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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AllymyMan

  1. Zap Cannon yea its strong and is guaranteed to paralyze and had the absolute best pokemon stadium 2 animation but it never hits...
  2. just used the status bar as a search field, i am my grandma

    1. zimvader42
    2. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Eh, I used to do it all the time. No biggie.

  3. Would Pokemon Battle be even considered okay? As much as I would love to be champion, sending out my Arcanine to use its fiery fangs to attack the giant electric mouse just seems sad, I dunno. I would love to have real world battle but when you look into it, it really kind of scares you
  4. What is your favorite memory of Pokemon (Reborn or otherwise)? For me it would have to be getting through the Rock Tunnel in Red without using Flash after months of banging my head and gameboy against the wall. A close second would have to be the entire play through of Pokemon Crystal nothing sticks out in particular but all together I thought it was and still one of the best mainstream Pokemon games. Its probably because my Day Care egg was Tyrogue and by who knows what I was able to evolve it into a Hitmontop. In Reborn though it would have to be Cain's attitude and storyline, I love him and his character development
  5. Ash's battle with Paul is one of the greatest of the anime, but I do feel that the only time we saw Ash at his best was during the frontier saga where he wasn't having to restart with just Pikachu and used all his A listers
  6. I was did like the mystery your character provided, is she a pokemon professor, the champion, or something much more sinister. I look forward to having more revealed.
  7. Is victoria a gym leader now, I seem to recall her being given the torch after you battle Kiki, but then later on you fight samson who is said to be the back up leader? If not I see her coming into play in some form later on in the end game maybe not as a member but maybe as a fellow challenger that you have to battle against. I don't know I feel as though I am just grasping at straws here now.
  8. I agree completely that cotton candies are in the game too early, and maybe later on there can be some new item that is the spiritual successor to the old cotton candy that revives to full, but with at least seven or more gym battles left to go it is still to soon to have access to purchasable max revives imo
  9. I am personally indifferent on the strength of Cotton Candies. I just remember using them for the first time recently and being slightly perplexed at them recovering to full health, only because for the longest time you could only purchase super potions (this was before ultra potions) and here we are with a purchasable max revive that from a logical stand point makes any potion save for when being cost conscious useless.
  10. oh god, i remember spending hours rewatching each episode waiting for a new one to come out, and then all of the sudden they stopped making new ones, ah the good old days of begging someone to help me with Shield of Arrav and looking for someone to cut my gems
  11. Cotton Candy's as of 14.6 restore a fainted pokemon to full health, and they only cost around ~6600$. Even in the mainstream games you cannot purchase max revives for cash? So my question to you all is are they too strong?
  12. AllymyMan


    Last I heard Mudkip was out and Totodile or another starter was taking its place in the wastelands but I could be wrong
  13. I got my newest sticker from the man in Ametrine who is plagued by Missingos, and after finishing episode 14 I went back to the Dept store to see what new stuff awaited me, to find out I was only at floor 3. And I admit its been six plus months since I had been back at the Dept store, I was sure that I would have been on floor 4 by now. Am I going crazy? Do I need help? Arceus help me!!!
  14. Hi all, I'm Ally. I am a long time well not that long since around ep 9 or so Reborn player, but first time forum user. As you can see my favorite Pokemon is Alakazam, but my favorite type is water. I am an avid Pokemon Fan, and my fondest Pokemon memory was going through the rock tunnel without using flash on Pokemon Red when i was around six or so. It took me months to do, and actually completed during a concert my mom had dragged me to. The feeling oh god I finally can continue and see new places can never be replicated. I am a college student from Texas, and I look forward to getting to know several of you here at one the greatest fan made pokemon games on the market.
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