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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Nagalfar

  1. That's a good choice ! Take care of that little larvae ! :3
  2. Right now if you're here ! I'm waiting for the request. Name's the same !
  3. I have a larvesta for you ! No beldum though, sorry.
  4. That's a cool idea ! Unfortunately, i am on EUW, so i won't be a part of this, but i hope you'll get to have good matches !
  5. Just chilling on the forum... It's calm and slow-paced even if it's a big one, you don't have the feeling to drown in the new posts. That feels nice, even if it's a little sad.

  6. Nagalfar

    Blast Powder

    Don't worry, that's a pleasure ! Yeah, it can be bought, but i find it excessively expensive for just one more chance to mine a rock, ah ah.
  7. Nagalfar

    Blast Powder

    You can find Blast powder by pick up (Refer to the Pickup table on the site for that) or buying them for 2500$/piece at the 7th street at Lapis Ward. With that you can finish diging the special rocks made for mining, letting you mine them a second time !
  8. That was weird yep. But it's done ! Good luck for your Honedge :3
  9. I don't have any Honedge, but i can give you a Larvesta, if you're still here !
  10. I wouldn't recommend toxic facade on Darmanitan either. If you want a little boost in speed the choice scarf is a good option. And choice band hits like a truck
  11. I have a habit to choose favorites characters that either die or are revealed to be traitors very, veeery often.

    This week's episode of Persona 5 the animation just proved that to me again...

    I need to stop trusting these guys (>TwT)>

    1. Dreamy


      I mean its probably partially because these characters are designed to be more likeable so that when these things happen, it has a bigger impact on people

    2. Nagalfar


      You might have a point ! 


  12. Nagalfar too in Reborn, yup ! EDIT : Done ! Thank you very much, that will be a great help for me~♪
  13. No problem ! I gave a starpiece then. I'm waiting the request :3
  14. I am ! What do you want for the trade ? The shiny one or the 6iv ?
  15. It's a pretty unoriginal request, but... Well. I am currently searching a 6 IV ditto for breeding purposes (mainly for genderless pokemon, they're just so annoying...) I haven't much to propose except some Turtwigs, 6IV or shiny 5 IV (X Spe Def) with Seed Bomb
  16. That's good then ! Amaria... The only time i battled her, i must admit i used a ton of X items, but Torterra worked wonders against her, her Rotom in solos can"t do anything against it once you've stalled all the hydropumps. But that field is a nightmare, i agree with you 100% I fear Bisharp will get destroyed by that Lapras... It has terrible bulk in my opinion, and even if you can set up a swords dance, i have my doubts that he can OS it. Ampharos can be used for setting an electric field i suppose ! That can help, if he can stand a hit. Other than that, i must admit i haven't other ideas.
  17. Wow. I didn't know some of my pawniards had some uses other than for breeding purposes. Glad it found a home ! Congrats on beating Adrienn, and good luck for Titania !
  18. There~♪ Thanks for the Joltik, i didn't even have this little guy :'3
  19. Sure ! Your alias in game is Salomon too ?
  20. I got two females, just for you~♪
  21. I think i received one of yours yesterday then ? Thanks to you, or to the person who gave it, i already adopted and trained it ! I hope it will help me with the new episode. Nice shinies by the way !
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