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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shimerin

  1. There should only be one Game.rxdata save file, be sure to take your current save out of the folder before renaming a back up save to Game.rxdata
  2. All save files are stored in Computer > (C:) > Users > (name of your computer profile) > Saved Games > Pokemon Reborn Current save is Game.rxdata Back ups are the others, just take out Game.rxdata and rename a back up to Game.rxdata
  3. The game has a back up save feature now, go to your save files and take out the Game.rxdata file and rename an older save to Game.rxdata to go back and be sure to get the key first.
  4. I caught a Noibat early on and tossed in in the daycare to level it up while I was playing through the story. On my way to go pick it up to evolve it and start using it I ran into a shiny Noibat. Caught the shiny and trained it up instead of using the older Noibat, now I have this http://oi61.tinypic.com/25s1xue.jpg
  5. Probably because of weather, did you have clear weather after helping her?
  6. All you need is a Magnemite with sturdy and thunder wave.
  7. Granted. I took it out of my trash after dropping it in mud and my dog chewing on it. I wish I had better internet.
  8. Shimerin


    Banned for having a more colorful avatar.
  9. Great song from an underrated game
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