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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by andrew5629

  1. I have a love-hate relationship with Insurgence. I absolutely love the gameplay of Insurgence. Their megas, deltas, form changes, custom moves, etc are fun to play with and I love how nice the EV training and level grinding system is. Insurgence is great competitive wise when it comes to actually training up mons. It's a very streamlined process and there are always other ways to train up pokemon without making you start over (i.e IV stones if you don't want to change your Pokemon out). Their mapping is pretty nice and I love the various unique tidbits in the map thats pretty fun (black market, pika cab, the pokemon roulette thing that can change nature, shinyness, held item, etc). Boss battles are fun too and I like how the mega pokemon usually match the character associated with them and provide a fun little challenge. The addition of different modes (not playing with delta pokemon, dark/light story mode, easy/hard mode, & different lockes and gameplay restrictions built into the game) are also pretty welcome. Unfortunately, that's where my love for Insurgence stops. Nora and Damian I could care less for, most of the NPCs are pretty dry, routes becomes chores, and overall I find myself rushing through the game because nothing really makes me want to stay in a particular city or explore. Some of the mapping is extremely inconvenient and sometimes doesn't feature good game design (one example in particular is climbing Helios Tower but having to cut through the black market, the sewers, and then outside just to heal). The story was great and especially picked up from 2nd-3rd gym. With the new version being released (4th-6th gym) however, the story sort of fell flat. The cults aren't really convincing especially when civilians seem to be completely okay, the lack of logic in certain parts of the storyline, no real feeling of being threatened (cultists get legendaries but nothing feels dire), etc. The one thing about Insurgence is that they are extremely talented in their coding department, adding in features of core Pokemon games easily. It shows how you can really push the envelope regarding RGSS and how people can really push their boundaries past the base Pokemon essentials kit that everyone has. I hope it will eventually inspire some creators on here (whether its Reborn, Rejuvenation, or other progressing fan games) to add in some features that may not be existent in other games
  2. I had this issue when I was playing Rejuvenation in Terajuma Jungle and turns out the same issue applies here. I believe you have Windows 10 right? I don't know why this doesn't apply for a lot of users, but the issue is that the music files have trouble playing correctly in game and somehow end up messing up the game and crashing. This happened to me when I went into Terajuma Jungle in Rejuvenation and after the title sequence in Desolation. To fix this, go into your folder, then Audio, then BGM, and then delete the music file for the beach which should be "Feeling-Native.mp3". There will be no music playing in that area but you will be able to play the game properly. If the issue happens in other games, try to locate the bgm music for that area and delete it.
  3. Oh okay, the way someone made it sound, it was a shiny or something ._. I came here because of the puzzle itself because I had the game downloaded ages ago, but I found out there was a patch at the time I posted and I almost cried.
  4. This game shows SO MUCH PROMISE ASLKDJASD I didn't actually know that this was updated, so I went through the entire game glitches and all ._. Pre-nerf Fire Fern wasn't that bad for me (ssh I have a frogadier), funny how the Fletchinder gave me the most trouble. I did do the Bidoof puzzle, and a room opened up and I got a certain item, do I have to do something else or is my 'reward' completely useless as of right now?
  5. andrew5629


    I don't understand actually. I'm assuming you're playing on Insane difficulty? If you didn't want to get that much of a challenge, you could've gone with Reborn difficulty or even Easy mode. A competitive mindset revolves around using the right pokemon for the job and whatnot. While we're used to switching Pokemon for wifi battles and whatnot, it is a bit of a new thing to switch pokemon around during your main story. But that's the fun about it. It literally promotes the idea of learning from your mistakes and building on them rather than to avoid them. It isn't even Jan completely limiting your options, tons of Pokemon to catch that can literally counter everything about Amber's team. I'm glad Jan didn't put up a counter for literally everything and left some spots for Pokemon to have a fair chance.
  6. Go back to the battlefield and walk through it to find a dimensional rift to take you back.
  7. iirc somebody did look at it, and did the math. Simply speaking, the randomizer draws a number between 1-19, 1-18 representing the starters and 19 representing the three starters. Then I believe once you draw 19, it draws AGAIN from a bigger number and 3 of those represent the rare starters. If it doesn't draw the number for Eevee, Axew, or Ralts, it resets. So roughly speaking, its rarer than a shiny.
