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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Nagalfar

  1. We won't let them take our number èwé 169
  2. Want to talk and post things, but i don't know about what. *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nagalfar


      Hmm. In fact i'd love to post some of my pokémon fusions, i've been searching for one topic about pixel art for a few days but i don't find one.

      Thanks for reminding me though, and everyone seems so nice around here :3 I should dig some topics, that forum is a big one o/

      Without necroposting of course.

    3. Peepeepoopoo


      Sod all of that, come count with us in the Onyx Arcade :^)

    4. Nagalfar


      Meh :calim:

      Okay, let's reach insane numbers before a moderator come >:3

      Nothing better to do i guess :calim:

  3. Flying for me, birdies everywhere! -Hawlucha -Talonflame -Gliscor -Altaria -Thundurus or Artikodin -Yanmega
  4. Zzzz... 65... It's going pretty fast here, hmm?
  5. I just listen to this song and repeat it, again and again when i play it ^.^ Ideal for having a burst of energy for me. And a broken voice.
  6. Thanks buddy! New and healthy, going for the top of the forum! Er... Well, no, not a good intro =w= Maw, that's a shame, everyone should be able to do that: And thanks for the advices! Yup, from the little that i played for the moment i'd say you're totaly right, but i would admit that's harder than the actual games, and that's a great thing, more challenge P-permanent? Are you going to lock myself in the forum, forever? :fear: Bah, doesn't bother me, do so <3 Thank you \o/
  7. Grmblr. New achievement get: confound the "what's on your mind?" for a research option. Rrah. :calim:

  8. Yup yup, i understood that, sure a motorcycle wouldn't be as relaxing for that kind of trip :3
  9. Shed...? Hmm, i'd rather not know what's in there... Yup, Buddha Snorlax is very classy in this one!
  10. Oh, okay, didn't know that :3 Yeah, it's normal then. We can't be everywhere at the same time. Don't really get these grades since we haven't exactly that system, but that is high school more or less, right?
  11. A trip at bike? Sounds interesting. I don't think i am suited for that kind of thing, but it would be an enjoyable experience. This is like gaining some liberty to wander around with no particular goal
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