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94 Samaritan

About ProjectIceman

  • Birthday 12/16/1990

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  • Location
    Gehenna Region (Ominous...)
  • Interests
    Pokemon, YouTube, Anime, and Wrestling (WWE) slightly.

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  1. Thank you as well. I just recently had a similar problem LOL
  2. So I apparently did an oops when it came to the DJ Arclight Sidequest. I ended up doing the main story with Ame before returning everyone's Pokemon. I didn't realize that I was supposed to do it before. Does that mean I can never complete it since DJ Arclight is injured? Or will I need to return to it at a later date?
  3. Amethyst: "Hello my children. I have come to feed you." Me:
  4. Amethyst: "Hello my children. I have come to feed you." Me:
  5. Heya everyone! I wanted to show people a LP that I have been doing for a while (from 2017...I was so young back then LOL) that got a version update a while ago. Pokemon Apex, a game that is really interesting, fairly difficult, and has a great variety of puzzles (some harder than others). I'll leave the link to the playlist and if people are interested, I will put the link to the individual videos as well. Just thought this game needed some more, well deserved, exposure and hope my videos here will do that. ProjectIceman's Pokemon Apex Lets Play Playlist
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