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Everything posted by Randoms2

  1. Thanks for the quick answers. I didn't think the wonder trade community was so active. Instant trades for the ~15 or so trades I tried, not to mention I was on 3x speed, and I got a trade from someone who called themselves "Sweet Co." Pretty pleasant surprise then.
  2. Are you trading with bots when you wonder trade or are you actually trading with other people? I honestly can't tell :/
  3. That's one thing I think about a lot, about preparing. At what point do you prepare too much and it turns into a case of 'you're taking advantage of cheap tactics' vs 'You aren't using tools available to you so it's your fault that you failed'. Lets say you're fighting Samson and you just can't win 'normally'. If you start using X-Whatever items to boost your stats and to cheese the fight, is it your bad that you're using tools at your disposal? Especially considering every difficult fight automatically has the odds stacked against you with carefully chosen moves and abilities to accent with a very specific field. Personally, I think that Ame has limited the game quite enough, and well enough, that just trudging through the game as you would any other canon pokemon game will result in reborn kicking you to the curb and leaving you to die in a ditch. On this topic, I think that there are very few and minute things that will 'break' the challenge of the game so to speak, one being soft resetting for a high IV speed boost blaziken, but otherwise I don't think you can cheese the game given what challenges are presented before you
  4. "It's so hard!" "I had to grind for ages to beat her!" "Eruption Typhlosion punches holes in moons!" I went in with a Tyrantum and I left a giant crater where the red head was ._. It was my first time going against her and I feel cheated out of what I thought was the one of the communities most agreeably difficult challenge. Almost every other gym leader I had to spend a good 30-45 minutes figuring out how to beat it but this one... I never expected to beat her as easily as I beat Julia lol
  5. So I noticed this, when I set my clock a week into the future to try and reset the weather, I would try to enter the opal ward, but every time my game would hang and freeze (I wouldn't be able to do anything), but if I set the date back to the correct time, I would be able to go into Opal again. Thing is, this isn't new. About a week ago, when I tried to leave the obsidian ward to go into the opal ward, my game would hang and someone was kind enough to fix it. I wonder if there is a bug with e15 and having the weather change during it's weekly patterns
  6. So I have been playing e15 for a couple of days, but I have noticed that I only ever got rainy, clear, or windy days. Getting impatient waiting for a sunny or stormy day, I tried to look through the forums for how to change the weather, and I saw that every week, there will be a new weather forecast on the TV, so just go into your computer and change the time one week at a time. Thing is, every time I move the calendar up one week at a time, I only ever see "Scattered showers this Monday and Friday with high winds on Tuesday!", even after going forward almost 3 months, 1 week at a time. Anyone know why this might be or perhaps have another suggestion on how to change the weather?
  7. Slight spoilers ahead for 7th street: I remember in my last play through that there were some move tutors in 7th street but I can't seem to remember what moves they offered and I can't find anywhere on here. To simplify things, I'm trying to see if there is a way to teach Rapidash drill run via move tutor but I don't know if drill run is offered as a move option in 7th street
  8. As for myself, set or go home. I feel like shift cheats you out of any real challenge
  9. Continuing spoilers from my first post in regards to the day care event:
  10. Spoilers for day care event
  11. Well I can't say I'm too surprised to learn that thief was changed so you can't permanently steal items, one less way to cheese the game.
  12. Does anyone know if any NPCs in the game use held items for their pokemon? I just learned that thief / magician lets you steal items permanently from NPCs so naturally I wondered if this strategy holds any merit, but I cant seem to remember if I encountered any obvious held items on NPCs.
  13. Thanks for the many and quick responses I think I'm finally going to cave in to my impatience and start another game. Good to know that I can transfer my save to e15 when it comes out
  14. Is it possible to switch a save file from e14 to e15 when it releases? Or will I have to start a completely new file for e15? On another note, can't wait for e15! (literly starting to check every day >_> ) but all good things take time
  15. I have mixed feelings about Noivern. On my very first playthrough, he had a spot on my team since level ~7 and I stuck with him because he was a shiny and I was determined to make the best out of him. Holy arceus, leveling that thing was a chore and a pain, and as someone said earlier, by time I finally evolved it I was at the front door to the . IIRC while I was at the level 45 limit, I used three of my rare candies just to evolve it, but then I used three common candies to bring it down. I had it with my all the way up to gym before I did a factory reset on my computer and forgot to backup my save on a flash drive. Honestly, it has very few uses, mainly with super fang able to lower pokemon down (pachirusu did this infinitely better though with nuzzle in it's tow as well) and fighting the . Other then that, it got destroyed by a lot of things, and the few pokemon it excelled at fighting, Ninetails w/ drought was able to fight them better. Also when it came time for the , the thing was almost completely useless Overall, I would rate Noivern a 5/10 -Whatever you do, don't catch one early on, it's a trap! If you do want one, catch him later, you find them all over the place, and some higher than level 40 IIRC -Boomburst comes too late for it to be useful at that state of the game -Outclassed by several pokemon, as I said earlier, I felt like my Ninetails did everything it did but better -So, so squishy, like jello level squishy
  16. Whoever did the spritework did a fantastic job! Keep it up
  17. Can't wait for e15! Also noticed something that may or may not have been pointed out already Spoiler for e14 events and e15 obtainable pokemon:
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