I have mixed feelings about Noivern. On my very first playthrough, he had a spot on my team since level ~7 and I stuck with him because he was a shiny and I was determined to make the best out of him. Holy arceus, leveling that thing was a chore and a pain, and as someone said earlier, by time I finally evolved it I was at the front door to the
. IIRC while I was at the level 45 limit, I used three of my rare candies just to evolve it, but then I used three common candies to bring it down. I had it with my all the way up to
gym before I did a factory reset on my computer and forgot to backup my save on a flash drive. Honestly, it has very few uses, mainly with super fang able to lower pokemon down (pachirusu did this infinitely better though with nuzzle in it's tow as well) and fighting the
. Other then that, it got destroyed by a lot of things, and the few pokemon it excelled at fighting, Ninetails w/ drought was able to fight them better. Also when it came time for the
, the thing was almost completely useless Overall, I would rate Noivern a 5/10 -Whatever you do, don't catch one early on, it's a trap! If you do want one, catch him later, you find them all over the place, and some higher than level 40 IIRC -Boomburst comes too late for it to be useful at that state of the game -Outclassed by several pokemon, as I said earlier, I felt like my Ninetails did everything it did but better -So, so squishy, like jello level squishy