since you're new here I think I should tell you what Reborn is about. Yes, Reborn is a hard game. However a part of the difficulty is that powerful pokemons, items and moves are not available until late in the game. Your team has 2 Pseudo-legendaries, a Volcarona and other powerful mons. With these the game won't be as hard as you expect. If you get a well-bred versions of these mons from a trader then there is no longer much of a point in playing a difficult game. These mons are only available late in the game for a good reason and the game is balanced around them not being available sooner. Reborn is about you struggling to beat all the challenges presented to you with what you can discover in the game. In the beginning you will never see a wild mon which is really powerful. This will make you think which mons could be decent for that part of the game and you will have a lot of fun with underappreciated pokemon that you would never even think of using normally (*cough* Kricketune *cough* Meowstic *cough*). Also it will make you search every nook and cranny because you never know where something good might be hidden. Many mons and items are hidden and it's exciting to discover something and think how you can use it effectively. If you have a powerful team from the beginning then you don't need to do this and therefore cut a lot of the excitement out from the game. Another part of the game is the fact that some enemies have very good coverage of their weaknesses thanks to clever combinations of their teams and also field effects (which you can turn against them). So even a good team won't be enough. Unless you have OP mons (that you would not get normally) you are almost certain to need a rotation of more than 6 pokemon to beat this game (I usually use around 10). And sometimes you will scrap an old mon and replace it with something new you just found. My recommendation: - If you want to play a game with your "dream team", play some different game. - If you want to play a difficult game, play Reborn or Rejuvenation (without trading). Still Reborn is not too difficult so in case you want a real challenge you can restrain yourself with additional rules. Personally I play Reborn with these restrictions which makes the game feel just right for me: - Always use Battle Style "Set" (otherwise I feel I have an unfair advantage) - Never use healing items like potions during battle.
I can't remember what difficulty setting is my current savefile on. I think I have used the highest at the begining but I'm not sure if I have lowered it later or not. How can I find out? Also how can I change the difficulty if needed?
More megastones in V11? Does this mean that mega ring is available now? If so, where?
Exactly what I needed! Thank you very much, you certainly revived some of my memories of the previous events. I'm going to play E11 now!
I just noticed ep 11 is out now so I'd like to continue the game from when I ended. However I can't really remember what happened in the last couple of episodes very well. Can someone give me a brief recap of the story of episodes 8 through 10 or so? (Don't spoil 11 pls.) Thanks! Also I'm somewhere in this big city called Grand Dream I think? Anyway there are a lot of districts and I can't find a way out. Let alone to whereever the heck is this Route 9 where I'm apparently supposed to go before loading E11 for the first time. I'm just completely lost. Send help. :-D
That only means those better mons should be pushed back too and some of the underrated ones pushed forward. But you can never have every pokemon in an ideal place. I'm simply saying that I'm quite satisfied where these particular mons are. Especially considering that if you really want them earlier, you can just trade.
Interesting topic. I can agree with some but not all of them. Mons: Ralts, Elekid, Magby, Magnemite - All of these are very powerful and very popular. Because of that I'm glad that they are pushed back to where they are at the moment. Gives more space to less popular mons. Ralts in particular should never be available before Samson. Glaceon - Yeah, this one I can definitely agree with. Glaceon is not by any means the strongest Eeveelution anyway. Considering that Reborn didn't change any evolution methods (as far as I know) I think moving the ice rock to the cave near Shade's Gym is the way to go. Oshawott / Litten - Yeah this makes sense. Rogenrolla - If it is in 7th street it means it's still available before Agate, right? If that's so then it was only pushed back by 2-3 gyms so it's fine. Sandile - Yep, Sandile in Tanzan is too early. I'd push it to like Route 2? I think the environment fits there. TMs: Frost Breath - Agreed! Nature Power - Agreed! Sludge Bomb - The suggested place is available right after Adrienn, right? That's way too early in my opinion. Shadow Ball - Maybe? I'm not completely sure how useful Shadow Ball is.
@seki108Thanks for the Ciel image!
Yay, Eeveelutions are dominating this contest! I fully approve. (Wanted to link that "Ciel of approval" image but can't find it anywhere. Anyone has it?)
Onyx Garden has Pichu event pre-restoration but no Pichu/Pikachu wild. It would make sense for Pikachu to be there after restoration but if the Pokedex is showing Pikachu there before you went to Agate then that's a bug imo.