  8. I believe Indriad is connected to Angie, probably taking the poor woman and brainwashing her. Neved is definitely mysterious though, we only encounter him in the beginning on the ship and on Blacksteeple Prison/Castle. Do we really know his role? What position does he hold in Team Xen and what is his relevance?
  9. Was away for three days, sorry about that, but let's get into some of the other characters! Neved Neved is one interesting character. We find out about him during the Blacksteeple Castle saga, where he explains that Emma (Melia) reminds him a lot of his daughter. Just who is Neved? Why is he so pro-Team Xen? Also discuss his connections to these following characters:
  10. Since everybody seems to have the same general idea of Melia, I think I'll move onto another character pretty soon. But before that, what do we see Melia actually doing in the upcoming plot?
  11. Oopsies, guess I didn't read that correctly. I feel like Melia, Madame X, and Marianette are all the same, but represents different age groups. Marianette could be the young girl that obeys her father and remains that way, Melia could the older one who freed herself from her father and represents the good, and Madame X could the older one who felt she has lost all hope and decided to become evil to fulfill her goals. If I want to go on a stretch, I could say that Crescent separated them so that the good side (Melia and Marianette) could live while the evil (Madame X) could be vanquished.
  12. With Version 6 released, we have gotten an updated plot and some additional events. With the drastic change and some plot progression (ending Act 1), where do our heroes go? That's what we're here to discuss. I'll start off with a character and we discuss their connections to the other characters as well as possible speculation of what will happen to them later on in the future. To keep this thread pretty active, I'll introduce a different character to talk about when our discussion has run its course or the thread has become inactive. First up, we have a character who arguably imo is the most important character to the central plot. She was introduced to us very early and has been with us for the majority of the plot. Now with Act 1 concluded and the pace of the story speeding up, what is in store for this certain person/people? Melia Melia has been with us since the beginning, being introduced to us as a girl with special powers (To attract shiny Pokemon). We accompany her to Goldenwood Forest where our first encounter with Team Xen sheds more light about her. For some reason, Team Xen wants her, BAD. Why? We don't know. Early on, we find out that she is adopted by Professor Jenner and has been brought to him by Team Xen's Madelis. Later on in the plot, we learn that Melia is needed by Madame X for a purpose. Because she was incompatible with her plans, she creates Zetta from a Solosis. Along with this, we also have the fact that Melia might be connected to Marianette in some way. In the prologue, we learn that a young Marianette has been sacrificed to Arceus along with her mother. However, when Angie tries to do the same to Melia, we learn that Melia is connected to Marianette as she feels "as if I experienced it before". Just who is Melia? And what connections does she have with these people? Possible discussion also pertaining to Melia:
  13. Just to clarify, I couldn't enter Terajuma at all. It didnt even give me a message. In xXx007Xx's case, it seemed like he was able to enter but a specfic area is giving him trouble. What exact area was it? Maybe its not the Terajuma file but a different music file/sound effect that could be causing the crash.
  14. Thank you so much Jan! I knew I should've just not rush but it was too late.
  15. I was playing through all happy and Ren got me stuck on the fence because I talked to him from the side. WhoopsGame.rxdata
  16. My starter Snivy is a shiny right now, and I also have a Shiny Trubbish and Shiny Meditite. In my main file I got two Skorupi shinies back to back and I believe I also had a couple more but I don't remember.
  17. Ok I just beat Keta and some of my thoughts: The story is MUCH CLEARER. I can't stress this enough. Everything makes sense and the slight plot change is very welcome. The fights are much more balanced. Keta is definitely much easier but Gale Strike is much more threatening. If you use Duskull (at this point where it can be purified) you can gain access to Will-O-Wisp before level 30, and you also have an option of a Meditite in Amethyst Cave. THE GRAPHIC SKLASDJKLASDJLKASDJLKASD You can actually beat Shadow Mewtwo! I don't know what that does for you but I stalled it out and it shadow killed itself.
  18. Okay so I'm legit curious. In the split where I get magma drift, I fight Kyogre, in the split where I enter through Crawli's place, I ended up not fighting him. Is a split thing or is the fight optional? I would think its to get the HQ key but I didnt get one in the file I didnt fight Kyogre. Also has the Odd Key seen any implementation yet?
  19. So I've made myself a deal that either I get my mother******* Ralts/Axew or a shiny, whichever comes first. Welp. When shinies appear more often than the secret jackpot pokemon, RIP. At least its speed and attack stat is near perfect, this is SCREAMING physical attacker to me, but I'm going to have fun with leaf storm contrary tbh.
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