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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by MrLGFD

  1. 5 years sure went by pretty fast... damn


  2. Aint no thing like a chickenwing


  3. !Ame is best!

  4. Talk Crap Get Clap

  5. I left a lot behind ... but somehow for some reason I always come back to Reborn... hehe


    1. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Hello! Haven't seen you around for a while

  6. lmao my character couldnt handle prison so he became white xD

  7. Enjoy Ya Stay Fellow Lurker!
  8. Tfw you go into a LoL ranked game fall asleep during loading screen  and wake up to a defeat screen....


    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Good morning surprise

    2. Anime


      Happened to me lol

  9. Lima Oscar Lima 


    1. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Hotel Echo Hotel Echo Hotel Echo Hotel Echo 

    2. MrLGFD


      Delta India Victor Echo Romeo Golf Echo November Tango India Sierra Alpha Whiskey Echo Sierra Oscar Mike Echo :P

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Tango Hotel Alpha Novembers Kilo Sierra :D Hotel Alpha Hotel Alpha 

  10. hmm that feeling when you get attacked by a 30 year old dude....


  11. hmmm I knew I forgot to do something that game
  12. Heh, Am I truly the root of evil hehehe


  13. Hehehehe Should I or Not... hehehehehe


  14. Happy Birthday Xiri!! Wish you many great and safe years! hehehehe
  15. tfw you only placed 1 ward in 30mins


  16. hehhehehe!



  17. Welcome to reborn enjoy your stay hehehehe
  18. All Hail BIBS!


  19. Hey there I destoyed Jullia with Combusken Double Kicking her to Oblivion I did use some Potions though but I guess I could trade you some fighting mons later . I dont really care what I get hehehe I love em all
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