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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by MrLGFD

  1. Whatsup Jordan Welcome to the family Here is a lil something
  2. Welcome man (i guess??) Here is a lil something
  3. If Titania kills some people, ain't nothing to it, Team Meteor made her do it

  4. I am able to stare without blinking or changing my facial expression for quite some time
  5. This is 2 years ago when I graduated from highschool. I am the right one the other 2 are my best friends. I don't like taking pictures unless its a special moment.
  6. Welcome to the family Ely hope you enjoy reborn Here is a lil something don't mind the typos O and btw you now belong to us muahahahahahahha!!
  7. Blaziken he is my fav starter and he is baddass Toxicroak she is my fav pokemon Hitmonchan got all the elemental punches and a close combat
  8. 50 You should dance and sing sooner or later it will become a thing!!
  9. You wanna challenge my team? Well Get ready to scream! Going guns blazing with my Hitmonchan Break your jaw Break your face Dude your a disgrace Can't one shot him Survival rate of you pokemon looking grim Round 2 I Choose you Machamp in the game looks like you are screwed O thats a nice bunch You ready for a Dynamic Punch Get blasted and confused Tsk You got one-shot I aint amused Come out medicham Watch your back he used body slam Good job now jump in the air High Jump Kick that stupid bear Look what you did he now quakes in fear Throh delete that slowbro Knock his item off and get him to half life You got burned your gonna get hurt yo yeah stall some time and use dive But that wont work against him Cuz he will throh you in the sky and get the win Lucha libre Hawlucha entering the ring One shot you with sky attack Wanna try another tact Don't bother cuz your skills are wack And thats a fact Stop crying complaining and telling me that i hacked Enough of this Time to show you your place So i will Blow you a kiss And Jab you in the face Got the toxicroak being toxic and all Watch your ace pokemon fall Please stop trying to stall Flinch you with my fake out Toxicroak is the best there is no doubt He be punching you non stop Better call a cop Watch your pokemons hp drop As their bones go POP Better head to the pokeshop You need them potions cuz you aint that hot Come again whenever you want I will keeping winning by K.O One-Shot!
  10. Sorry what did you say? How was my day?? O it was pretty kay. Twisted my ankle but hey! Thank you for asking and not staying away! :D

  11. MrLGFD


    using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Beweeg1 : MonoBehaviour { //grenzen public float linkerkant; public float rechterkant; public Transform schietObj; //springhoogte public float springHoogte; //positie van de grond public float onder; //loopsnelheid public float snelheid; // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { //horizontaal beweging if (transform.position.x + Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime * snelheid > linkerkant && transform.position.x + Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime * snelheid < rechterkant) { transform.Translate(Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal")* Time.deltaTime * snelheid ,0,0); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("space")) { Instantiate (schietObj, new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 0,0), Quaternion.identity); } } }
  12. Hey whats up Arthur nice to meet ya! Look no further because I want some friends to ha-ha! But enjoy your stay We at reborn are pretty much a cozy family So don't stay away And the best part is that its FREE!!! Hope you enjoy your stay with us man And I hope you will become my number 1 fan :wub:
  13. I was wondering If i could get a new card with my new team I decided I will go ham cheese and bacon on this and go with the BoneBreakers If its possible I would like to have the fighting theme with the sprite I got now (signature) If it isn't possible i don't mind still thx
  14. 38 Next time huh Well that's fine Btw that chespin aint yours! ITS MINE
  15. 34 *Records Link Dancing and sells the clip on ebay*
  16. Welcome to the club haku. So you are a noob to forms? Don't Sweat it I am to! I hope you will enjoy your stay. If you don't well then you are gonna pay!!!!
  17. Cuz I get presents,I can eat all i want and everyone is having fun! What do you think you will get this christmas?
  18. tfw you wake up and realize class started 2 hours ago...
  19. Santa Gon Give it to ya Coming all the way from the northern pole Santa Gon Deliver it to ya Knock knock you open up the door who is there O its just your papa with the christmas feel

  20. Friend:"bet you cant make a santa song with a dmx song!" Challenge accepted

  21. Fighters Breaking jaws. Why cant you understand they have no flaws. they dont need no claws.Cuz in the end they will always be the boss!

    1. Juniper


      You can't fight ghosts,

      With the immunities they boast,

      You'll respect them the most,

      First and foremost.

  22. Welcome to the club. You are amazing for introducing yourself thats pretty cool. Juuzou made fun of your name? What a fool. Sure her your true strength and use your Cosmic Power! With that All Will Cower!!! Muahahahahahaha HA! ( I'm sorry couldn't let it slide. Il just run and you know hide)
  23. Camel balls... Really?? Sigh... sometimes I wonder why I work there.

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