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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Inori

  1. Kinda sad to hear the theme will be retired, but looking forward to seeing the new one!
  2. Hey, Fixed your save. Just walk between the two and a cut scene should trigger! Your file is the 153 one. Same deal for you, just walk forward and talk to her. Your file is the 138 one. Game.rxdata Game.rxdata
  3. Fixed, enjoy Fixed as well, tho due to the fact I dont have the "proper" files, I had to do the battle for you. Sorry about that. I do think your problem might be because of your files, so try downloading the game again. It worked just fine when I loaded it. Yours is the smaller file
  4. Thats weird...maybe you should try re-downloading the files? Or take a screenshot of the error you are getting?
  5. Not quite sure what you meant by stuck, but I moved you closer? Hope it fixes it
  6. Hello, Inori here. I saw that there is an interest in trading for this game. I thought I might as well help out. I cant say I have much knowledge about this game, so if anyone has suggestions feel free to post them. If Jan would like to take this over at any point, feel free to do so. Inspired by Yash's topic for Reborn trading. Use this thread to find people to trade with, post what you have available, or just discuses trading in general. Rules: Subject to change. Have 4 badges Pm me once a trade has been established Have both save files uploaded along with the form ready to go Be patient Enjoy Form: OT Name: OT Gender: OT ID: Name: Species: Gender: Shininess: Level: Nature: Ability: Moves: EVs: HP/Att/Def/Sp.A/Sp.D/Spe IVs: HP/Att/Def/Sp.A/Sp.D/Spe
  7. Here you go grumpykroc. Your save file should be all better. Enjoy
  8. Fixed yours too Ranger, tho you were even more stuck then Doom was.
  9. I had that problem too, if you like I can fix it for you. Just post your save
  10. I could help if you need to lighten the load. I already know how to change it on my own.
  11. Hi, umm Im new here. I dont mean any harm Jan, just trying to help you sense you seem to be busy! But if you want to handle doing the troubleshooting all on your own, I am really sorry and wont bother helping again. Just let me know if im wrong please! So I was able to fix doom's save file. I put you back at the start. My advice, do not walk down those stairs again.
  12. This is the first time iv been here for a release. Cant wait to start a second run Cheers for all the hard work done!
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