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Reborn Development Blog
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Everything posted by Cara_Moon
Its ok, I have a flosslass, electivire, and magmortar now SOMEONE needs to upload a video of solving the damned water plant puzzle before my desktop is destroyed in rage
I am actually revising it as I write it. I stop for a day after 8 hours, sleep, and then revise what I had written before writing more. I've actually had to rewrite about 42 full pages so far.
Episode 15?! Sweet!! Downloading now~
You are my lifesaver I love you~ [edit: posting the dropbox link here for anyone else who needs] https://www.dropbox.com/s/sfbv68eax1whyuy/E13.2B.zip?dl=0
So.... anyone with episode 13 have enough kindness to upload it and link me the download please? I need some evo stones from the department store.... pretty please....
But as I've heard... you can't even get into the top floors of the dept store in episode 15.. and I need some evo stones and have saved so much money for them... So there isn't like an old episode archive hidden on forums that I'm missing or anything like that? So anyone got enough of a heart to upload a link to episode 13 for me, or am I going to be told to go back to google or that I'm shit out of luck... because I honestly searched through google for an hour on my very slow connection... so please, some kind-hearted angel message me or post a download for episode 13, please..
I'm sorry if this was already asked elsewhere, I googled and searched on forum search bar... How does one go back to episode 13? I googled "pokemon reborn episode 13", "pokemon reborn episode 13 revert", "pokemon reborn episode 13 download", "pokemon reborn episode 13 go back"... and I just can't find a download to the older episode...
except that I, too, need one, and google has thus not given me what I need... [not a necro post, this topic didn't get answered and I'm also seeking an answer, and this was the top search result when i searched earlier episode]
Whew... finished episode 14.... Now to check back every day for the next episode~ Terra was actually a decently easy leader.. and it felt good to KO all her pokes, she is so annoying ;~;
That.... is a long hard way to get togepi, especially seeing as how I can't get back to Reborn City yet because I'm in Ametrine... So I can wait for the next episode, by the looks and sounds of it, it is drawing very near~
Omglob, yes please~ Pant, pant pant.... Aaaaand Charlotte has been defeated~ Hee-hee~
a little unrelated to this topic, but I thought you might enjoy this site. I saw in your sig that some of your pokemon sprites were wacked up, so http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php?cid=18#chunk18 is a site to find almost any animated poke sprite. :]
Luna was a very simple battle, my fairies swept her quite easily hee-hee~ I'm currently exploring route 2 now, and I know of at least 4 gym leaders ready to be faced in the very near future, Ciel and Samson Terra are the 3 who are the nearest to battle time, and I feel like Hardy will be battled very soon too~ Route 2 is just so annoying, like be prepared for me asking how to get through it soon, cuz I get the whole Crustle puzzle.. but I'm stuck on how to get this crustle knocked down to the ground to the right so i can put it in the hole.....
Cain is cute but his singing and innuendos are a bit annoying sometimes... he's still a cutie~ Terra is just full blow mega annoying overload >.>
Oh my... I thought Cain was an annoying perv until I met the most ANNOYING character to ever exist anywhere.. I mean Ame would be hard-pressed to make a more annoying character... I really despise Terra... and I only made it through her a brief dialog when I first got to Agate..
Hrmmm... I was under the impression that if I were to make my own topic, I could use it as both a welcoming thread and a general chat with the friends I make... Sometimes, I get replies faster than I see them show, which is why I sometimes double post... Silly to give me warning points about it e.e But meh~ Also, it WAS Luna, and as you guessed, my fairies were too much for her, hee-hee~ Now to find out where to go after this crystal valley o.o
Welcome~ We're a friendly group, so if you have any questions I'm sure we can help you out~
Next gym? I'm hoping its luna soon... my fairies are ready for her xD
yay~ Currently, I'm trying to escape from the religious nutjobs's prison place Q~Q Radamos's gym was so hard.. not the battle, the darned chess... without nickaboo I woulda been stuck there till Ame released the very final episode x.x And also, I love the adventurine forest puzzle, using pokemon to clear the path. If you are reading this, Ame, that was my second favoirte puzzle in the game~ My first being using the caged pokemon to break through the dungeon~ And the fun puzzle even got me another sticker~
In case anyone was curious~ I finally got with the times and updated my signature with my team~ Hee-hee~
I was WONDERING where to find a togepi D; Ame, plox don't make togepi hard to get in eps 15 Q~Q I still have like... ep 11-14 to finish tho Also, I heard flabebe appears in route 1 but I can't find one Q~Q I even made sure to bring the floral charm thingy Q~Q Someone mentioned needing to go to knockout flowers but what are those... they mean the healy flowery thingies? Cuz all those do is heal me >.> And florges = prettiest flower in the whole widest world~ I found a flabebe~
I wasn't, but it was pure evil hiding eevee so well xD But Ame is awesomesauce~
It's ok Eterna, this post has kinda moved from an intro post to my fairy watch journal Hee-hee~
Squee madly~ I now have Pixie in my party~ Ame is evil for making eevee so hard to get though~ Err I said nothing~