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About Clownbinary

  • Birthday 04/01/1993

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  1. i beat him, flare blitz and HJK did the first three, and then i mixed it up to win. thanks for all the help guys, its greatly appreciated!
  2. Porygon-z's hidden power is a fire move, steel/bug would be terrible here. any of his pokemon that use hiden power can kill steel types in one shot mostly.
  3. well ill try that. i fucking hate that porygon-z though.
  4. ive tried that, blazekin gets paralyzed by his wigglytuffs thunder wave and cant hit first anylonger.
  5. thats a damn good idea, ill try it out.
  6. i totally forgot about the guide. thanks! im gonna go take him down now.
  7. oh i love magneton, great sp attack. excellent defense. hes usually part of my teams. one last question if i may, flareblitz effects the field doesnt it?
  8. can you evolve magneton into megnezone at this point? the door to shade factory is still locked for me.
  9. magneton thankfully has sturdy thanks to that exact capsule haha, and high jump kick eh? i dont know how i missed that. and said blazekin has speed boost, made sure of that. ill get rid of focus energy. thanks guys ill try this and see how much better i fare.
  10. so heres my team Magneton lvl 52 discharge, mirror shot, metal sound, screech Steelix lvl 54 iron tail, stone edge, double edge, dig Pongoro lvl 54 rocksmash, hammer arm, sky uppercut Claydol lvl 54 earth power, extrasensory, hyperbeam, stealthrock Drapion lvl 54 venoshock, fell stinger, strength, crunch Garbador lvl 54 Sluge wave, gunk shot, toxic, amnesia all have appropriate move for this fights, bu when i starts crushing his wigglytuff he switches and decimates me with his porygon-z. its a bit discouraging actually. i have my blazekin on he sie if he might help Blazekin lvl 53 Brave bird, blaze kick, flame charge, focus energy any suggestions?
  11. ah, okay! well, i got a magnemite to "give" me a metal coat. so steelix is a go, thanks all!
  12. hmm, even longer huh? thats alright. im just trying to get a steelix for noel, ill hunt for metal coat at shades gym. thanks for the info all!
  13. well i know they were both in tanzan, but they are not there yet.
  14. all im wondering is when do they appear? ive beaten the steelix and abra, and left the base and have not fought noel yet. is it after noel?
  15. how to reach croagunk

    1. ShadowStar


      You need to use Rock Smash. Then travel south through the mountain passage.

    2. Fumble


      Also, Corey's Silver Ring is a necessity.

    3. Clownbinary


      ah! okay, i missed that passage some how. thanks! i knew about the ring though.

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